Removal of neoplasms of the stomach and duodenum

Benign tumors of the duodenum and stomach are neoplasms that are located on the mucous organs and have relatively favorable prognosis.

Some neoplasms can go from benign to malignant, and malignant tumors are known to be dangerous to the whole body.

Symptoms of benign tumors in the duodenum and stomach

Symptoms directly depend on the type of tumors, volumes, absence or presence of their expression. Usually, benign neoplasms are asymptomatic and their detection occurs either during a routine examination or against the background of the diagnosis of other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Most often you can find formations called polyps. Polyposis, in turn, has the following symptoms: aching and pulling pains in the abdomen that occur immediately after eating or after 1-3 hours; severe attacks of nausea and vomiting, sometimes with blood impurities; frequent belching of air or food; frequent bouts of heartburn; alternating loose stools with constipation; dizziness, fatigue, weakness, which can be triggered by bleeding polyps.

Another type of benign formations is leiomyomas, which usually occur asymptomatically, and only when necrosis begins to develop, bleeding is observed with the following symptoms: iron deficiency anemia; sharp weight loss; dizziness and weakness.

Reasons for the appearance of benign formations

The development of benign neoplasms in the duodenum and stomach is facilitated by: reduced immunity; poor environmental performance; irrational and unbalanced nutrition; bad habits; related predisposition; the presence of Helicobacter pylori bacteria in the stomach; the presence of chronic gastritis or inflammatory processes.

The reason for the development of neoplasms has not yet been reliably established, but all doctors unanimously say that if you ignore the treatment of polyps and leiomyomas, you can provoke their degeneration into malignant tumors, as well as the development of complications (necrosis, etc.).

Forms of benign tumors

In medicine, there are several varieties of polyps and leiomyomas, which have their own characteristics and characteristics. Gastric polyps are neoplasms of an oval or spherical shape on a stalk with a dense or soft texture. Types of polyps:

  • single;
  • multiple;
  • polyposis (the formation of a large number of polyps that cannot be counted with accuracy) – adenomatous polyposis (originates from the glandular epithelium, can degenerate into cancerous formations), hyperplastic polyposis (tumor-like polyps with low risks of malignancy), Metrier’s disease (precancerous condition of polyposis);
  • inflammatory fibrous polyposis (contain a large number of blood cells).

Among other forms of benign tumors, it is worth noting:

  • fibroma – a tumor of connective tissues;
  • angioma – a tumor consisting of blood vessels;
  • neurinoma – a tumor consisting of nerve tissues;
  • lipoma – a tumor consisting of submucosal tissues;
  • leiomyoma is a tumor of muscle tissue.

Diagnosis of diseases

For any discomfort in the abdomen, it is recommended to consult a doctor, and it is also important to undergo a diagnostic examination once a year in order to determine the growth of neoplasms in time. The doctor analyzes complaints and anamnesis of diseases – when discomfort first appeared in the abdomen, pain, belching, vomiting, bitterness in the mouth, sudden weight loss, fatigue, dizziness, blood in the vomit and feces.

The doctor connects all complaints with the patient’s life history – the presence of chronic gastrointestinal diseases, a genetic tendency to the manifestation of neoplasms, recent viral or inflammatory diseases; recent surgical interventions, the presence of bad habits. Based on the results of an objective examination and questioning of the patient, the doctor prescribes a number of laboratory tests: KLA, OAM, stool analysis.

At the same time, he writes out to the patient a referral for the passage of: esophagogastroduodenoscopy (examination of the internal state of the esophagus, duodenum, stomach is carried out using a special flexible endoscope); diagnosing Helicobacter pylori through the use of a breath test; x-ray of the abdominal cavity, ultrasound diagnostics of the abdominal organs; CT to determine tumor formations; MRI is the most accurate diagnosis of changes in the structure of the stomach and duodenum.

Treatment of benign tumors

Neoplasms of a benign type in the stomach and duodenum are not treated with medication (useless manipulations), one of the surgical methods is selected for treatment. If during the diagnostic period polyps are found in sizes up to 30 millimeters, a gastroscope is used for removal. During the procedure, the polyp is cut along the stem and removed. Without fail, the obtained excised tissues are given for histological examination to confirm the benign formation. If diffuse polyposis is noted, then an abdominal operation is performed with excision of part of the stomach or duodenum (resection).

It is important to consider that all surgical interventions are performed under general anesthesia and under the supervision of an experienced anesthetist.

It is important to undergo a course of drug therapy after surgery: proton pump inhibitors will not allow active production of gastric juice (allow wounds to heal after excision); anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antibiotic drugs that allow you to destroy all viruses and pathogenic microorganisms.

Complications after surgical treatment

Most often, the procedure is positive, but there are situations with relapses. All patients who have undergone surgery should be regularly examined. Among the complications it is worth noting (rarely encountered): infringement of the polyp; bleeding; the formation of ulcers; stenosis; tumor perforation; malignant tumors. Most often, these complications occur during relapse.

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