Religious education of children in the family, school, (spiritual, moral)
At the present time, the issue of lowering moral principles and spirituality among the younger youth is becoming acute. Religious education contributes to the revival of these qualities, valuable for any society. Parenting is the process of instilling certain behavioral skills in a child’s environment.
Raising spirituality in the family
The earlier healthy habits are instilled in the baby, the easier it will be for him to live in adulthood. It is important not only to instill the principles of behavior, but also to convey their meaning and value to children in an accessible way.
Spiritual education allows you to gently correct children’s behavior through the joint study of religious books, observing religious holidays and visiting temples and memorial sites.
The moral image of parents and older relatives is of decisive importance in upbringing. Only a positive personal example can convey to a child’s soul the value of family and religious traditions. In religion, special attention is paid to such concepts as good and evil, the meaning of life and the importance of a person’s spiritual principles and values.
Educating spirituality in school
In the school institutions of the Russian Federation, the subject “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics” has been introduced, its program provides for the study of all the main religious trends: Orthodoxy, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism.
The subject reveals in detail the foundations of different faiths and is a link between religious traditions and secular ethics.
The choice of direction is carried out depending on the religion and religious beliefs of the students. The course is designed to instill in young people a sense of patriotism, tolerance, as well as the rules of behavior accepted in society.
The complete formation of a person as a full-fledged personality is impossible without the education of moral qualities in him. External and internal factors have a great influence on the moral character of young people.
From the first years of life, it is necessary to purposefully develop in a child such feelings and character traits as honesty, justice, respect for people, a desire for creativity and mental and physical improvement.
The interaction of parents, teachers and the church is a guarantee that the younger generation will be able to overcome the difficulties that lie in wait for them on the path of life. Adults should remember that raising young citizens, they themselves become spiritually richer. And where it will be difficult for them to cope on their own, faith and love will come to the rescue.