Remontant strawberry: variety description, photos, reviews

Remontant strawberries today are distinguished by a wide variety of varieties, although they began to grow this type of berry relatively recently. The popularity of remontant varieties is based on their yield, the berries of such strawberries are sweet and tasty – they are in no way inferior to ordinary garden varieties.

Remontant strawberry: variety description, photos, reviews

And yet there are some features of growing remontant berries. What they are, and what varieties of remontant strawberries are considered the best, can be found in this article.

Features of growing remontant varieties

Remontant strawberries are characterized by long and extended fruiting. So, if ordinary varieties of strawberries and strawberries bear fruit only once a year, then remontant varieties can produce a crop either constantly, throughout the summer season, or give all the berries in two or three doses.

Remontant strawberry: variety description, photos, reviews

It is clear that such a fruiting scheme greatly depletes strawberry bushes. To get a good harvest on a home garden, you should follow some rules for growing remontant varieties:

  1. New varieties of remontant strawberries are almost as diverse as the usual garden types of this berry. The main division is carried out in accordance with the size of the berries: large strawberries can reach a weight of 100 grams, the mass of small-fruited ones is only 5-10 grams, but they are sweeter and more fruitful.
  2. In order for the plants to be less depleted, and the berries not to shrink after the first harvest, it is necessary to regularly feed the strawberries with complex fertilizers and plant them only in fertile soil.
  3. Watering is also very important for remontant strawberries: the bushes are regularly and plentifully watered, and the ground between them is periodically loosened. To prevent the soil from drying out and retain moisture, it is recommended to mulch strawberries with film, hay, sawdust or humus.
  4. Early varieties of remontant strawberries begin fruiting in May, the second wave of harvest – in July, if the autumn is warm, there will also be a third harvest of berries – in September. Of course, to be able to enjoy sweet berries for almost the entire season is very cool. But such fruiting greatly depletes the bushes, large berries are quickly replaced by small ones, the crop gradually becomes scarcer. To avoid depletion, experienced gardeners recommend removing the flowers that appear in spring and harvesting only one, but plentiful, crop of sweet and large strawberries.
  5. The scheme for growing remontant strawberries practically does not differ from the method of planting ordinary varieties: in spring or autumn, bushes are planted in the ground or in a greenhouse. The gardener must remember that the earlier in the fall he plants young bushes, the more likely they are to endure the winter well. For greenhouse varieties of remontant strawberries, the planting scheme does not play a role at all, because its fruiting does not depend on the length of daylight hours. The only thing that gardeners advise in such cases is to remove the first shoots with flowers (peduncles) so as not to weaken the bush and give it time to adapt.
  6. Reviews of experienced gardeners indicate that large and sweeter berries appear on those bushes that give a mustache and multiply by them. Strawberries propagated by seeds are called bezos, their fruits are smaller, but they appear throughout the season, and taste like strawberries.
  7. In late autumn, before the onset of real frosts, it is recommended to cut the remontant strawberry bushes, remove all mustaches and leaves. After that, the strawberries are covered with spruce branches, hay, dry leaves or sawdust.
Important! The “life” of remontant varieties is only 1-2 years, while some garden types of strawberries can grow in one place for up to ten years. Such strawberries will have to be transplanted more often.

Remontant strawberry: variety description, photos, reviews

Growing remontant strawberries does not require special experience or extensive knowledge in agricultural technology: all that such varieties need is watering, abundant feeding, protection from diseases and pests.

Remontant varieties of strawberries

It is quite difficult to determine the best varieties of remontant strawberries: each of them has its pros and cons, distinctive features and characteristics. As in ordinary garden strawberries, division in remontant varieties occurs according to several criteria:

  • strawberry varieties for greenhouses or for open ground;
  • remontant strawberries with pink or red fruits or a berry of an unusual shade, a bizarre shape (even varieties with purple strawberries are known, or berries that taste like pineapple);
  • early ripe, middle or late variety, starting their fruiting at different times (from May to July);
  • plants that bear fruit all summer or yield crops in two to three times (depending on the type of daylight hours);
  • large-fruited variety or strawberries with small, but numerous and sweet berries;
  • a berry suitable for transportation and canning, or a strawberry that is good only fresh;
  • resistant varieties that can withstand cold, heat, pests and diseases, or a capricious rare variety that requires constant attention.

Remontant strawberry: variety description, photos, reviews

Advice! The description of a variety of remontant strawberries may often not correspond to what the gardener will actually receive. In order for the berries to be as in the picture, it is necessary to carefully care for the bushes and follow the rules of agricultural technology recommended by the seed manufacturer.

Remontant strawberry beardless

Such varieties of strawberries are often called strawberries, as the berries are very similar to forest berries: small, fragrant, deep red, very sweet. The fruiting of beardless varieties is extended over the entire summer period: there will always be red berries on the bushes, strawberries that have not yet ripened and inflorescences for the future harvest.

Remontant strawberry: variety description, photos, reviews

Attention! If a grower needs to get a single but abundant crop, he can periodically remove emerging flowers, thereby controlling the fruiting of remontant strawberries.

Mustaches, that is, processes that can take root, do not have small-fruited strawberries. Therefore, its reproduction is possible only by the seed method – the gardener will have to buy or grow strawberry seedlings on his own.

“Ali Baba”

This variety has low (about 15-20 cm) sprawling bushes with powerful shoots and large leaves. The berries of remontant strawberries are small – only 3-5 grams each, painted bright red, have white flesh with a strong aroma of wild strawberries.

There are many fruits and inflorescences on the bushes, strawberries are cone-shaped. Honeycomb is isolated because of its high yield, increased resistance to diseases and pests, the ability to endure severe frosts and intense heat.

Remontant strawberry: variety description, photos, reviews


The remontant strawberry of this variety pleases not only with tasty fruits, but also with a decorative look of the bushes. With such compact plants with beautiful carved leaves and small fragrant flowers, it is quite possible to decorate flower beds, balconies and terraces.

The plant is unpretentious and quite productive. Strawberries are small – only 7 grams each, but very sweet and fragrant.

“Forest fairy tale”

The bushes are compact, of medium height, with many peduncles throughout the season.

The berries are scarlet, have the shape of a cone, their flesh is colored white. The taste of strawberries is sweet and sour, very fragrant. The weight of each fruit is approximately 5 grams. By the end of the season, the berries become noticeably smaller, lose their taste. The yield of the variety is high.

Remontant strawberry: variety description, photos, reviews


An early ripe remontant strawberry, a photo of which can be seen below. The first fruits ripen two weeks earlier than other varieties – around mid-May.

Strawberries are relatively large (as for a group of small-fruited varieties), red, with sweet pulp. You can recognize Ruyana by its strongly pronounced forest aroma.

This strawberry has a lot of advantages: early ripening, abundant fruiting throughout the summer, resistance to diseases and viruses, frost resistance, high yield.

Remontant strawberry: variety description, photos, reviews


Dessert view of remontant small-fruited strawberries. The ripening of this variety is also earlier – about a week earlier, inflorescences and the first ripe berries appear on the bushes.

Strawberries are small, bright red, their flesh is slightly yellowish, and the taste is very rich, sweet, reminiscent of strawberries from a forest lawn.

Remontant strawberry: variety description, photos, reviews

“Baron Solemacher”

The berries of this variety of remontant strawberries can be recognized by their scarlet hue and convex seed grains. The fruits are round, small – up to four grams. Their taste is excellent, sweet, without sourness.

Characteristic of this strawberry is resistance to diseases and pests.

Remontant strawberry: variety description, photos, reviews

Large-fruited remontant strawberry

Such varieties are easy to distinguish by the appearance and size of the berries – the mass of each strawberry is from 30 to 70 grams. This group also includes varieties with giant fruits – each strawberry on a bush can weigh about 100 grams.

It is clear that with such fruit sizes, the varieties will be quite productive, because with proper care from one bush it is quite possible to collect more than a kilogram of ripe berries.

Remontant strawberry: variety description, photos, reviews

This variety also differs from the previous group of small-fruited varieties in the type of fruiting: strawberries do not ripen all season, but bear fruit only two or three times (depending on the climate in the region).

The gardener can easily control the fruiting of large-fruited remontant strawberries: in order to collect a good harvest of high-quality and large berries, it is necessary to remove spring inflorescences and sacrifice the first harvest.

Remontant strawberry: variety description, photos, reviews

Important! It must be understood that in order to ripen a kilogram of berries on each bush, the plants need to be plentifully fed and do not forget to regularly water the bushes.

The depletion of large-fruited varieties of remontant strawberries, even with good care, occurs very quickly – after 2-3 years. In order for the harvest to be good and the berries to be large, it is recommended as often as possible to replace old bushes with new ones.

Remontant strawberry: variety description, photos, reviews

Large-fruited remontant strawberries reproduce, usually with a mustache. Rooting them is quite simple, you just need to remove all the shoots, except for the first two or three mustaches. For reproduction, the strongest mother bushes are chosen, on the remaining plants, the whiskers are removed so as not to weaken them even more.

“Queen Elizabeth II”

This variety is quite common in Our Country, because such strawberries can be planted in areas and ennoble hilly areas. The bushes of this variety are very powerful, tall and sprawling, but there are few leaves on them.

But the berries are large (70-125 grams), scarlet, fragrant and very tasty. But you can not feast on such strawberries for long – every year the bushes must be updated.

Remontant strawberry: variety description, photos, reviews

Review of the variety “Queen Elizabeth II”

Albina, 46 years old, Belgorod
This strawberry was the first of the remontant varieties that we decided to plant on our site. The seedlings were bought in a nursery, where we were warned that in the first year the harvest would be weak, and the berries would be small. We cut off the first spring inflorescences to improve the second crop and give the bushes strength for rooting and development. In mid-July, large berries ripened, which were quite tasty and sweet. There were few strawberries, but we still took 5-6 berries from each bush. The following year, “Elizabeth” already gave a full harvest, as well as a lot of mustache. We rooted some of them, thereby increasing the number of bushes on our site. I can recommend removing unnecessary mustaches so as not to weaken the bushes, and for reproduction use only the first three mustaches from several bushes specially designated for reproduction.



A hybrid Dutch strawberry with an unusual flavor of nutmeg. The mass of fruits is not very large – only 30 grams, but there are many such strawberries on each bush, they are fragrant and very juicy, although they have dense pulp.

The bushes are so decorative that they are often planted in pots and tubs, used in flower beds and flower beds.

“Temptation” can bear fruit from May until the first autumn frosts. If winter comes early, the inflorescences and ovaries of the last wave must be removed.

Remontant strawberry: variety description, photos, reviews


This variety was bred by American breeders. The berries are medium in size (about 20 grams), painted in a light shade of red, tasty and fragrant.

Bushes form a lot of whiskers, so there will be no problems with the propagation of strawberries. The variety staunchly resists diseases, surprises with its immunity to the attacks of spider mites and other insect pests.

“Moscow delicacy”

And here is one of the domestic large-fruited varieties of remontant strawberries. The bushes of these plants are tall, powerful, well branched. There are a lot of fruits on the bushes, and they are quite large – 13-35 grams.

The taste and aroma of strawberries is reminiscent of cherries. The fruits are smooth and even, often grown for sale.

The variety resists diseases well, is able to endure severe frosts without shelter.

Remontant strawberry: variety description, photos, reviews


This remontant strawberry also comes from the USA. The bushes are powerful and strong, well leafy, dotted with inflorescences.

The berries are large – the average weight is 30 grams. Painted red, have a rich taste, pleasant aroma, juicy pulp. The variety is characterized by increased productivity.

Remontant strawberry: variety description, photos, reviews

Attention! Strawberry “Monterey” is not intended for the climate of most of Our Country, it is recommended to grow it indoors.


Remontant varieties require closer attention from the gardener and more care, but the yield of such strawberries is an order of magnitude higher, and you can enjoy fresh berries in any month of the warm season.

Remontant strawberry: variety description, photos, reviews

You should choose only the best varieties for planting on your site, with photos and descriptions of which can be found in this article.

Queen Elizabeth 2 – remontant strawberry in Belarus

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