Remontant strawberries – the best varieties with a description

There are a lot of strawberry fans. And very many would like to see it in their plots, and the longer it bears fruit, the better it will be. For these purposes, remontant varieties of strawberries were bred. In this article we will consider the features of such varieties and the best of them.

Features of remontant strawberries

Varieties of remontant strawberries (or they are also called neutral daylight strawberries) have a distinctive feature – they can bear fruit several times in one growing season. The remontant varieties give their first harvest, like their ordinary sisters, in July. The second can be expected in August, and they give the third wave in the fall. At the same time, the crop formed in autumn is harvested only when there are no frosts or the plant grows in protected ground.

Agrotechnics for such species is similar to strawberries, which emphasizes the close relationship of these plants. But still there are several differences that must be taken into account when growing such species.

Remontant varieties lay flower buds, from which the next crop is formed in the future, throughout the entire light or neutral daylight hours.

A more abundant second crop is characteristic, which accounts for about 70-80% of the total fruiting. But such an abundance can lead to the death of the bush. Harvest is formed both on mother plants and on young plants, which were formed at the beginning of the season as a result of tendril rooting. If flower stalks are removed in spring, the volume of the second crop can be increased.

This plant is characterized by an accelerated cycle, as a result of which it ages very quickly (for ordinary strawberries it is 2-3 years, and for remontant – 1 year) and the next year large-fruited varieties will give small berries.

In order to level these shortcomings, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • it is necessary to plant seedlings on a new bed in the period from July to September;
  • after you planted the seedlings, you need to cut off all the flowers;
  • as seedlings, you can use mustache-shoots from mother bushes. You can also use seeds;
  • at the end of fruiting, it is necessary to remove the bushes from the garden. This should be done in autumn, before the first frosts;
  • beds should be covered with mulch: straw, hay, sawdust, dry leaves or mowed weeds. Experienced gardeners do not recommend leaving the beds bare.

Remontant strawberry varieties should be planted without saving space. The place of its growth should be well lit, and the soil itself should be fertile. The distance between the bushes should be at least 40 cm, and between the rows – 60 cm. Do not forget that you need a narrow bed.

Remontant strawberries - the best varieties with a description

It is recommended to plant garlic between two adjacent rows, this will help drive slugs away from the bushes.

In order for the plant to please you with delicious fruits, you must follow the following rules regarding care:

  • it is necessary to periodically carry out mulching and loosening of the soil;
  • need plentiful and frequent watering;
  • periodically carry out top dressing and do not forget about protection against diseases and pests;
  • if necessary, weeding and removal of red leaves and antennae should be done;
  • leaf pruning can be done after the first harvest (although there is an opinion that strawberry pruning is not needed at all);
  • for the winter, the bushes are covered with dry leaves or straw, or it is grown on protected ground.

By following the above rules, you will get a plentiful and high-quality harvest.

Top Grades

There are a large number of remontant strawberry varieties, which are characterized by abundant harvests and can grow in the Moscow region as well.

Remontant varieties are of two types:

  • small-fruited;
  • large-fruited.

And each of these species boasts its best varieties.


Small-fruited varieties are still very often called strawberries. Small-fruited strawberries do not form a mustache, which is why it is also called beardless. The plant reproduces only with the help of seeds.

The main distinguishing feature of small-fruited species is that they bear fruit continuously until the very autumn frosts.

The best types of small-fruited strawberries are:

  • Ali Baba. This plant is characterized by semi-spreading and powerful bushes about 15 cm high. A large number of inflorescences are formed on the bush. The fruits have an intense red color and a conical shape. Their flesh is white with a characteristic forest aroma. The mass of one berry is about 3-5 g. A distinctive feature is a very high yield, great resistance to drought, pests and diseases. It tolerates wintering well;

Remontant strawberries - the best varieties with a description

  • Alexandri. It looks like neat bushes. Fruit weight is about 7 g. The berry is traditionally red. They note the decorative appearance, high productivity and unpretentiousness;

Remontant strawberries - the best varieties with a description

  • Forest fairy tale. Forms medium and compact bushes with many flower stalks. Flowering goes on continuously. The shape of the fruit is conical, and their pulp has a sweet and sour taste. The weight of one berry is 5 g. The yield is high;
  •  Ruyana. Forms compact bushes. The fruits are relatively large with juicy pulp and bright red color. They are characterized by a rich aroma of wild strawberries. The fruits ripen earlier than other species (about two weeks). High yield and resistance to pests, diseases and drought. The plant tolerates wintering well;

Remontant strawberries - the best varieties with a description

  • Rügen. Characterized by earlier fruiting and flowering. The fruits are conical and bright red. They have a unique aroma and taste. The flesh of the berries is yellowish-white. Considered a dessert species;

Remontant strawberries - the best varieties with a description

  • Baron Solemacher. The fruits have convex blotches and a rich red color. Weight up to 4 g. The pulp is sweet and without sourness. The berries taste great. It has great disease resistance.

Remontant strawberries - the best varieties with a description


These varieties got their name due to very large fruits. Their mass varies over a fairly wide range from 20 to 70 g, and sometimes up to 100 g. These types of strawberries can form a small amount of tendrils. Large-fruited varieties of remontant strawberries, unlike small-fruited ones, bear fruit only two or three times in one growing season.

The best among large-fruited species are:

  • Queen Elizabeth II. Forms powerful and slightly leafy bushes. The mass of one berry is 50 g, but it can reach 125 g. The pulp has an average density. The peculiarity lies in the annual update. It is used for vertical gardening and cultivation on hills;

Remontant strawberries - the best varieties with a description

  • Temptation. hybrid plant. Its fruits have a nutmeg flavor. Fruits from May until autumn frosts. Fruit weight – 30 g. The pulp of the berries is dense, but very juicy. It is used in decorative floriculture.

Remontant strawberries - the best varieties with a description

  • Diamond. American variety. The pulp of berries has a light color. Fruit weight – 20 g. The formation of a large number of whiskers during the growing season is characteristic. Excellent resistance to pests (especially spider mites) and diseases;

Remontant strawberries - the best varieties with a description

  • Evie 2. First obtained in England. The fruits have a juicy and soft pulp, the taste is sweet. On average, the weight of one berry reaches 20 g. Good drought resistance is characteristic;

Remontant strawberries - the best varieties with a description

  • Moscow Delicacy. The bushes are tall and strong. Abundant fruiting. The mass of berries ranges from 15-35 g. The fruits are even and have a sweet cherry aftertaste. Good disease and frost resistance;

Remontant strawberries - the best varieties with a description

  • Albion. Has excellent transportability. The berries are very large (28 g), have a dark red color and dense pulp. It has a sweet taste and a pronounced aroma. High resistance of bushes to various weather conditions was noted;

Remontant strawberries - the best varieties with a description

  • San Andreas. Bushes are more powerful (compared to Albion). The fruits are similar to Albion berries, but slightly larger. The mass of fruits is about 30 g, but more is possible. The pulp of berries of medium density. Harmonious taste is characteristic;

Remontant strawberries - the best varieties with a description

  • Monterey. Has an American origin. The bushes are strong. The fruits are cone shaped. Their flesh is juicy and sweet. The average weight of berries is 30 g. High yield is characteristic. Does not grow well in continental climates;

Remontant strawberries - the best varieties with a description

  • Capri. Differs in high productivity. The fruits have a conical regular shape. Their weight is about 35 g.

Remontant strawberries - the best varieties with a description

With a wide variety of remontant strawberry varieties available, you can choose and plant the one you like best.

Video “Strawberry Queen Elizabeth II”

In this video, you will get acquainted with one of the characteristic large-fruited species – Queen Elizabeth II.

Strawberry variety Elizabeth 2.

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