Remote work is not for you: how to protect the health of irreplaceable employees

Remote work is not for you: how to protect the health of irreplaceable employees

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It is not so important why you have to be in the office regularly, but it is more important to take all the necessary precautions.

Although they say that Santa Claus will not come to the holiday, because he is over 65, you still want to spend the New Year in the company of relatives or closest friends in a good mood, and not with medicines and handkerchiefs in bed.

One of the main recommendations during the coronavirus pandemic is to maintain social distance. Conscientious citizens adhere to it everywhere – from shops to theaters. But there are places that immediately arouse the desire to ask those around you or to take “a hundred steps back, quietly on your fingers” – we are, of course, talking about public transport, enterprises, institutions, offices. If, by the will of fate or leadership, you have to regularly visit crowded places, then this material is definitely for you!

Let’s go!

To reduce the chances of contracting coronavirus infection on buses, trolleybuses or the metro, Deputy Director of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vadim Pokrovsky recommends putting on masks in advance, even before entering the subway, several tens of meters. And do the same at the bus stop, where, maybe, the air is fresh, but the number of people willing to leave is off the charts.

If health is expensive, do not take off your gloves and mask in the carriage or the cabin and wear PPE in accordance with all the rules: do not portray the types from the publication of Sergey Lukyanenko – Van Gogh (the mask hangs from one ear), Santa Claus (the mask on the chin with the white side up) or Hannibal Lecter (mask covers only the mouth).

If there is an opportunity to go to a stop or two on foot, especially in the morning, then do it. Firstly, you will avoid meeting with potential virus carriers, and secondly, you will provide yourself with a walk in the air that is useful for immunity and a portion of vitamin D, which is in great demand now, if the weather is sunny. Do not rush to pull your PPE in the elevator and do not let your “bare” fingers touch the buttons: you can never say for sure who used the elevator before you.

Breath of fresh air

Viruses don’t like airing and love smooth surfaces. Arm yourself with this knowledge as you head out to work. Regularly disinfect your desk, phone receiver, mouse and keyboard, or other items that you often pick up. What if one of your colleagues decides to quickly look at something from your computer? Imagine individual cutlery instead of a mouse and keyboard, and there will certainly be no doubt about the correctness of your actions.

Try on the image of the Fairy of Fresh Air and take over the organization of airing in the office. By the way, it is necessary to conduct it according to the rules. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to organize access to fresh air at least once an hour. Rule number 2 sounds like this: the more people gather in one room, the more often you need to ventilate.

Recharging required!

Lack of vitamins and minerals at the beginning of winter is a common thing. But right now it is worth paying special attention to this, because our immunity depends on a sufficient amount of vitamins in the body, which can help protect against viruses and make it easier to transfer the disease. You feel tired, sleepy, mood, energy is at zero – do not postpone the intake of vitamin and mineral complexes on the back burner. A properly selected complex will breathe new life into you, and at the same time confidence in your own health.

By the way, about vitamins: probably, many have already faced the problem of choosing a suitable vitamin and mineral complex. What can you expect from an average complex with a standard set of vitamins “for everyone”, or, as they are also called, “for the whole family”? At best, the same average result. Why vitamins “for everyone” do not always have the desired effect?

Of course, the female body has its own characteristics and needs, which are different from those of men or children; we need various microelements to varying degrees. In addition, female immunity has its own specifics. Probably, many have noticed weakness and susceptibility to disease before the onset of menstruation. Women’s health and well-being largely depend on the state of the endocrine system, and any hormonal imbalance that can occur during stress, during hormonal changes, or even a natural change in the level of estrogen at the end of the cycle affects the decrease in immunity.

Therefore, it makes no sense to buy the first vitamin and mineral complex that comes along. Choose those that are designed specifically for women – with the right composition and dosage. Special biocomplexes are even more effective. In addition to vitamins and minerals, they contain plant components that enhance the effect of the complex, strengthen the female body and preserve youth and beauty.

So, for example, biocomplex Lady’s formula More than multivitamins can be much more than regular multivitamins. In addition to 17 vitamins and 13 trace elements, 11 of which are immunoprotectants, it contains 5 herbal extracts of medicinal plants, which increase energy and immunity, help normalize hormonal balance and have an anti-aging effect.

The three most powerful immunoprotectors of this biocomplex need no introduction – these are vitamin C, zinc and echinacea purpurea extract. Zinc is extremely important for immunity, because this element is a catalyst for many chemical processes, activates the body’s defense mechanisms, and helps to cope with infectious diseases. Echinacea is a natural tonic that increases the body’s resistance to bacteria and fungi. Vitamin C stimulates the immune system, has a powerful antioxidant effect, helps to assimilate other trace elements, such as iron (the monthly loss of iron in us women leads to its deficiency, which means lethargy, fatigue; by the way, this important trace element is also included in the composition) …

The biocomplex also solves the eternal problem of vitamin D deficiency in winter. There are clearly fewer sunny days in our latitudes than we would like, and meanwhile, vitamin D plays an important role in maintaining immunity and in the synthesis of serotonin – the “hormone of joy”, which is responsible for good mood, sleep and stress resistance.

The biocomplex also contains the most important substances that help the body cope with stress and improve sleep (those who sleep less than 7 hours get viral diseases three times more often). B vitamins, folic acid, magnesium and selenium guarantee calmness and fast sleep and support the body during the virus season.

Promising title Lady’s formula More than multivitamins Are not just words. The formula contains wild yam and dong kwai phytoestrogens, hormone-like plant substances that have a beneficial effect on a woman’s body. They help to normalize hormone levels, eliminate PMS symptoms, slow down the aging process, improve mood and sleep, in combination with rutin and quercetin, which are contained in the preparation, prevent the appearance of spider veins. Agree, a great bonus in addition to vitamins!

A surge of energy and strength, positive and eye-pleasing reflection in the mirror – these are the side effects of the strengthening biocomplex Lady’s formula More than multivitamins… Whether it is worth experiencing it on yourself, of course, you decide.

And finally: remember that irreplaceable employees are irreplaceable for that, that they not only do their job well, but also take care of their health, and therefore the health of others.



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