Removal of genital warts

Condylomas are warty-shaped nodules. Their localization falls on the perianal region. Together they are very similar to cauliflower. There are also perianal genital warts.

It is not uncommon for doctors to diagnose so-called conglomerates. These are formations of rather large sizes, which sometimes close even the anus. Outwardly, they look like hemorrhoids. Of course, more often these are separate formations that are located over the entire surface of the perianal region, and between them there are free (unaffected) areas of the skin.

When a patient is diagnosed with genital warts, this is a sign of human papillomavirus infection.

More recently, experts have argued that such infections are transmitted exclusively through sexual contact, but recent laboratory studies have shown that human papillomavirus infection can be transmitted from mother to child.

The virus itself spreads in the human body through the circulatory system. The cells of the virus are fixed in the epithelium of the anus and nearby tissues. Thus, the virus enters the DNA and causes the epithelial cells to work differently.

Growth begins due to the fact that viral cells actively grow and divide.

Are there any serious reasons to have genital warts removed?

Removal of genital warts is mandatory, and not only for the aesthetic appearance. Such neoplasms give a person a lot of discomfort, namely, constant itching, burning, which falls on the anus. They are easily injured, so they can cause sharp pain when going to the toilet and can often bleed.

Condylomas, localized in the perianal region, are able to secrete a liquid that has a peculiar unpleasant odor. The secreted mucus will irritate the intimate skin area, which over time can develop into an inflammatory process.

The most dangerous thing that can happen without timely treatment is the transition of formations into a malignant form. Therefore, do not waste time. As soon as you notice such growths, then immediately contact a specialist for help. This issue is handled by a proctologist.

What are the methods of removing genital warts?

In medical practice, there is more than one method for removing such formations. Each of them has a high efficiency. During removal, doctors use chemicals and physical solutions.

The main removal methods are:

  • chemical exposure;
  • cryodestruction;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • radio wave removal;
  • laser removal.

Let’s look at each technique individually.

Chemical exposure

Removal by this method consists in the use of special solutions that cauterize warts. As a rule, it is Solcoderm or Kondilin.

There is a special applicator for applying Kondilin. The solution is applied twice a day (morning and evening). The course of treatment is three to four days. After a break is made for a few days, then the procedure is repeated. Treatment is carried out no more than one month.

Solcoderm is also applied twice a day. It is necessary to treat warts until they turn yellow or pale gray.

If the number of neoplasms is not small, then the course of therapy is repeated.

Kondilin and Solcoderm have a cauterizing effect. After the course of therapy, condylomas dry out and are independently torn off from the skin. At the same time, there is no trace of them.

This method of removing neoplasms is only suitable for small neoplasms, and at the same time they should not merge with each other.

The effectiveness of the treatment is 85 percent.

Cryodestruction of genital warts

Removal occurs with the help of a coolant. As a rule, liquid nitrogen is used in medical practice. The doctor freezes the formations, then they die and fall off.

The process itself takes no more than three minutes. After such treatment, rough scars do not remain. During therapy, the patient does not experience pain, so it is carried out in a hospital setting and without anesthesia.

Anesthesia may be administered to patients who have a very low pain threshold.

The downside of the freezing effect is the fact that the skin is restored only after six months.

Electrocoagulation of genital warts

Removal occurs under the influence of high temperatures, which are created using high-frequency waves. Neoplasms in the anus are burned out with an electric knife. After the procedure, scabs form at the site of the condyloma, which fall off within five to six days.

Compared to other procedures, electrocoagulation is a painful process. The patient is first given local anesthesia. The skin is completely restored in ten days.

Doctors may prescribe a similar procedure for patients with severe warts.

Removal by radio waves

During this procedure, high frequency radio waves act on the warts. During radio wave exposure, tissues begin to emit heat and at the same time destroy formations.

This procedure is used not only in this case. It has a wide range of uses, as it is painless, non-traumatic and without excess blood. Also, there are no scars after the operation.

The procedure itself takes no more than half an hour, with it it is possible to treat even large areas of damage.

Laser treatment

It is considered the most demanded method in the proctological field. With the help of a laser, all pathological formations are burned out, but small scars remain.

The procedure is quite painful, so it is performed under anesthesia. The recovery process does not last long, so that soon the patient can return to a full life.

Getting rid of patients from genital warts is quite diverse, but only the attending physician can choose the technique.

Remember: as soon as you notice the first manifestations of warts, then immediately contact a specialist for help, because it is not uncommon for neoplasms to develop into malignant tumors.

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