Relaxing on the beach: 5 main dangers
“What are the dangers on vacation?” – you will be surprised. Indeed: harsh bosses, unfinished reports and other problems during the rest we are not threatened. But on the beach you have to face a different kind of dangers. talks about the five most popular.
Danger # 1: Unknown Food
In the Black Sea resorts, you cannot hide from the ubiquitous sellers of corn, shawarma and baklava. And in most cases, such “snacks” do not threaten anything terrible. But it should be borne in mind that these goodies could lie under the scorching sun for several hours or were cooked in unsanitary home conditions.
A very real danger in tropical countries is poisoning or infection with exotic parasites. Therefore, before having a bite, you should take a closer look at the coastal restaurants, or even go altogether only to proven places.
In addition, it should be borne in mind that careful control over the quality of food and water is practiced mainly by hotels with a good reputation and at least 4 stars. And in the tropics, you should not get carried away with grilled meat – it usually contains the most dangerous helminths.
Preventive measures
If after dinner at the hotel or a quick “snack” on the beach you have a stomach ache, you need to sit on boiled food for a couple of days, without spicy, salty and smoked food. It is also better to give up fruits and vegetables, salads with mayonnaise for a while. By the way, quite benign, but too unusual food (for example, delicacies in Thailand or Vietnam) can cause frustration. Bring plenty of activated charcoal and a broad spectrum antibiotic with you.
Danger # 2: sea creatures
“There are sharks in Africa, gorillas in Africa, big evil crocodiles in Africa,” wrote Korney Chukovsky. However, sharks are rare in the hotel area. In addition, most of them are medium-sized and non-aggressive, often leading a nocturnal lifestyle, and at night the beaches of large hotels are usually closed to avoid unpleasant incidents. It is much more real to suffer from other, no less toothy, inhabitants of the sea.
Moray eels are similar to large snakes, however, they cannot bite: their teeth are poisonous, but they are bent inward with sharp ends.
Take, for example, jellyfish and brightly colored fish: their surface is “equipped” with cells that secrete a burning secret. Therefore, you should not touch them with your hands. Stingrays, which like to lie under stones, buried in the sand, are very dangerous. The blow of a stingray with its tail is very painful – there is a poisonous thorn at the end of it. But in general, this is a rather lazy and non-aggressive animal by nature. The main thing is not to scare the stingray.
And then there are moray eels, similar to large snakes sliding along the bottom. Their mouths are toothy, their eyes are bulging. But fearful moray eels are scary only in appearance. After all, they cannot even bite a finger on anyone – although their teeth are poisonous, they are bent with sharp ends inward. Such a mouth can do great harm only to the one who sticks a finger into the moray, which, you see, is unlikely.
Preventive measures
It is advisable to enter the water in a well-known safe area. And dive into the sea only wearing a mask to immediately see dangerous marine life, if they happen to be around. Do not touch underwater animals with your hands, no matter how beautiful and defenseless they may seem to you. Stock up on antihistamines – this will help relieve swelling and pain if a burn or bite is still unavoidable.
Danger # 3: air conditioning in hotels
Air conditioners are a good thing. The main thing is to correctly set the temperature regime so as not to catch a cold.
Not a single comfortable hotel in southern countries can do without them. In the halls, rooms, restaurants – everywhere we are blown by the breeze from air conditioners. It is always pleasant to lie down in the coolness of the room after the drying heat, and at night there are no problems with stuffiness. However, our body, as a rule, is not used to such temperature regulation from the outside and continues its own thermoregulation, which can cause immunity failures. Therefore, colds are quite likely at the most inopportune time.
Preventive measures
The difference between “inside” and “outside” temperatures should not be too great. So, if it’s 40 degrees outside, then the device needs to be adjusted to 32 degrees and only gradually, within an hour and a half, “go down” to 25-26 degrees. Do not sit under the conditioner with wet skin.
Danger # 4: pool bleach
Everyone loves to splash in the pool, especially if your hotel is not near the sea beach. True, often the pleasure of bathing is spoiled by ordinary bleach – the generally accepted and most reliable way of disinfecting water in swimming pools. Bleach protects against serious illnesses, but at the same time provokes “frivolous” ones: it dries the skin, sometimes causes itching, has a bad effect on the hair, and also acts on the cornea of the eye – it can cause burns and even conjunctivitis.
Swimming goggles can protect the eyes in the pool. They are needed for those who like to dive.
In addition, staying in chlorinated water is undesirable for women – it changes the pH level of the vaginal mucosa, “washes out” beneficial bacteria, which are quickly replaced by opportunistic bacteria, opening the way for various infections.
Preventive measures
First, check if you are allergic to bleach. If not, dive into the pool boldly. But first, take care of your skin, hair, and eyes. Take a moisturizer, body lotion, or emollient milk with you. Now on sale there are special cosmetics after the pool – creams, shampoos, balms that wash off bleach and moisturize the body. These products are especially useful for those with dry and sensitive skin.
In general, if possible, try not to swim in the pool when the sea is nearby. After leaving the pool, you need to rinse thoroughly and dry yourself thoroughly, removing your wet swimsuit as soon as possible.
Sunbathing in the sea spray is not the most harmless activity. It can lead to female problems: exacerbation or development of cystitis.
It’s nice to sit in the shade on the rocks and admire the seascape. Just don’t do it in a wet swimsuit. In some women, hypothermia, coupled with unusual physical activity and a new climate, can lead to an exacerbation or development of cystitis.
It is important to remember that in countries with humid climates, swimwear and swimming trunks take a very long time to dry. In order not to make your next trip to the sea or the pool in wet clothes, be sure to bring a removable swimsuit or dry underwear.
Preventive measures
It is useful on vacation to regularly drink alkaline mineral waters. If you have a tendency to cystitis, 5-10 days before departure, start brewing and drinking any urological collection, kidney tea, half-pala, bearberry.