Remedies for constipation – it works! – Dietetics – Articles |

Why does constipation even appear?

Constipation is nothing more than a retention of food content in the intestines. This content should travel through the gastrointestinal tract in a maximum of 72 hours. So when there is no bowel movement for such a period, we can talk about a slow intestinal transit. It is mainly influenced by improper nutrition and lack of exercise.

Constipation and the Tasty Matched diet

It happens that when using our diet, you report constipation. Although it would seem that a properly balanced menu will avoid such problems, such a situation may occur. Usually, it has to do with a change in your diet. If your menu included completely different types of products before starting the diet, now your body experiences a kind of shock. Most often, it is the sudden increase in dietary fiber intake that has this effect. Remember that the higher the dietary fiber intake, the more fluids you should drink. Then the fiber can function properly and remove food debris from the intestines.

Effective remedies for constipation

If you suffer from constipation despite a well-balanced diet, try the following:

Eat regularly!

Regular consumption of meals allows you to regulate the work of the body, including intestinal passage. So start with breakfast and consume subsequent meals every 3-4 hours.

Drink regularly!

You should drink at least 2-2,5 liters of fluid a day. Ideally, it should be water, but all types of teas are also allowed, but without sugar, as well as freshly squeezed vegetable or fruit juices.

Exercise regularly!

A sedentary lifestyle is conducive to constipation. Unfortunately, today we use cars more and more often, and at work we mainly sit or stand. It all makes our intestines lazy. Therefore, let’s devote a few minutes a day to physical activity. It doesn’t have to be fancy exercises, just a 0,5-hour walk and a few sit-ups a day is enough to stimulate the intestines to work.

Drink lemon water!

Lemon contains terpenes, compounds that stimulate the production of saliva and digestive enzymes, as well as bile. Thanks to this, the digestive process is more efficient and all impurities are removed from the body faster. It is recommended that such a drink prepared from the juice of half a lemon and a glass of water should be drunk on an empty stomach, 30 minutes. before breakfast.

Eat plums!

Both fresh and dried plums are helpful in fighting constipation, but it’s better to choose the latter. They contain as much as 7 times more dietary fiber, which acts as a duster and sweeps the stool mass from the intestines. In addition, plum peel contains sorbitol, which creates a suitable environment for the development of beneficial intestinal bacteria, which nutritionist Justyna Piechocka wrote about in the last article.

Do not use laxative teas!

You should never decide on such a solution yourself. Only a doctor can recommend this type of preparation. Laxative teas are addictive, making the intestines lazy. If you start using them, you may find that you will not be able to do without them the next time you have a bowel movement.

Go to the doctor!

If the problem of constipation has been with you for a long time, and the above methods do not work, do not delay the visit to the doctor. Do not be shy, he is a doctor and he has not dealt with such problems before. Such chronic constipation may indicate a developing disease, e.g. irritable bowel syndrome, colorectal cancer, diabetes or hypothyroidism. So don’t underestimate this.

Main photo is from: Photo credit: Robert McDon. / Foter / CC BY

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