Remedy for the Colorado potato beetle Taboo 

Almost every gardener who grows potatoes uses one or another insecticide. The Colorado potato beetle is the main enemy on the way to a good harvest. To get rid of these pests, you need to choose a very powerful tool. These include the drug “Taboo”.

Remedy for the Colorado potato beetle Taboo 

Description of the tool

The main active ingredient of the drug is imidacloprid. It is able to penetrate into all cells of the plant, after which the use of potato leaves will become dangerous for beetles. Getting directly into the body, the substance immediately acts, touching the nervous system of the pest. Now the Colorado potato beetle is completely immobilized and gradually dies.


The drug is available in containers and bottles of different sizes. For a small amount of potatoes, 10 or 50 ml bottles are suitable, and for planting a huge area there are containers of 1 liter or even 5 liters. It is easy to calculate the amount of the drug. To process approximately 120 kg of tubers, 10 ml of the product will be needed.

Remedy for the Colorado potato beetle Taboo 

Instructions are attached to the preparation. It is necessary to strictly follow the preparation method described in it. The described recommendations will help protect plants from the attack of Colorado potato beetles, as well as wireworms. The action of the drug continues until at least 3 pairs of leaves appear on the bushes.

Instructions for use of the drug “Taboo” from the Colorado potato beetle

Taboo is a fast-acting remedy that remains active for up to 45 days from the date of treatment. To do this, strictly follow the instructions for preparing the solution. Before using the drug, care must be taken to protect the hands and mucous membranes. Now you can start the process of preparing the mixture:

  1. The spray tank is filled one third with water.
  2. Then turn on the mixing mode.
  3. The drug is poured at the rate of 1 ml of the product per liter of water.
  4. Add water to keep the tank full.
  5. Stir the mixture again.
  6. The solution must be used within 24 hours.
Attention! During the procedure, shake the solution periodically.

Remedy for the Colorado potato beetle Taboo 

Before processing potatoes, it is necessary to select planting material manually. To do this, the potatoes are sorted out, throwing out all damaged and diseased tubers. Remember that the yield of potatoes directly depends on the quality of planting material.

Further, the processing is carried out in the following way:

  1. The selected potatoes are poured onto any suitable material (dense film or tarpaulin).
  2. Using a sprayer, the agent is applied to all tubers.
  3. The potatoes are then left to dry completely.
  4. After that, the tubers are turned over and repeated again.
  5. After the tool is completely dry, you can start planting.

The coloring pigment, which is part of the product, allows you to evenly apply the drug to all tubers. Due to this, each potato is completely covered with a layer of a substance that will not crumble and will not be erased from its surface.

Remedy for the Colorado potato beetle Taboo 

Wireworm protection

If the Colorado potato beetle attacks potato shoots, then the wireworm is directed precisely at the tubers themselves. To protect the plant, additional tillage should be carried out before planting potatoes. To do this, each well is sprayed with a solution. Due to this, a protective layer is formed around the root system.

Moisture helps imidacloprid to spread around the tuber, and then the plant will gradually absorb the substance from the soil. Thus, the substance enters all parts of the plant. Now, as soon as the beetle bites off a piece of a leaf, it will immediately begin to die.

Attention! Taboo is harmless to pets, bees and worms. The main thing is to observe the dosage of the drug.

Remedy for the Colorado potato beetle Taboo 

Important features and storage conditions

Experienced gardeners highlight the following advantages of this substance:

  • effectiveness lasts up to 45 days;
  • during this time there is no need to carry out additional pest control procedures;
  • the finished solution is well distributed throughout the tuber;
  • the agent also protects the bushes from cicada and aphids. As you know, they carry various viral diseases;
  • the drug can be used in parallel with other drugs. But before that, you need to check them for compatibility;
  • pests have not yet had time to develop addiction to imidacloprid, so the effectiveness of the remedy is quite high.

The substance must be in its original packaging. Keep “Taboo” away from children and pets. The temperature regime should not be lower than -10°C, and the maximum room temperature should not be higher than +40°C. Residues of the product should be disposed of after use.


As we have seen, the Taboo remedy for the Colorado potato beetle does an excellent job. It is very important to follow the instructions during the preparation of the solution, as well as adhere to safety precautions.

Remedy for the Colorado potato beetle Taboo 


Pavel Sergeevich, 49 years old, Volgograd
Many times I heard approving reviews from familiar gardeners about Taboo. I also tried this product and was very pleased. True, after 1,5 months, the beetles still appeared. I had to additionally spray the tops. But the instructions indicated that the drug is valid for 45 days, so no complaints. I prefer to change the Colorado potato beetle every year so they don’t get used to it. Maybe in a couple of years I will buy this drug again.
Antonina Viktorovna, 46 years old, Samara
To be honest, I was always afraid to process the tubers themselves before planting. Then they explained to me that the substance goes into the tops and practically does not harm the potatoes themselves. Now I sometimes use similar substances. “Taboo” also had to try. Excellent poison, there were no bugs for a long time.
Taboo is a potato tuber disinfectant from the Colorado potato beetle and wireworm.

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