Removal of the vascular network on the legs. Video

Removal of the vascular network on the legs. Video

The appearance of a vascular mesh on the legs is by no means only a cosmetic problem that spoils the appearance of the skin. This is the first sign of beginning vascular problems, which should not be delayed with treatment. There are both folk and medical methods of dealing with asterisks, the effectiveness of which largely depends on the degree of intensity of the manifestation of the mesh.

How to get rid of the vascular network

How to get rid of the vascular network using folk methods

As a tonic that helps relieve swelling, pain and reduce the manifestations of the vascular network, use warm foot baths from a decoction of oregano and oak bark. To do this, in a liter of boiling water, you need to brew two tablespoons of raw materials in a water bath, strain the broth after a quarter of an hour and add it to a container with warm water. The legs must be immersed in it up to the knee and kept in the broth until it cools.

Among the remedies that can be used to treat the vascular network are aloe and Kalanchoe. The recipe for their use is quite simple: half a jar with a volume of 0,5 liters is filled with crushed foliage of one of the plants, the rest of the container is filled with boiled water. For a week it is necessary to insist the leaves, periodically shaking them. After straining, you need to wipe the problem areas of the skin with the resulting solution twice a day for two to three months.

The disadvantage is that most of the folk remedies for the vascular network on the legs remove the effect, not the cause. The mesh disappears, but problems with the vessels remain, so it is best to consult a phlebologist

Laser coagulation of the vascular network

This is the most reliable method of dealing with this problem, the essence of which lies in the action of a laser wave of a certain frequency, due to which a special hemoglobin reaction occurs in the damaged vessels, from which the walls of the capillaries stick together and the visible skin defect disappears. The advantage of the technique is its complete painlessness and the absence of a long rehabilitation period. Since the laser does not damage the skin, but penetrates through its layers, there are no traces of the operation, except for a slight redness, which disappears after a couple of weeks. In this case, the vascular mesh from the body disappears irrevocably.

How to prevent spider veins on your legs

Any disease is easier to suppress at an early stage, and problems with blood vessels are no exception. So that later you do not have to look for ways to get rid of the vascular network, you need to remember simple rules regarding the risk of their occurrence:

  • physical activity prevents blood stagnation;
  • excess weight and uncomfortable shoes contribute to poor circulation;
  • with spider veins and mesh already present, exposure to the sun can aggravate the situation.

Read also an interesting article on how to get rid of cellulite at home.

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