Remontant raspberries of yellow varieties: reviews

Yellow raspberries are extremely rare in our gardens, although they have been known since the XNUMXth century. Now interest in this shrub is increasing year by year. Otherwise it can not be. The berries not only have an unusual yellow color, very uncharacteristic for this culture, but also have a slightly different taste, different from the usual raspberries.

Yellow raspberries contain less acid, so they are sweeter. Due to the fact that they contain less coloring pigments, yellow raspberries can be consumed by people with allergies, as well as children and pregnant women.

Remontant raspberries of yellow varieties: reviews

Yellow raspberries contain vitamins and microelements, especially a lot of iron, potassium, magnesium. Therefore, the use of fruits is indicated for those who have problems with the heart and blood vessels or have had a heart attack or stroke. Yellow raspberries can also be treated during colds, as they contain salicylic acid. Raspberries can be consumed to stimulate digestion and improve appetite.

The most useful, of course, is the use of fresh raspberries. Preparations from yellow raspberries are very tasty: compotes, marshmallows, preserves, jams.

Remontant raspberries of yellow varieties: reviews

The disadvantages of yellow raspberries include the fact that the fruits do not tolerate transportation very well. This was the case in the past, but now this information is somewhat outdated. Modern breeding science does not stand still. Scientists have developed varieties with desired properties, aimed at ensuring that the berries retain their shape and do not wrinkle. Therefore, gardeners should pay attention to varieties bred in recent times.

Yellow raspberries have such a property as remontance – the ability of plants to bloom and produce several crops during the growing season. This property adds pluses to the bush. Remontant plants tolerate temperature extremes well, do not freeze in winter, are resistant to diseases, and have a high yield.

Peculiarities of growing

To get a decent harvest of berries, you need to properly plant the plants and care for them. Agricultural technology is simple, does not differ from the agricultural technology of ordinary raspberry varieties, but requires compliance in order not to be left without berries at all.

Remontant raspberries of yellow varieties: reviews

Planting and feeding

Planting yellow remontant raspberries begins with the choice of location. This should be approached as responsibly as possible, since plants are not planted for 1 season. Do not plant yellow remontant raspberries after any other raspberry, as the soil is too depleted. It is not recommended to plant after nightshade, as there is a threat of infection with certain diseases (for example, verticillium wilt).

On a personal plot, choose a flat, well-lit area for yellow raspberries, without significant slopes and elevations.

Remontant raspberries of yellow varieties: reviews

For yellow remontant raspberries, sandy or loamy, slightly acidic soils rich in organic matter are suitable. Light soils are filled before planting with humus or rotted manure (3 buckets), ash (300 g), superphosphate (200 g). Consumption is given for 1 meter of future plantings. Dig trenches, 40 cm deep and up to 50 cm wide, fertilizers are placed in them and mixed with soil.

If such pre-plant preparation has not been carried out, then fertilize the plants in the fall by spreading the compost on the surface under the bushes. Carry out the procedure annually. In spring, plants can be fertilized with slurry infusion (1 part infusion to 10 parts water).

Remontant raspberries require a lot of nitrogen. Feed the plant with urea (40 g of fertilizer per 1 meter of trench) in the spring, after the snow has melted.

Attention! According to gardeners, if everything is done correctly, the plant will produce 10 new shoots every season, up to 2 m high.

Yellow raspberry varieties are planted in late September or early October. Landing in trenches is most effective. Distances between rows lay up to 1,5 meters, and between plants about 40 cm.

Remontant raspberries of yellow varieties: reviews

Advice! Do not deepen the plants too much, this leads to a slowdown in development, and sometimes to death. The root neck should be at the level of the soil surface.

After planting, the soil around the remontant plants is mulched with straw, peat, sawdust, and fine manure. Mulching retains moisture in the soil and its looseness, and does not allow weeds to develop.


Yellow remontant raspberries need watering. Especially if it grows in the southern regions. It may take about 8 waterings per season, yellow raspberries are especially demanding on moisture during shoot growth and flowering. Rain moisture is not enough, since the soil under the bushes should be moist to a depth of 10 cm. Watering is carried out in furrows.

Remontant raspberries of yellow varieties: reviews

In central Our Country, watering is reduced to 3 per growing season to allow shoots to gain green mass during the flowering period, when the future crop is laid, and it is also recommended to water yellow raspberries after harvesting. In the conditions of the middle zone, sprinkling is quite enough.


Gardeners tie up all varieties of raspberries. Landings acquire a well-groomed neat appearance. It is easier to move between rows for care and harvesting.

At the ends of the rows, columns are dug in, a wire is pulled between them at a height of 1-1,3 m. If the rows are very long, then the columns are dug in at a frequency of 4 m. The second row of wire is pulled at a height of 30 cm from the ground.

Remontant raspberries of yellow varieties: reviews

A piece of strong twine covers a raspberry stalk and a wire passing nearby. So, raspberry bushes are securely fixed. Take synthetic material for tying so that it is enough for the season, natural materials quickly decay and tear.


Remontant yellow raspberries are pruned for the correct formation of the future crop. The peculiarity of remontant raspberries is that annual shoots are able to produce a crop, but this crop will be only in the fall. Since the shoots need time to fully form. In autumn or early spring, shoots that have already bear fruit are cut out. Cut off all shoots to the level of the soil. This makes it possible to harvest in the autumn.

Remontant raspberries of yellow varieties: reviews

Attention! When pruning remontant varieties, do not leave stumps, otherwise in the spring they will give a shoot that will not have remontant properties, and will draw nutrients onto itself.

Moreover, remontant varieties bear fruit in the fall for 2 months, right up to the very frost. Pruning is best done in late fall, after frost, or early spring, before the plants bud.

Still, it is not recommended to collect two crops from remontant raspberries. The berries become small, as the plant spends too much energy on summer fruiting.

Video tips:

Repairing raspberries pruning.

Pruning yellow raspberries has another purpose. Remontant varieties especially do not like density in plantings. Therefore, about 5 good healthy shoots should be left.

Advice! Experienced gardeners advise growing 2 types of raspberries: remontant for harvest at the end of summer and autumn, and ordinary for getting berries in the summer.

Remontant raspberries of yellow varieties: reviews


Having dealt with the features of agricultural technology, we will focus on the varieties of remontant yellow raspberries. If you want to get an autumn harvest, then it falls on the end of August – the beginning of autumn and before frost. When receiving two harvests, the term of the first harvest depends on the chosen yellow raspberry variety.

Golden domes

Remontant raspberries of yellow varieties: reviews

An early variety of remontant raspberries with an elongated berry shape. The fruits are sweet with a subtle sourness, they tolerate transportation well. The variety gives two harvests, but one harvest obtained from August to late autumn is much richer. The plant is resistant to frost, drought, disease. Productivity is high: 2 kg of berries from 1 bush. Upon receipt of one crop, it begins to bear fruit in early August.

Yellow giant

Remontant raspberries of yellow varieties: reviews

Medium-early variety with very tasty fragrant cone-shaped berries. The berries are large up to 8 g, but they do not tolerate transportation very well. Productivity is high (5-10 kg per bush). In conditions of humid weather or too hot weather, the berries deteriorate. Bushes tolerate wintering well. Most of all, the variety is suitable for growing on private plots for fresh consumption of berries. Children especially love the Yellow Giant Berries;


Remontant raspberries of yellow varieties: reviews

A variety that differs from others in an unusual taste. Berries of a conical shape with a slight taste of apricot, weighing up to 3,5 g. A garter is required, as the variety is very high-yielding. The bushes are not sprawling, erect, slightly thorny. The spikes are located at the bottom of the shoot.

Golden autumn

Remontant raspberries of yellow varieties: reviews

The variety is medium early, remontant. The berries are golden yellow in color, large, they are classified as dessert, as the fruits have a refined aroma and delicate taste. Productivity 2,5 kg per bush. The plant tolerates wintering well, is demanding on illumination, in a sunny place gives a richer harvest. Although the shoots are low, they must be tied up. There are few thorns, they are located at the bottom of the shoot.

The Orange Miracle

Remontant raspberries of yellow varieties: reviews

Mid-early remontant variety with conical berries, which contain a lot of vitamin C. The taste of the berries is pleasant, sweet, slightly sour. Fruit weight 5-10 g. Bushes are powerful, high. Perfectly tolerate climatic conditions with sharp temperature changes.

Brusvyana (Yaroslavna)

Remontant raspberries of yellow varieties: reviews

The remontant variety is more suitable for the southern regions, bushes up to 2 m high, form a lot of shoots, but branch weakly. The berries are sweet-sour, bright yellow, look very attractive on the bush. They tolerate transportation well.


Remontant yellow raspberries are becoming increasingly popular, as they are devoid of some of the shortcomings inherent in ordinary raspberry varieties. Remontant raspberries shoot and harvest in one season, are not damaged by pests due to the fact that the development cycle of pests does not coincide with the fruiting time of yellow raspberries. Most varieties tolerate frosts and are not affected by diseases.

Yellow raspberry deserves attention also because it is very useful for the body, and it can be used by allergy sufferers without harm to their health.

Even novice gardeners can handle growing varieties of remontant yellow raspberries, especially if they adhere to simple agricultural practices.

Remontant raspberries of yellow varieties: reviews


Vasilisa Morozova, 52 years old, Moscow region
Recently, I have completely abandoned the usual raspberries. Much more satisfied remontant raspberries. And tasty, and large, and there are never any worms in it, and bears fruit from July until frost. I grow yellow raspberries of the Orange Miracle variety, the berries have a rich raspberry flavor. I never process bushes with anything, in the fall I cut them to zero, I don’t tie them up. The roots overwinter remarkably.
Natalya Zemtsova, 61 years old, Bryansk region
I planted several bushes of yellow remontant raspberry of the Apricot variety, after all, planting material is expensive. However, I really liked the reviews. Now I do not regret the money spent. Unusually amazing taste of raspberry, unobtrusive aftertaste of apricot. Shrub care is simple, I add more compost around the bushes, and sometimes I water when there is no rain for a long time. The harvest is always happy, everyone is surprised that we have berries right up to frost.

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