To six months, the first pains in the baby’s mouth appear. He “cuts his teeth”, as they say. This is her first teething. The baby teeth will gradually settle in his jaw, and will allow him to adopt a more varied diet.
If the imminent arrival of these first teeth is good news, teething can have unwanted effects, even be very uncomfortable for the infant: pain in the gums, red cheeks, sometimes fever (up to 38 ° C) and diarrhea. To relieve your baby, there are several solutions. One of them is homeopathy. We take stock of the various remedies available, and how to best use them, with Dr Florence Peyrefitte, homeopathic pediatrician.
Identify teething problems
“First and foremost, you have to be clear about what teething is. These appear most generally between the six and nine months of the child, but it can also happen that they appear before ”, explains Dr Florence Peyrefitte. As far as we know, teething is not always easy to identify: “There may be screaming and crying in children, but not only. The baby can also have fever and cold-like symptoms. The fact that the child nibbles a lot can also be an indicator ”. It is therefore essential to be sure that these are indeed the first dental flares, before resorting to a homeopathic treatment to relieve the discomfort of the child.
Treatments according to symptoms
“In homeopathy, we adapt the treatment according to the problems that affect the child. Parents are advised to consult before using granules ”, recommends Dr Florence Peyrefitte. The homeopathic doctor will first of all make sure that there is no other cause for the baby’s crying, then choose the most suitable treatment.
Among the homeopathic remedies most used to soothe the pain of teething, we can mention for example la Chamomilla, which is based on chamomile flowers: “This remedy will work in particular if the child cries out, if he is angry, with red cheeks, and feels a great need to be rocked”. We can also cite la Pretty Woman if the child starts to nibble a lot, or le Rheumif he has red buttocks, diarrhea and a grumpy temperament. “If these treatments don’t work and the pain persists, I usually prescribe the Arnica et Hypericum », Specifies Dr Florence Peyrefitte.
Baby: how to relieve tooth pain with homeopathy?
For those who do not know homeopathy, it acts on the basis of strains (mainly vegetable such as Chamomilla, mentioned above), which are more or less diluted. The unit is CH, which means “diluted to the hundredth”. For example, Pretty Woman 9CH is a granule containing Belladonna diluted nine times to the hundredth. What about the treatments prescribed for baby teething? “Most often, we prescribe diluted products between 5CH and 9CH, sometimes even 15 CH » explains Dr Florence Peyrefitte.
Homeopathy: two ways to administer it in children
So here you are with a homeopathic prescription to calm your baby’s teething. How to administer it, and how often?
“There are two ways to do this depending on your age,” explains Dr Florence Peyrefitte. Before his first year, it is necessary to dilute the homeopathic granules in water and give them to the child to drink. I recommend diluting the 10 granules in four teaspoons of water. These spoons will be dispatched during the day. If the child is over one year old, you can give him homeopathy in the form of granules. You have to put them at the level of the gum in the bottom of his mouth. You can give it three granules between two and three times a day ”.
Good to know: there is no contraindication to homeopathy.
We consult the pediatrician if necessary
If the pain persists, there is no point in persisting with the same homeopathic treatment. “The treatment should not be given for more than a week. If the child’s pain is not relieved, a better product must be found to match the child’s pain, ”warns Dr Florence Peyrefitte.
Consult a pediatrician if pain persists, and symptoms such as diarrhea or ear infections appear.
Camilia, a specific medicine to relieve teething
In parallel with the granules to be diluted offered by homeopathic doctors, Boiron laboratories also offer Camilia, a specific homeopathic medicine that can be administered to the infant. This medicine contains Chamomilla vulgaris, Phytolacca Decandra and Rheum. Sold in pharmacies, the drug Camilia is in the form of single-dose containers. It is recommended to give between 3 and 6 single doses per day. If after a few days you don’t see any improvement in symptoms, see a doctor.
From what age can Camilia be given to a baby?
Camilia is a medicine specially adapted for infants, and can be used from an early age.