Relieve stress in a minute: 6 short meditations

Meditation is one of the most effective and affordable ways to deal with stress these days. And even if you have never been interested in this before, try these simple relaxation techniques and you will see: they really work!

It can be scary for those who are just trying to meditate, because during practice you remain in silence, alone with your thoughts. At the same time, they also cannot be distracted – all together it seems an almost impossible task! But still, you should not despair: having overcome your fears, you can render a great service to your physical and mental health.

However, it is better to start gradually – do not immediately plunge into a 30-minute meditation. Short exercises that will not take you more than a minute will also be effective. Here are six examples that are perfect for beginners.

1. Basic breathing meditation

Place one hand on the solar plexus and the other hand on the heart. Inhale slowly through your nose to a count of four, and then exhale just as slowly. Exercise is best done right before bed or right after waking up. It will help maintain mental clarity during the day, as well as restore peace of mind in the evening.

2. Meditation with breathing through one nostril

Close the right nostril with the thumb of the right hand and inhale through the left. Then, with your index finger, close the left nostril, “release” the right one and exhale through it. Continue to breathe alternately through different nostrils. It is believed that this exercise helps to balance internal energy.

3. Meditation with a warm-up of the muscles of the neck

Tilt your head to the right so that your right ear almost touches your shoulder. Inhale deeply and then exhale slowly through your mouth. Try to imagine that with the exhalation, all the accumulated tension goes away. Do four cycles, and then tilt your head to your left shoulder and repeat the exercise.

This practice helps to relieve the accumulated tension in the neck and head, and also promotes relaxation and tranquility.

4. Belly breathing meditation

Pull in your belly and focus on it. Exhale completely, hold your breath, and then inhale slowly. At the end of the inhalation, hold your breath again and exhale slowly, while drawing in the stomach and tensing the abdominal muscles. Repeat the entire cycle several times.

This exercise can be done even while standing in line or sitting at your desk.

5. Meditation in motion

Stand up straight, put your hands together, take a deep breath through your nose. Put one hand on your thigh, and lower the other and exhale, while leaning to the side (towards the lowered arm). Then straighten up, inhale and exhale, leaning to the other side. Repeat several times, focusing on your breath.

6. Meditate in the “tree pose”

Bend one leg at the knee and press the foot against the inner thigh of the other leg. Standing in this position on one leg, put your hands together with your palms and focus on your breathing. If you can’t keep your balance, choose a point on the floor and focus on it. Continue focusing on your breath for 60 seconds, then change your supporting leg and repeat.

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