Remedies for scars and scars: how to get rid of? Video
For many centuries, women got rid of scars with the help of folk remedies – onions, lemon, aloe. Modern medicine and cosmetology offer more effective ways to remove scars: there are many medicines, ointments, creams and gels that smooth scars and reduce them, and procedures such as laser resurfacing, chemical peeling, ozone therapy and others help to completely get rid of scars.
How to get rid of scars and scars?
Scars adorn a man – this opinion appeared several centuries ago, and still men are more dismissive of scars on their body and face. But a woman’s scars, especially large ones with uneven edges and a bumpy surface, only disfigure. Many girls treat scars as a tragedy, and we are talking not only about scars after complex operations or serious injuries, but also about small ones left after burns, boils, inflammations and pimples. It is almost impossible to avoid their appearance: all people have scars – small or large, noticeable and not so much. Getting rid of them is also difficult. For a long time, people used a variety of folk remedies, but only some of them had a small effect – they made scars less noticeable. Today, modern technologies have appeared that allow you to get rid of these scars that spoil the appearance. These are creams and ointments with special substances in the composition, laser scar removal procedures and other techniques.
Home remedies for scars are the cheapest, but not the most effective. However, they will help to heal small scars, to shrink old scars, and to prevent new scars if the wound has not yet fully healed.
If the wound is still fresh, it is not necessary to use any means to prevent scars just yet, but it is important to monitor its condition and moisturize it regularly. A wet wound leaves less visible scars. Talk to your doctor about how to properly apply a moisturizing dressing. It is important not to wet the wound with a lot of water, but simply to moisturize it a little.
Once the wound has healed, you can start using home remedies. The aloe vera plant, which many women grow in their homes and apartments, is an excellent treatment for scars. Break off one leaf, cut it lengthwise and attach one half to the scar, securing it with a plaster or bandage. You can also use Aloe Vera gel, which also promotes rapid recovery from skin damage and smoothes scars.
Onion extract is another popular home remedy, onions actually reduce skin inflammation and help make the scar less visible. Moreover, onion extract is often included in medications for healing scars. But the squeezed juice of onions does not always bring good results; in some people, the skin reacts negatively to onions, since it contains an acid that irritates the skin.
Another folk remedy is lemon juice, which contains alpha hydroxy acids that remove dead skin cells and stimulate the growth of new skin cells.
Used to remove scars and white and green clay masks that stimulate collagen formation, cleanse and whiten the skin
Folk remedies do not always work, and sometimes even worsen the condition of the skin. You don’t need to use onions or lemon juice if your doctor has recommended an expensive but effective scar removal agent. These preparations – creams, serums, ointments and gels – contain 100% silicone, remove or reduce scars of all types, are safe for the skin, do not cause allergic reactions and have no side effects. The most popular scar remover is Contractubex, which contains heparin and allantoin, which stimulate scar healing. “Kontraktubex” removes stretch marks after pregnancy, scars from injuries and operations, keloid and hypertrophic scars, scars from burns and other scars. It should be rubbed into the scar daily or left with a bandage overnight if the scar is old and dense: first, the cream removes the tightness and causes softening. The first time Kontraktubex is used, it causes a strong itching sensation, which indicates that the process of exposure to skin cells has begun. The itching will gradually disappear.
SCARpin, Dermatix Ultra, Revitol Zen Med and others are also considered good products.
The most effective treatments for scars and scars are various cosmetic procedures that can be performed by a qualified doctor. Their price is higher than for creams and ointments, but the result is usually more noticeable. Today there are many types of such procedures: microdermabrasion, laser resurfacing, mesotherapy, cryodestruction, chemical peeling and others. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, they all have different effectiveness, but it is worth entrusting the choice of the necessary procedure to a doctor who is better versed in the condition of your skin and the body’s response to a particular effect, and not reviews of clients of cosmetology parlors. In difficult cases, when the scars are large and noticeable, the method of surgical excision is used. For keloid scars, several sessions of beech therapy are used.
Laser resurfacing is one of the most popular methods for correcting scars, the level of its effectiveness is very high. But also good results are brought by photodynamic therapy, ozone therapy and almond chemical peels. Some skin imperfections require multiple treatments. Sometimes no remedy can help completely get rid of a scar, but it can be made more invisible, masked and reduced in size.
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