
…When I was preparing this report and once again leafing through my favorite diary, I realized that it was the most important thing. The fact that it is almost entirely devoted to Distance. This is how the report can be called:

Remote diary

In fact, for some time I was choosing between a paper and electronic diary. But I still chose paper.

Firstly, I love the process itself — when I write with my favorite pen on beautiful paper, I immediately have such a pleasant uplifted feeling.

Secondly, in paper there is more individuality, in my opinion. More creative possibilities. More space. So for now, paper.

I like the fact that you can buy a variety of inserted sheets for it, including colored ones. And I use it widely — for the most important sections I take my favorite colors and so on.

Well, let’s open the diary and see what I have there.

Let’s quickly go through the sections. For some, of course — there are a lot of them! And their number is constantly increasing.

For example, right today I realized that I absolutely need a sheet for musical notation in my diary 🙂 Often different melodies come to me (I just love to invent them), but I have not created the conditions for meeting them. And they leave…

In the inside pocket of the cover, I keep checks and … stickers with rainbows and emoticons. Let me explain — the thing is necessary for me 🙂

The fact is that I really, somehow quite childishly, love the rainbow. I am so happy when I see her. I run to check if it is there when I see a suitable, “rainbow” sky … For me, this is obvious, a visual anchor. Here I also use it. On the most important, favorite, creative pages I paste beautiful iridescent irises. And seeing a page with a rainbow, I immediately tune in to the right way. And with emoticons too. Plus — to reward yourself at the end of the most successful day, and so on.

The diary begins with a section of quotes. There I write out phrases that inspire me. For example: “Spend your irreplaceable time on the Essentials”. Or here are some that you want to think about: “The better you cope with problems in work and life, the more significant problems you will eventually have to deal with.”

Then there are transparent plastic inserts — in them I placed pictures cut out from magazines — something like a mini-album of goals. And yet — especially important reminders. About future. That is, some business that I plan to start after some time is the most significant and interesting for me.

Then on beautiful thick sheets there are sections for Maximums. The sheets are cut out, like for addresses in notebooks, so it’s convenient to flip through the pages.

Goal sheets. Plus — an achievement plan for each of them. Also made specially.

Then there is what is called a pinarik calendar (note: remote participants call a “pinarik calendar” a sheet of a special format, with a list of tasks for the day and forms for tracking them). The name is expressive, but I don’t call it that. I don’t like kicking myself, first of all, in my case, it’s not very effective. It’s better to inspire me with perspectives, it works well!

List of «Ideal Me» or «I am from the future» — from a hundred items; worked it out in detail! So the image is very lively and real. It helps me well in the present.

Section “Questions. Decide. Come up with ”I write down the question that arises and when I return to it, the answer is usually ready. This is one way for me to think things over. There are others 🙂

Then there are folders. I select folders with special separating sheets.

Folder “Current”.

In it:

— Plan for the day. In the plan, I highlight the priorities with multi-colored transparent stickers, they can be used many times.

I have noticed that these stickers also provide additional, secondary motivation. When I see several sheets of plans — all colorful from stickers, I want (my hands itch) to quickly remove all these stickers … And for this I need to do everything planned, which I gladly, with pleasure and begin to do.

Of course, the most important motivation for me is the knowledge of Why, Why I am doing all this, specifically — for which of my goals, and what will happen next when I do it, etc. Also, I love what I do. Sometimes it happens that when I make a plan for the next day in the evening, I feel that I am ready to start implementing it right now, immediately!

But nevertheless, I do not mind when such side effects occur 🙂

— Leaflets for contracts — until April. I write down everything that I plan to do there, then I draw up contracts from them, coordinating, docking different plans.

In the same folder: the “week” section, various schedules, time tables, “every day” tables on various topics. Sheet for the «evening report». And many other things.

Lists folder.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​On a variety of topics — from a list of things for a trip, to a list of “what I associate with an ideal job”.

Folder where I write down ideas. On a variety of topics. I really love that feeling when something new comes along and it’s a great pleasure for me to record it.

Another favorite folder. Until I go into detail about it. I will name only a section from it: my favorite “project” which I call “A Million Feelings”. This is a collection of such small pictures-feelings. It can be said that it helps my felt pleasure and not only. Collecting these pictures for me in itself is a great pleasure.

Distance folder

It starts with a list of state samples.

I love this section. I realized a long time ago that it is very useful to collect such moments in my past, present and future when: — I was successful in something, — I felt especially bright, good and joyful, inspired, etc. All this can then be used, and it in itself has an impact, explicitly or implicitly reminding me that I choose what I choose to be. I remember there was once a period when such samples constantly popped up in my head by themselves. It was a very successful period (I wrote it down as a sample)

Another useful example for me. Somehow I started to draw such smiling faces, emoticons in my numerous notebooks. I remember that at first they came out quite clumsy 🙂 Time passed, I continued to draw emoticons (to help orange and simply — they reflected my mood) and now I draw them easily and freely — they are so expressive and mischievous and cheerful. So if starting something new, I suddenly felt insecure, I said to myself: “Remember the emoji!” And that made a lot of sense to me…

In the same folder I have a mini diary of success. And a mini-diary of felt pleasure.

“Things I can do” — here I write down the exercises I like from the different books that I plan to do.

Before, I immediately rushed to do what I found useful and necessary (and I constantly search and read a lot). And very quickly, of course, she acquired so many exercises that cannot be performed at the same time. Then I said to myself with a sigh, “Load yourself reasonably” and threw out most of the exercises :)) Until the next book I read … Then there were persuasion: “Please, let’s take this exercise! It is so necessary… and so on”


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