Despite the fact that the hair on the human body is completely natural and conceived by nature itself, the presence of excess vegetation above the upper lip can cause a lot of trouble for women. It is quite possible to get rid of antennae, including at home.
Removing the tendrils above the upper lip
There are many ways to solve this problem, some of which are aimed at eliminating the vegetation itself, and partly at destroying the hair follicles directly, after which the hair simply stops growing. The complexity and cost of each method is different.
Plucking is the easiest homemade method to get rid of the hair above the upper lip, but it is only good if the vegetation is not too abundant. As a disadvantage of the method, one can immediately note its laboriousness, soreness and not too long-term effectiveness, since after plucking the hair begins to break through after a few days.
The girls discovered this method for themselves many decades ago, when the chemical industry had not yet learned how to create depilation creams, and one could only dream of destroying excess vegetation forever through photoepilation. For waxing, wax strips are perfect, which do not require special application skills. In order to remove the antennae, you just need to warm up the strip between the palms, stick it with wax down on the problem area, carefully smooth it out, and then tear it off with a sharp movement in the direction against the growth of the hair.
You can remove the mustache using a special cream, which should be applied to the problem area in accordance with the instructions. The principle of action is based on a gradual lightening and changing the structure of the hair, because of which they break and gradually disappear.
At the end of this procedure, it is worth applying a moisturizer to the face, since depilation with the cream irritates the skin
This is the most harmless for the skin, but also the most long-term in terms of results, a method in which a composition obtained from a teaspoon of 6% peroxide, a quarter of a teaspoon of ammonia and one drop of any liquid soap is applied to the problem area. The composition is applied to the skin for 20-30 minutes, after which it is washed off. The procedure must be repeated until the hair structure is thinned and they begin to break. For this, a couple of times a week is enough.
As good as home remedies are, they don’t give long-term results. You can permanently get rid of hair only in a beauty salon through a photoepilation procedure. It is quite possible that it will take several cycles to achieve the final result, but then you can forget about the hair above the lip.
In the next article, you will read about how to get a wet look hairstyle on long hair.