Remedy for a severe headache. How to prevent a migraine?
Remedy for a severe headache. How to prevent a migraine?

Migraine is a problem for dynamic, active people in full strength. Unfortunately, it does not spare anyone, and its causes can be various: stress, fatigue, alcohol … Heralds of migraine are: appetite disorders, nausea, photophobia, a feeling of throbbing in the head. How to avoid pain?

Her attack can come unexpectedly and start differently for each person. Some people experience the classic symptoms, such as those described above, while others begin to hear tinnitus, their eyelids begin to twitch, others have visual disturbances, see spots in front of their eyes, are irritable, hypersensitive to smells or sounds, have no appetite.

Then it comes: a severe headache. It first appears on one side of the skull, usually above the temple. Then the pain spreads over the whole head. Strong, pulsating. It can make a mess – sometimes it is so strong that we are unable to function normally. Unfortunately, sometimes it goes away after a few hours, other times it can last up to a few days, only to return after some time.

The causes of migraines

  • Tendency to migraine sometimes hereditary,
  • Bad lifestyle – little sleep, stress, rushing,
  • Improper diet.

In fact, the reasons can be different. To find out why this is happening to you, it’s best to do a little ‘investigation’. Analyze everything that happened before the pain attack: what you ate, drank (often migraine causes red wine!), what was the weather like, your blood pressure, were you overtired, was there anything else going on that might have caused you stress, were you spending a lot of time in front of the TV or computer at the time? The reason may also be the lack of exercise, staying in a stuffy room, smells – e.g. of gasoline. Such careful observations and analysis of the time leading up to the attack migraines, will allow you to find out what is actually causing it. When you know “your enemy”, it will be easier for you to avoid such situations and prevent pain.

First aid for a migraine attack

Once the pain appears, unfortunately, there is no way to deal with it quickly. There is no known effective cure for it migraine – You just have to survive this state. In the first moments of pain, you can reach for a painkiller, and wait out the attack itself in a dark, ventilated and quiet room. Cover your forehead with a cold compress, or according to grandma’s ways – cover your temples with slices of raw potato or lemon.

Herbs can also be helpful – valerian infusion, chamomile, inhalation of aromatic oils (e.g. basil), rubbing peppermint into the neck and temples. If migraines are too painful and frequent, you can’t handle them, see your doctor. He may recommend therapy to help manage your pain.

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