Removal of basalioma by laser

Basalioma is a skin neoplasm that is relatively common in older people, especially men. Its malignant nature carries a certain level of danger for the affected person – with growth and deep penetration into tissues, the basalioma is able to affect and destroy nearby tissues and organs. Considering that this tumor most often affects the tissues of the face and head, it is imperative to get rid of it upon detection. One of the ways to remove a neoplasm is to remove a basalioma with a laser – a method in which the tumor is exposed to a laser beam with certain physical characteristics.

Basalioma – the danger of cancer

A tumor that occurs due to abnormal growth of the basal cells of the epidermis is called a basalioma. Its characteristic feature is that it does not grow in a shell or capsule, but arbitrarily penetrating into neighboring healthy tissues and destroying them.

Due to the fact that cells fail, they cease to normally arise, divide and die, causing the appearance of various kinds of formations on the skin. Therefore, doctors classify this neoplasm as malignant. However, even if such a diagnosis is announced, the patient should not fall into despair. Among all tumor diseases of a malignant nature, basalioma has the highest percentage of patient survival, as well as the best predictions for the effectiveness of treatment. Firstly, this type of tumor does not metastasize to nearby organs and tissues, and secondly, its growth is usually only about 5 millimeters per year. With such a speed of development, education responds well to treatment. In addition, basalioma has a low probability of recurrence.

The disease rarely affects young people, much more often it can be found in those who have crossed the fifty-year milestone. Men, on average, are more likely to develop this type of tumor than women.

In 90% of cases of diagnosed neoplasm, it is localized on the face or scalp, and only in 10% of patients the tumor is located on the trunk or limbs.

A basalioma can pose a significant danger to a patient if it grows in depth and affects neighboring organs and tissues – the membranes of the brain, the visual and auditory apparatus, and the bone structures of the skull. In such cases, even the death of the patient is possible.

Why can a person develop such a disease? To date, the question of the etiology of most cancers remains open. Scientists and doctors say that possible factors provoking the development of malignant tumors on the skin are some properties of the skin itself, for example, a tendency to burns and freckles, as well as the lifestyle of the affected person, for example, the abuse of natural and artificial tanning, frequent and prolonged skin contact with carcinogens, the effect of ionizing radiation.

Laser tumor removal technique: how it works

The history of the appearance of laser technologies and their use for medical purposes begins at the end of the 19th century, when the medical properties of light radiation in relation to the human body began to be seriously studied for the first time, with a view to their practical application. The first practitioner of “light therapy” was the Danish physician Niels Ryberg Finsen, who treated lupus erythematosus by irradiating patients with carbon arc lamps. In 1903, the scientist received the Nobel Prize for his contribution to medicine.

Already in the 20s of the last century, Albert Einstein first developed a theory about the interaction of directed radiation and matter, which implied the possibility of developing devices for generating electromagnetic waves, as well as quantum amplifiers.

His achievements, as well as the work of other scientists – N. Basov, C. Towns, A. Prokhorov, made it possible for the American engineer Theodor Meiman in 1960 to assemble the world’s first laser device, which allowed for surgical operations, as well as some cosmetic procedures. . So, first of all, the new invention was tested for the destruction of hair follicles in human skin.

The working environment of the installation was created on the basis of an artificial ruby ​​- chromium with aluminum oxide. The generator of the apparatus worked in a pulsed mode, emitting a light wave, which had a length of 694,3 nm.

Already at the time of 1964, three types of laser were invented:

  • carbon or CO2 laser;
  • argon ion with continuous radiation;
  • yttrium aluminum garnet laser with neodymium doping.

They differed from each other mainly in the wavelength. So, a feature of a carbon laser is the wavelength of 10600 nm, due to which it is well absorbed by the aquatic environment. On its basis, the laser scalpel was invented.

It was not until 1967 that laser surgery was first used to treat skin cancers. Professor Endre Mester conducted some experiments with the participation of those affected by oncological diseases, and since 1971 he began treating patients with non-healing skin ulcers.

The essence of the method is to use a beam of light that passes through a special system of mirrors and penetrates the working environment.

Today, two types of laser destruction of neoplasms are used in medicine – with the introduction of photosensitizers (photodynamic therapy), and also without them. The second method is rarely practiced in modern medical institutions due to the fact that without photosensitizing agents it is more difficult to achieve the desired depth of exposure to the beam and completely remove the formation.

In addition, this method is dangerous with a high probability of tumor recurrence. Basal squamous, sclerosing, and ulcerative basaliomas greater than 2 centimeters in diameter are generally resistant to laser therapy without photodynamic therapy.

The procedure is usually performed using a carbon laser. Exposure to a laser beam of a certain length leads to the removal of infected tissue, while healthy cells are only minimally affected.

Indications and contraindications: when to use a laser

The procedure is prescribed if the patient has a diagnosed basalioma on the skin. Outwardly, this neoplasm looks like a wart or mole, and, as it develops, its surface can be covered with a non-healing ulcer of a characteristic bright crimson color, a wound or a film.

Depending on the histological nature of the formation, the following classification of basaliomas is accepted in medicine:

  1. Nodular: The most common type, which looks like a voluminous mole that rises above the skin. Through a thin skin, the vascular network is clearly visible, and in cases where the skin membrane bursts, the wound becomes covered with a crust.
  2. Superficial: mainly localized on the trunk or limbs, and looks like a reddish spot that rises slightly above the skin.
  3. Scarred: externally and to the touch resembles scar tissue, has a flesh color.
  4. Ulcerative: occurs in the form of a wound on the skin, the edges of which rise above the skin with a roller, and the middle is in the hole.

Laser removal technique, combined with photodynamic therapy, is effective for any type of basalioma.

In addition, the tumor is subject to urgent removal if:

  • its growth is noted by more than 5-7 millimeters in six months;
  • it is covered with a non-healing ulcer;
  • its color changes;
  • it is constantly exposed to mechanical injury;
  • after the treatment procedure, a relapse occurs.

Removal of basalioma with a laser is not performed if the patient has the following contraindications:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • acute infectious and inflammatory processes;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • in women – pregnancy or lactation.

Advantages and disadvantages of the technique

In general, doctors note the method of removing a tumor with a laser as effective, and according to patient reviews, it can be defined as practically painless. Among other advantages of laser destruction is the absence of contact of the device with the wound surface, as a result of which the likelihood of infection entering the wound is minimized. The laser procedure leaves only minor scars or scars, especially if the formation was small. With its help, you can fearlessly conduct repeated courses if a recurrent tumor forms. Skin healing and rehabilitation after the procedure is quite fast.

As for the disadvantages, these include the likelihood of complications, for example, edema from the introduction of a photosensitizer. In addition, the procedure for removing a tumor with a laser can last up to 30-40 minutes, while cryodestruction takes up to 10-15 minutes in complex cases.

The probability of recurrence after laser removal is slightly higher than after cryodestruction, and is approximately 8,2%.

Technique of preparation and process of removal of education

As such, no specific preparation is required from the patient. If the doctor considers it necessary, he directs the patient to take some tests 7-10 days before the planned procedure.

Laser removal is performed on an outpatient basis, for example, in a polyclinic or in an oncology center, and for its implementation there is no need to refer the patient to a hospital or open a sick leave for him.

If the basalioma is located on the head or on the face, close to the hair, they must be covered to prevent ignition. To protect the eyes from laser exposure and retinal burnout, the patient is asked to wear special goggles.

The patient removes all accessories and decorations that may interfere with the access of the laser beam to the tumor, and lies down on the couch.

Usually, the process does not cause much discomfort to the patient, however, if necessary, the doctor can offer local anesthesia.

If the procedure is carried out without the use of sensitizing substances, the doctor wipes the work area with antiseptic agents and immediately proceeds to treat the neoplasm with a laser. The device is equipped with a special nozzle, which focuses the beam on the affected area. Acting like a high-precision electro-knife, the laser beam burns out the basalioma, simultaneously coagulating all the damaged blood vessels.

There is no contact between the surface of the tumor and the nozzle of the device. When the beam hits the tumor tissue directly, the cells in them abruptly begin to lose moisture and literally burn out.

Laser destruction captures approximately 3-5 millimeters of healthy skin around the basalioma, as it may contain cancer cells invisible to the eye.

For those forms of basaliomas that show high resistance to the effects of a laser beam, the use of photodynamic therapy is used. Before exposing the surface of the tumor to laser destruction, the patient is injected with special preparations that increase the susceptibility of the skin to light exposure. The drugs can be injected, or applied to the affected area in the form of an ointment. The interval between the application of the substance and the start of the procedure is one or two hours.

Rehabilitation after laser exposure

The process of removing a tumor with a laser does not cause bleeding, and is non-contact, that is, the skin surface does not touch the laser device. Due to the fact that the likelihood of infection as a result is minimal, and there is practically no blood loss, the patient does not need to stay in the hospital or take any special measures to recover from the operation.

Of course, care after the procedure includes a special treatment of damaged skin – the wound surface must be washed every day with an antiseptic, for example, calendula tincture or a weak solution of potassium permanganate, at least 2 times a day. A sterile gauze dressing can be applied over the top to prevent pathogens from entering the wound.

Until the affected skin is completely healed, it is recommended to avoid direct sunlight on the skin, you can not sunbathe in the solarium, go to swimming pools, saunas, baths, swim in open water.

Within 2-4 days after laser destruction, a crust appears at the site of the tumor, which eventually disappears on its own. The process of tissue repair is completed, on average, after 14-20 days.

As for laser removal with photodynamic therapy, rehabilitation is somewhat different. Edema may form around the wound, the skin begins to redden and peel off. In addition, there are pain sensations. To mitigate them, it is recommended to take anti-inflammatory drugs such as Nimesil.

In the first 7-10 days after destruction with PDT, it is necessary not only to avoid exposure to the open sun, but also not to stay in rooms with bright electric lighting, but also to sit in front of a computer or TV for a total of more than 7 hours a day.

The healing process in this case lasts up to a month, and is accompanied by skin itching. Ointments containing digoxin help to alleviate the unpleasant sensation.

Possible complications after the procedure

Laser treatment of basalioma is one of the most harmless procedures for removing cancerous growths. After it, the likelihood of bleeding is extremely small. Due to the fact that the removal takes place in a non-contact way, it is possible to avoid infection of the wound in the process, therefore, after laser exposure, there is practically no inflammation of the wound surface.

However, if the formation is deep enough and has a large area, it is likely that scar tissue will remain after its destruction. In addition, the site of reduction of the basalioma may temporarily lose sensitivity. After a few months, the sensitivity of the skin is restored.

The appearance of inflammation is possible only if in the process of destruction, or after, during the healing of the wound, the rules of asepsis were not observed. It manifests itself in the form of reddening of the skin around the wound crust, in swelling and soreness of the skin. In severe cases, symptoms of a fever may even develop. If such symptoms appear, you should contact your doctor – he will prescribe a special antibiotic therapy.

The implementation of laser destruction of the basalioma is a popular method often used to combat this malignant skin formation. It is less painful than, for example, cryodestruction, and the rehabilitation process after it is somewhat easier.

Modern medicine uses two types of laser destruction – with the use of photosensitizing substances, and without them. The first method is considered more preferable, as it shows greater efficiency. However, if the type of tumor makes it possible to do without PTD, the procedure is performed using only a laser device, and its effectiveness depends entirely on the qualifications of the doctor.

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