Removal of gallstones by laser

In modern surgery, a laser is often used to eliminate any formations that interfere with the functioning of a particular organ. With the help of a laser, gallstones are also removed.

What causes gallstones to form

You can learn about the disease only when calculi are formed in the ducts of the gallbladder, which stimulate the development of cholecystitis. Stones have a heterogeneous structure. Formations can be calcareous or mixed, bilirubin (brown or black), cholesterol.

It just doesn’t show up like that. Most often it is provoked by low physical activity. frequent pregnancies, congenital anomalies of the gallbladder and liver, increased breakdown of red blood cells, accumulation of salts.

Affects the appearance of the disease and the use of excessive amounts of fatty, spicy and salty foods, as well as a large amount of animal protein in the diet, cholecystitis, cirrhosis of the liver, chronic hepatitis, narrowed ducts, excessive body weight.

The first symptoms of the presence of the disease will appear 5-10 years after the onset of the formation of cholelithiasis.

But there are cases when the disease is asymptomatic, then the presence of stones in the gallbladder can be determined by ultrasound or X-ray.

When to Use a Laser for Treatment

Lithotripsy – laser removal of stones from the gallbladder – is effective in the presence of cholesterol stony formations. An important indicator is the size of stones up to 2-3 centimeters, and their number should not exceed three pieces. Under such conditions, stones are removed with a laser quickly and without any complications.

In medical practice, laser fragmentation is often used, since it is not always possible to perform an abdominal operation or other type of surgery. Laser surgery is appropriate when the patient is not allowed to have general anesthesia.

Laser therapy is prescribed if the patient has cardiopulmonary insufficiency, severe pulmonary diseases, cardiovascular insufficiency, congenital or acquired anomalies of the cardiovascular system.

The procedure provides an opportunity to completely remove all stones, while preserving the organ, which in turn ensures the normal functioning of the gallbladder.

Symptoms of the disease

Abdominal surgery involves the complete removal of the gallbladder, as a result of which serious consequences can be expected.

Among the symptoms that indicate the presence of stones in the gallbladder, it is worth noting:

  • elevated temperature throughout the day;
  • the presence of unpleasant belching and bitterness in the mouth;
  • nausea, vomiting without relief;
  • vomiting with bile impurities;
  • pain on the right side, radiating to the lower back, shoulder blade, arm or collarbone;
  • the presence of paroxysmal pain in the liver.

After attacks, there is always a feeling of relief with mild pain symptoms. With prolonged illness, yellowness of the skin is observed. The patient is in urgent need of hospital treatment.

Features of lithotripsy

The crushing procedure occurs during the period when the laser beam is in contact with the surface of the calculus. The doctor makes a puncture in the area where the gallbladder is located. A laser device with a camera is inserted through the resulting puncture, which broadcasts everything that happens on the monitor. With the help of a laser beam, the resulting stones are crushed to a sandy state. Crushed stones are independently excreted from the body. The duration of laser surgery is 30 minutes. The procedure involves outpatient treatment.

Solid formations are crushed by means of an optical quantum generator. They create coherent radiation with high power and density. Due to the fact that only a small incision is needed for the laser to work, doctors actively use this method in surgery.

The technique allows crushing gallstones in all patients, regardless of age.

Before prescribing the procedure, the doctor necessarily conducts an examination of a complex type, which will allow to assess the patient’s state of health and select the appropriate treatment.

Undesirable consequences of the procedure

Not in every case, laser crushing of stones in the gallbladder allows you to completely get rid of the disease. There is a chance that stones will form again. It is important to follow a special diet after surgery, which will prevent relapses.

The procedure requires maximum concentration and refined movements of the doctor, since a minimal deviation can provoke the occurrence of severe burns, which gradually degenerate into ulcers.

In other words, despite the effectiveness of the procedure, each patient must be aware of all its risks. Among the disadvantages of manipulation: injury to the walls of the gallbladder with a laser or sharp fragments of crushed stones; burns of mucous organs. The patient can refuse this type of surgical intervention and choose more classical abdominal or ultrasonic surgery, or other methods that the doctor suggests. Choose clinics with experienced staff and expensive, high-quality and ultra-precise equipment.

Contraindications for laser surgery

Before performing laser surgery, the patient is sent for an additional examination, which will determine the presence or absence of contraindications. Among them it is worth noting: the overweight of the patient (over 120 kilograms); calcareous stones; the presence of a pacemaker in the body; the presence in the body of an ulcer or chronic cholecystitis; low blood clotting; the number of stones in the gallbladder is more than 4 pieces. It should be noted that the procedure is not performed on patients aged 60+, as well as in a clinically serious condition. If the disease is severely neglected, lithotripsy is meaningless.

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