Removal of moles (birthmarks) – indications. The price of surgical and laser removal of birthmarks

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Removal of moles (birthmarks) should always take place when the lesion is morbid. Of course, you can also get rid of birthmarks when they do not suit us only in terms of aesthetics.

Do you need to remove moles?

Let’s start with what they are moles. They are also called pigmented moles. These are places where pigment cells have accumulated, known as melanocytes. Tendency to have moles in most cases we inherit.

If the appearance or condition mole raises our doubts, it’s worth it remove. Experts emphasize that you have to remove, among others moleswhich are irritated by contact with the trouser belt, shirt collar and bra strap. It is also worth getting rid of birthmarks that are exposed and thus exposed to the harmful effects of sunlight, and those that we cannot see without, for example, the difficult bending of the body (then we cannot observe them on a regular basis). Of course, nothing stands in the way, and you can give up having completely mild molesguided only by aesthetics.

First of all, however, it should be remembered that if we notice on the skin that our birthmark changes, is larger, has a different color – in such a situation, you should definitely visit a doctor. It is worth knowing the ABCDE symptom classification scale, thanks to which it is easier to spot disturbing changes:

  1. A – mole asymmetry,
  2. B – the appearance of the edge of the lesion (the uneven and / or jagged edge is disturbing),
  3. C – color (unevenly colored changes or changes of a very dark, almost black color are considered to be of concern),
  4. D – size (a nevus with a diameter greater than 6 mm is considered to require observation),
  5. E – evident, visible enlargement of the lesion.

If in doubt, contact a dermatologist who, based on a dermatoscopic examination, will recommend either the removal of the lesion or systematic dermatoscopic inspection.

Laser removal of moles

Moles and other dye stains can remove with a laser. In this way, we will even get rid of changes that are in the deeper layers of the skin. What it looks like laser mole removal? The skilled person uses a beam of light, one that has quite a lot of energy and causes the surface evaporation of the mark, and if necessary, also removes what is deeper.

When the anesthesia given in the form of an injection or ointment starts to work, the doctor performs it laser the so-called shots, and these cancel out changes. Removal one birthmarks it is usually a matter of a few minutes. However, this time may be longer and depends on the size mole. At the same time, specialists eliminate larger signs gradually. They are shallow. You also have to remember that in the case of removal moles with a laser you should take breaks between treatments. They should be between four and eight weeks.

Laser removal of birthmarks and moles do not be afraid. There is no bleeding, so the risk of infection is minimal. There is also no need to sew the skin together, which is important in terms of possible scars. At the same time, it must be said directly that even with this method, a small scar remains on the skin. You can undergo such a procedure regardless of your age. It is worth using it when the moles are convex and have a gentle character. By laser however, we will not remove the sick ones moles and flat birthmarks.

Surgical removal of moles

Surgical removal of birthmarksa consists in excising the lesion under local anesthesia. After excising the lesion, the doctor puts in stitches that are removed after an appropriate number of days (depending on the location) mole). Often after this type of surgery, small scars remain. Surgical excision does not damage the tissues, so it is possible to perform a histopathological examination of the removed fragment, which is extremely important in the case of suspicions as to mole malignancy.

Mole removal – price

Price za removal of the birthmark is generally similar, regardless of whether we live in a larger or smaller city. Impact on the price there is also no site mole. In most cases, the amount that we have to pay for the procedure is known after the end of the dermatological consultation. However, you have to be prepared that we will pay a minimum of PLN 150. Of course, if we decide to laser, the amount increases to several hundred zlotys. The surgeon to whom we go privately can price the procedure from 200 to 500 PLN. However, if we need to remove a birthmark not for aesthetic reasons, but for health reasons, then this procedure can be performed free of charge. The National Health Fund will pay for it.

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