Removal of papillomas with a laser

Papillomas are small skin lesions that most often appear on the chest, neck, armpits, eyelids, or groin. These growths on thin legs adversely affect the appearance of a person and can bring discomfort. In some cases, papillomas appear singly, and sometimes in whole colonies.

Given that neoplasms on the skin are of a viral nature, they must be treated. The most effective way to treat papillomas is laser removal. Even if the growths do not affect the quality of life in any way and are not noticeable to others, their appearance cannot be ignored – this threatens with negative health consequences.

Why are papillomas dangerous?

Usually, the appearance of skin formations is preceded by a situation that caused a decrease in immunity. It can be a cold, severe stress, hypothermia, exacerbation of chronic ailments, and much more. In some cases, the “awakening” of the papillomavirus occurs during pregnancy.

It is almost impossible to determine the moment the virus enters the body – it can live quite peacefully in a person for decades and manifest itself only if adverse factors coincide that have reduced protective functions. Today, about 130 types of HPV are known to science. The danger lies in the fact that 10 of them have the ability to malignant transformation. That is, a small and imperceptible growth on the skin can cause the development of a serious illness.

In some cases, after a certain time period, papillomas disappear on their own – when the body’s defenses are renewed. Most often, this phenomenon is observed in young and healthy women who have encountered a problem during pregnancy – after childbirth, the growths begin to dry out and soon disappear. But you can not let the course of the disease take its course – it is important to contact a specialist in a timely manner, who will select the most appropriate method of therapy.

Attempts to eliminate neoplasms on their own can have negative consequences – ranging from infection of the wound to the rapid spread of papillomas in healthy areas of the body. Improper treatment of HPV can cause a relapse of the disease.

During laser removal, not only the body of the build-up itself is subject to destruction, but pathological elements – that very thin leg. Thanks to this, the risk of recurrence is reduced by 85%.

Advantages of laser removal of papillomas

In modern medicine, several methods are used to cleanse human skin from growths, but the laser technique is considered the most effective and safe. Let’s highlight the main advantages of this technique:

  • under the influence of a laser beam, all cells of the neoplasm die, including the base and leg;
  • the procedure is completely bloodless – the beam heats up and cuts off the capillaries, instantly sealing them;
  • the use of a laser beam makes it possible to achieve complete sterility – surgical instruments do not come into contact with the body, which completely eliminates the possibility of accidental infection during the operation;
  • the technique has a minimum number of contraindications;
  • During the procedure, the patient experiences little or no pain. In some cases, local anesthesia is used;
  • after removal, there are no scars and scars. If the build-up was extensive enough, a barely noticeable trace may remain.

How to prepare for the procedure

Special preparation for the procedure is not required. Usually papillomas are removed on an outpatient basis in one day. The patient must take responsibility for choosing a medical or beauty parlor that provides this service and make sure that the necessary certificates and licenses are available.

Experts recommend 10-14 days before the scheduled session to remove papillomas, refuse to visit the solarium and use sunscreen when walking outdoors. In addition, during the preparatory period it is recommended to avoid contact with household chemicals. If the growths are located on the face or neck, it is advisable to stop using decorative cosmetics.

Features of the procedure

The process of excision of growths is quite fast – it takes no more than 5 minutes for one neoplasm. Papilloma is burned out in layers by a laser beam. Before starting the procedure, the specialist adjusts the equipment to the desired frequency, intensity and depth of exposure – these parameters directly depend on the nature of the skin formations of a particular patient. In parallel with the laser beam, the cooling systems of the unit act on the treated area, which protects against burns on adjacent skin areas.

In the place where the skin growth was located, a small wound remains, which must be immediately disinfected. Additionally, healing and antiseptic agents can be applied.

If there are single papillomas in a small amount on the patient’s body, they are all removed in one session. If the skin lesions are extensive and we are talking about numerous colonies of neoplasms, several procedures are necessary.

Rehabilitation after the procedure

The period of complete healing of the wound from papilloma takes from 7 to 14 days. At this time, the patient may notice the appearance of edema or redness, which quickly disappear without the use of additional therapy. It is forbidden to rip off or lubricate with any substances a dense crust formed over the wound – it will fall off on its own.

Complete healing of the skin is noted after 28-30 days – at this point, the trace of the procedure becomes completely invisible. Before this period, it is not recommended to visit the pool or sauna, and you should also stop sunbathing.

Contraindications for the procedure

Which patients should refuse laser removal of papillomas? Contraindication is pregnancy, herpes infection in the active stage, the period of breastfeeding, the presence of a history of diseases such as diabetes, HIV and AIDS.

If the patient has just returned from a vacation on the sea coast, the specialist will recommend postponing the procedure 3-4 weeks later – a fresh tan is a relative contraindication.

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