Memory is good, but remembering in time is even better. Reminders are a simple and wonderful means of external memory, which a person has used since time immemorial, so as not to forget something and remember in time.
Our ancestors made knots for themselves as a keepsake. Tie a knot and remember. I saw a knot — I remembered.
Women stick stickers on the refrigerator with important reminders for themselves — convenient!
Do you sometimes forget to take your cell phone, wallet or umbrella with you? — No need to scold yourself, it’s better to hang a nice and clearly visible note in the hallway: “When you leave, take your mobile phone and kiss your wife.”
For example.
Better than constant grumbling, reminders will help your loved ones remember what you asked them for and what they promised you. Write them a reminder about it and hang it where they can see it!
Important — these reminders must be written with love.
The main rule for effective reminders is the same as for effective reminders — they must be in your field of attention ON TIME↑. To do this, hang them where you can not see them. And to see them was pleasant, if possible, do them with soul, beautifully.
Reminders will help you remember that the right time has come. You need to call in half an hour, how not to forget? Take your iPhone and set a timer for this time: it takes 30 seconds, and after that your head is completely free, and after half an hour you suddenly hear the desired signal.
If you have begun to master time management, to organize time tracking, you need to take notes every 15 minutes about what you were doing at that time. It’s a necessary thing, but constantly remembering the current time, doing it in parallel with other things, means giving yourself severe schizophrenia. Do not strain yourself, pick up your cell phone (iPhone, smartphone and other useful toys) again and ask this device to make a short beep every 15 minutes.
This task is quite solvable. If you find it difficult, then you are a girl, but in this case, use proven technology … Approach a group of familiar men standing, and, embarrassedly twisting a mobile device in your hands, turn to them for help with trusting eyes wide open: “You know, I have nothing in it I don’t understand. Can you help me?» — and put it in the hands of the one who first leaned towards you. You can be sure that you will not receive your device until this male council has demonstrated all their technical knowledge to each other. Moreover, if this function is simply not provided for in your device, tomorrow one of these men will bring you their old device, which will beep in a given way. Men are manageable and can be useful.
Parenting Reminders
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