Removal of the IUD

The intrauterine device (IUD) is an effective method of preventing unwanted pregnancy. The coil looks like a small spring, stick or plate with antennae, which is made of different materials (it is important to check with the doctor before installation). To date, there are about fifty varieties of intrauterine devices, which differ both in materials and in shape. The installed spiral inside the uterus prevents the process of fixing the egg on its walls.

The peculiarity of this method is that it is effective for 5-10 years in a row. After the expiration date, the coil must be removed. It is important to remove the IUD on time, as it can grow into the walls of the uterus and lead to a number of serious consequences and complications.

When to remove an intrauterine device

Removal of the IUD is a gynecological procedure that is performed to properly remove the contraceptive from the uterine cavity. To date, there are several reasons that are indicative of the removal of the spiral from the uterine cavity.

The expiration date is indicated on the packaging of the device or in the instructions for use, the doctor is obliged to advise the patient on this issue. Most types of IUDs are installed for a period of three to five years, but there are also modern ones that can operate without harm to a woman’s body from seven to ten years.

Copper coils slowly release copper into the body – they are put in for about 10 years. A hormonal type of device is installed for a maximum of 5 years. If the packaging did not find information about the service life of the contraceptive, then you need to take the default time – 5 years. At the end of the term of the IUD, it must be removed so as not to provoke the occurrence of inflammatory processes that adversely affect the woman’s health.

The expulsion of the IUD is, in other words, the displacement of the helix. If the device has shifted, it can no longer fully perform its contraceptive functions. Most often, if there is a displacement of the IUD, it falls out of the vagina on its own.

If there is an offset, the device must be removed and manipulated to install a new one. It is important to understand that a new spiral must be installed, while it is strictly forbidden to install the old one. When re-installing the IUD, it is necessary that the gynecologist select an alternative method of contraception at the time of adaptation of the uterus to the device.

Pregnancy with the presence of an IUD in the vagina – it should be understood that the spiral cannot guarantee the prevention of pregnancy, like other types of contraception:

  • barrier contraceptives;
  • vaginal and cervical diaphragms;
  • chemical contraceptives;
  • hormonal contraceptives, etc.

If there is even the slightest suspicion of pregnancy, it is recommended to urgently contact a gynecologist.

Pregnancy planning – for every woman, pregnancy after the removal of the spiral can occur at different times, for whom fertilization occurs almost immediately, and for whom it will take a whole year. There is no need to take any breaks to restore the endometrium after the removal of the contraceptive – if the woman is completely healthy, you can safely proceed to action.

The formation and growth of a benign neoplasm (fibromas, fibroids) – the presence of a small benign formation in the uterine cavity is not a contraindication to the installation of a spiral, provided that the formation has not changed the shape of the uterus. But if a fibroid or fibroids grows after inserting an IUD, the contraceptive device must be removed.

The presence of acute inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system of a woman – any inflammatory process in the pelvic area is an indicator of the removal of the IUD in order to prevent the development of serious complications.

Among the indications for the removal of the spiral are also found: diagnosing the presence of malignant tumors in the pelvic organs, regular uterine bleeding, the presence of gonorrhea.

Preparing for deletion

It is recommended to refrain from sexual contact 7 days before the procedure in order to exclude the possibility of becoming pregnant – spermatozoa are active for several days, therefore, under all favorable conditions (ovulation and removal of the IUD), an unwanted pregnancy may occur. You can remove the spiral on any day of the cycle, but it is recommended in the first days of menstruation.

Algorithm for removing the spiral from the uterine cavity

The procedure is painless, easy and fast, provided that there were no complications during the period of using the IUD. Removal is carried out on an outpatient sterile basis and exclusively by a gynecologist. It is strictly forbidden to carry out the procedure yourself!

The spiral is usually removed in the first days of the menstrual cycle. The gynecologist, before proceeding with the procedure, examines the woman as carefully as possible at the time of complications, if everything is in order, the procedure will not take much time and effort: the doctor will simply gently pull the spiral strings. Before the procedure, the gynecologist treats the vagina with a three percent hydrogen peroxide solution and treats it twice with an antiseptic in order to prevent infection from entering the woman’s reproductive system (during menstruation, it is minimally protected).

If the strings break off, the doctor can use a special hook to grab the device – this manipulation is carried out under ultrasound so as not to touch the walls of the uterus. If complications are observed, then the spiral can be removed by abdominal surgery through the abdominal cavity. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia. After the manipulations to remove the spiral are completed, the doctor takes a smear from the vagina for a cytological examination.

If all procedures are performed in a clinic and with the help of an experienced gynecologist, no complications arise after the removal of the spiral. The correct removal technique is uncomplicated and completely painless.

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