Removal of ovarian cysts

The ovaries are paired organs that are located in the pelvic area, the process of development and maturation of eggs takes place in them. These organs are responsible for the production of sex hormones in women. An ovarian cyst is a fairly common disease. A cyst is a bubble-like cavity with limited walls, inside which fluid accumulates.

These formations can occur singly or in multiple quantities. There are such types of ovarian cysts: endometrioma (overgrown endometrial tissue in the ovary), paraovarian (formed above the ovary from its appendage), dermoid (dense neoplasm, inside which fragments of hair, fat, etc. can be determined), luteal (accumulation of fluid in the corpus luteum after ovulation), follicular (formation from the corpus luteum and follicle).

One of the main reasons for the appearance of neoplasms is hormonal imbalance in women. It is worth noting that the formation of a cystic type can occur against the background of inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system and sexually transmitted diseases, against the background of impaired functioning of the thyroid gland, and also due to impaired metabolism.

Most often, outwardly cystic formations do not manifest themselves in any way. But if suppuration is observed, a sharp increase in formation, difficult urination, a sharp increase in body temperature (or a temperature within 37 degrees is observed for a long period), a violation of the menstrual cycle, aching pain in the lower abdomen.

It is important to pay attention to the dangerous symptoms that indicate an exacerbation of ovarian cysts – general malaise, frequent vomiting, severe nausea, high body temperature, acute abdomen syndrome.

An asymptomatic disease can be determined during a routine gynecological examination, after which the patient is sent for an ultrasound scan and for a series of blood and urine tests.

Functional cysts can resolve on their own within 3-4 months. If self-elimination does not occur, doctors prescribe a variety of treatments, including surgery. The conservative method of treatment includes hormonal drugs, oral contraceptives, anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamins, diet and physiotherapy.

Surgery can be performed using one of the following methods:

  • andexectomy – excision of a cyst with appendages and an ovary;
  • ovariectomy – excision of the cyst in combination with the ovary, while leaving the appendages;
  • resection – involves the excision of a cyst with part of the ovary;
  • cystectomy – involves husking the cyst with further gluing of its walls.

What type of surgical intervention is best done, the doctor decides based on the examinations of the woman.

Laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst

Laparoscopy is considered the least traumatic method of cyst removal. Before the procedure, the patient’s abdominal cavity is filled with a special gas in order to separate the abdominal wall from the organs and give the doctor access to the neoplasm. The procedure is performed either under local or general anesthesia. In the navel area, a gynecologist or surgeon makes several punctures through which a laparoscope and other instruments will be inserted into the abdominal cavity, with the help of which the excision will be performed. The laparoscope allows the doctor to visually determine the condition of the ovary and remove the neoplasm without damaging other vital organs. After a successful procedure, all instruments are removed from the cavity, gas is released, and stitches are applied to the puncture site.

The total duration of the procedure takes an average of 40 minutes, and taking into account all the preparatory procedures and time for anesthesia – up to 3 hours.

After laparoscopy, the recovery process occurs quickly and without much rehabilitation. In total, a woman will be able to return to her normal rhythm of life after 1 month.

Complications after removal of an ovarian cyst

It is worth noting that complications after surgery are observed in 1 out of 100 women. The most serious complication is trauma to organs during the operation. Damage to organs can occur due to their incorrect location or the presence of intra-abdominal pathology.

Another type of complication is infection. It can occur due to the presence of low immunity, chronic infectious diseases. As a preventive measure, a complete examination of the patient is carried out. It is important that the surgeon is prepared to deal with complications in the initial stages. But do not worry too much, the procedure in most cases is carried out without further complications.

Rehabilitation after removal of an ovarian cyst

After the surgical intervention regarding the excision of the ovarian cyst, it is important to carefully and regularly treat dissected wounds on the abdomen, wear a bandage, limit yourself from physical exertion and heavy lifting. The doctor prescribes drug therapy, which avoids relapse and the development of inflammatory and infectious diseases. Also, during the rehabilitation period, you need to include in your diet light food without spicy, sour, smoked and salty. For the recovery period, you need to completely abandon alcohol.

If after the operation there will be severe pain in the lower abdomen, high fever, reddening of the sutures, discharge with bloody streaks and other uncomfortable sensations, you should urgently consult a doctor.

A scheduled consultation and examination is carried out 2-3 weeks after the removal of the ovarian cyst.

Timely removal of the neoplasm does not affect the woman’s further ability to carry out and endure pregnancy (if the ovary and its appendages have been preserved).

When an ovary is removed, a woman’s ability to become pregnant is reduced by exactly 50% (provided that the second ovary functions correctly and full hormonal support of the body is attributed).

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