Angioma is a neoplasm that doctors classify as a benign tumor. This pathology is an accumulation of blood and lymphatic vessels. Outwardly, most neoplasms resemble moles, and therefore they are popularly called “red moles” or “port wine stains”. In most cases, angiomas occur during the intrauterine development of the fetus, but sometimes they appear in the elderly or may be an external manifestation of a number of diseases.
Types of neoplasms
There are several classifications of angiomas. They are distinguished by the shape, the cause of the appearance, the composition of the tissue and the type of vessels that provoked the appearance of the problem.
So, according to the shape, neoplasms are divided into pineal, nodular, branched (spider-like) and flat. Pineal angiomas are characterized by a convex shape, they rise noticeably above the skin. Knotty angiomas are usually small in size. Outwardly, they resemble small red dots. At the same time, they lack branches from capillaries – a characteristic vascular network. It is typical for branched (spider) angiomas, which outwardly can really resemble a spider with many legs. Finally, flat angiomas outwardly resemble ordinary moles.
Based on the causes of appearance, the formations are divided into hemangiomas and lymphangiomas. Hemangiomas are a manifestation of the pathology of blood vessels, and the cause of lymphangiomas is a violation in the activity of the lymphatic system. They are diagnosed less frequently than hemangiomas and are pinpoint formations.
As for hemangiomas, they are divided into capillary, which are bluish-purple or bright red spots, as well as cavernous (cavernous) and punctate. Cavernous hemangiomas can acquire a very significant size. These are soft tubercles that change shape when pressed. As a rule, they occur on the skin of the face, in the groin, in the armpit. Pinpoint hemangiomas are characterized by miniature size, and outwardly resemble tiny red dots, similar to an injection mark.
Causes of appearance
As for the causes of angiomas, doctors have not yet come to a consensus on why they occur. Most often, their occurrence is attributed to a genetic predisposition, manifested in the development of vascular disorders – both lymphatic and blood vessels. Interestingly, women are diagnosed with this problem more often than men.
Some doctors believe that congenital angiomas appear in a child due to the fact that during pregnancy his mother suffered infectious diseases. As for the neoplasms that appear in the elderly, they may indicate changes in the vessels and a violation of blood clotting.
In addition, angiomas are often a manifestation of a number of malfunctions in the internal organs: for example, the pancreas and liver, as well as the kidneys. Experts note that the risk of red moles increases in people who abuse visits to the solarium and are too fond of sunbathing.
Regarding whether it is worth removing angiomas, doctors also have no consensus. Most often, cavernous formations are removed, because, due to their solid size, they have a high probability of injury. Branching neoplasms are removed if they are located on the face or other visible areas of the skin and are a serious aesthetic problem.
Methods for removing angiomas
To date, there are several methods for removing this pathology of the skin. They allow you to cope with both single angiomas and their group clusters. Many pathology removal methods are multi-stage procedures, the purpose of which is to completely remove the neoplasm and restore the normal activity of the vascular and lymphatic systems:
- Cryotherapy involves the burning of neoplasms using low temperatures – in other words, cold. Liquid nitrogen is used as a refrigerant. The main advantage of this technique is the fact that it prevents bleeding at the site of angioma removal. Cryotherapy is used to eliminate pathologies of small sizes.
- In order to remove the cavernous angioma, sclerotherapy can be used. The essence of this method is that the doctor uses special iodine salts, with the help of which it is possible to normalize the flow area of the blood vessels, as a result of which the blood flow returns to normal. The substance is administered by injection. This method of removal is used if the neoplasm is located in a place that makes large-scale surgical intervention difficult. The disadvantage of the procedure is its pain.
- Electrocoagulation – cauterization of neoplasms with electric current. Previously, this method was the most common, but now this method is used much less frequently due to the fact that it is painful and often causes the appearance of colloidal scars. At the same time, this procedure is simple and cheap, and also allows you to remove formations of a rather large size. This procedure is often performed under local anesthesia.
- laser removal. This method is now considered the most effective and least traumatic for the patient. The essence of the technique lies in the fact that the mutated tissue is removed in layers, as a result of which the laser can be used to remove any formations, regardless of their depth. The procedure takes place in several stages – tissues are excised until the mutated cells are completely removed. Manipulations are carried out under local anesthesia – either after an injection of an anesthetic drug, or after treating the problem area with an anesthetic gel. After the procedure is completed, a wound appears on the site of the former angioma, which heals in one to three weeks.
- In the event that all of the above methods are regarded by specialists in this particular case as unpromising, excision of the tumor with a surgical scalpel is used. This procedure is carried out exclusively in a hospital setting. Since scars are formed after the removal of neoplasms by this method, only small moles located on areas of the skin hidden from prying eyes are removed in this way. Neoplasms on the face or in open areas are not excised with a scalpel.
- Finally, one of the most advanced methods of removing angiomas is the use of gamma or cyberknife. Due to its complexity, this method is not very common. Thanks to the innovative technique, it is possible not only to completely remove the neoplasm, but also to avoid the appearance of scars. The device seems to “solder” the vessels that feed the angioma, as a result of which the neoplasm simply dies off. Unfortunately, the procedure is very expensive due to the fact that the equipment necessary for its implementation is not available in every medical institution.
The final conclusion regarding which method to use in order to remove the angioma is made by a dermatocosmetologist after a thorough visual examination of the patient. Most often, either sclerotherapy or laser removal of the neoplasm is prescribed.
There are also folk methods for removing angiomas, but medical consultation is necessary before using them.
Advantages of laser removal
As noted above, today laser removal is one of the most effective methods of dealing with angiomas. So, the laser allows you to remove even arachnid formations of large diameter. At the same time, however, the patient should tune in to the fact that the effect will not be instantaneous – a number of procedures will be required.
If we talk about the advantages of laser treatment, then this is, first of all, minimal trauma and the fact that damage to healthy tissues is minimized. In addition, this procedure is not very painful, and for patients with a low pain threshold, the use of local anesthesia is allowed. The number of complications and relapses after laser treatment of angiomas is minimal, so this method is highly effective. If we talk about the aesthetic aspect, then the tiny scar that forms after the procedure dissolves on its own over time.
How to behave after an angioma removal
Removal of angioma is an operative intervention, and therefore, after it is carried out, the patient undergoes a recovery period. The fastest rehabilitation takes place if a laser was used to remove the neoplasm. In this case, the regeneration of skin cells takes little time.
Regardless of which specific removal method was used in each specific case, the patient receives recommendations on how to behave in the near future (within five to seven days).
First of all, the site of angioma removal should be protected from getting wet. Despite the fact that the wound may itch, it should never be combed. It is also forbidden to independently tear off the crust formed at the site of the wound – over time, it will come off by itself. Finally, doctors recommend that after removing the angioma, refrain from prolonged exposure to the sun.
Angioma removal at home
Sometimes patients, especially the elderly, are afraid to go to the clinic and attempt to get rid of the neoplasm at home. Alas, no pills or injections that would help get rid of angioma in the blink of an eye do not yet exist. Exceptionally if, for medical reasons, surgical removal of the pathology cannot be performed, the doctor may prescribe hormonal drugs for the treatment of angioma. These drugs block the growth of the neoplasm and contribute to the drying of the pathological formation.
Most often, in such a situation, doctors prescribe Prednisolone or its analogues. The dosage is calculated based on the height of the patient and his weight, and is gradually reduced. The schedule for taking the drug is made by the attending physician. He must carefully monitor the patient’s condition.
A contraindication for the medical treatment of angioma is intolerance to prednisolone.
Sometimes, along with prednisolone, doctors prescribe drugs that are designed to slow down the process of pathological cell division and the growth of connective tissue. Their names can be found on the Internet. However, it is worth remembering that it is unacceptable to “prescribe” such drugs for yourself, as they can cause malfunctions in the organs and systems of the body.
Removal of angioma by traditional medicine methods
Traditional medicine offers several recipes that are designed to help in the fight against angiomas. However, it should be remembered that the treatment of this pathology with folk methods can only solve the “external” problem, and it will not be possible to eliminate the cause of the disease.
Also, if you still decide to try folk methods for removing angioma, be sure to consult a specialist first.
So, to remove the angioma, you can use kombucha. Compresses from pieces of zooglea should be applied to the affected area. The lotion should be changed once a day.
To remove angiomas at home, you can also use herbal collection. To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients: 100 g of pine buds, the same amount of rose hips and yarrow stems and leaves, 200 g of birch mushroom and 5 g of dry wormwood raw materials. Grind the ingredients, mix and pour three liters of boiling water. Let the mixture boil and keep on very low heat for two hours. After that, the liquid should be infused for a day. Filter, add a glass of aloe juice, the same amount of cognac and 0,5 liters of honey.
Stir and let it brew for four hours. After that, take the mixture three times a day before meals for a tablespoon. The duration of the course is a month, after which you need to take a break for a week and take the drug for another month. Then rest for a week and spend another month of treatment. It is believed that this remedy normalizes the activity of the vascular and lymphatic systems, as a result of which the angioma may disappear.
Affected areas can also be wiped with a tincture of Kalanchoe leaves. It is prepared from the crushed leaves of the plant. They are poured with warm water until a thick slurry is formed, and then put for a week in a dark place. Shake the medicine periodically for seven days. After a week, strain the composition and start wiping the angiomas.
Finally, celandine-based preparations can be used to treat angiomas. It is necessary to lubricate the affected areas with liquid. Please note that the juice of this plant is a powerful toxin, and therefore it is necessary to consult a doctor before using it. The drugs are applied exclusively to the mutated tissue, avoiding contact with healthy skin. The duration of the course is set by the doctor – as a rule, with good tolerance, treatment continues until the angioma disappears completely.