Relaxation techniques – what will help you fall asleep?

You will probably hear more than once about the importance of a dream – we still have a tendency to put something above it. And spending the time that you can use for extra sleep for more hours at work or the next episode of the show is really not a good decision.

Difficult to fall asleep? How to get the mind to cooperate

What to do when you have the will to go to bed early and give yourself full recovery, but the nervous system refuses to cooperate? When you have a million thoughts in your head that should rather bother you during the day, each position seems uncomfortable and the sounds from outside the window too loud?

Of course, there are various mind-silencing techniques that can help you learn and try – chances are you will find one that will work for you and give you a good night’s sleep. Sometimes, however, the names of some practices sound very strange, and we are reluctant to start or give up after the first attempt, not knowing their origin and the way they affect them.

The key to success is time and less pressure, but a dose of knowledge will also come in handy. Maybe somewhere below you will find a tip on what you can do to sleep harder, rest deeper and fall asleep faster? You can start with the simplest relaxation read by a calm voice with the mind-quieting music you will find below.

If you have problems falling asleep, reach for natural remedies, eg Trouble with sleep – a mixture of herbs available at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

Yoga nidra — sen jogina

Nidra — w translated into Polish: sen. It is a yoga practice that is performed in a specific, most comfortable and relaxing position for your body, often lying down – including in bed. Yogi’s dream (the Polish name of the technique) is a way to let go of the tensions in the body and bring the brain into what we would call a state of weightlessness. You can also use Nidra to relax (e.g. before a nap) during the day, but then you need an alarm clock – it’s easy to drift off.

Advice: Although this attention is valuable primarily for other health reasons – try not to eat before getting ready for bed. A full stomach is not conducive to focusing on technique and relaxation. For yoga nidra, you can use a blindfold that will provide you with additional tactile sensations, or – if you do not have one – a piece of pleasant, dark fabric.

Also check: Yoga for everyone: A set of exercises to mobilize the spine

training autogeny

It is a type of relaxation technique based on the reduction of muscle tension. It can be effective in a 10-minute formula. It resists the suggestions and visualizations you make to get you accustomed to your body sensations. Autogenic training can be used not only before going to sleep, but also when your head hurts, you feel very tense, you feel anxious or stressed. It also helps when your hormones go crazy – it’s such a body calmer, neutralizer of unpleasant sensations. It cleanses us not only of the tensions felt in the body, but also releases emotions, the expression of which is necessary for the feeling of relief.

During training, the rhythm of breathing and heartbeat are balanced, the feeling of warmth and weight increases (resulting from a more intense feeling of one’s own body). Exercise is designed to help the body, whose action oscillates between the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems, to achieve harmony. We have these two parts of the autonomic nervous system in order to effectively adapt to the conditions of struggle (achieving goals, experiencing negative emotions) and rest (digesting, sleeping, resting).

Try this technique with the footage from the Mindy app:


What is a nap does not need to be explained to anyone, but it is worth emphasizing its soothing effect – even if you wake up during the day you feel a bit confused and think that it was not a good decision, a nap works: it gives you strength for the rest of the day and can have a positive long-term effect. on cognitive functions.

Research shows that the benefits of naps are not only seen in people who work night shifts or suffer from insomnia. Effects commonly occur in terms of easier waking and getting up. Logical: if your body is better rested and you have more strength, your body will not drag you back into the bedding.

A nap brings beneficial changes at the behavioral level, improves mood and lowers the subjective feeling of drowsiness and chronic fatigue. Thus, it supports the performance of our tasks (i.e. simply: efficient work of the brain), reaction time, signal recognition, reasoning.

Remember to cover your body when you go to nap – even if you are warm now, your body will likely cool down when you sleep. To avoid unpleasant sensations afterwards, put on a thin blanket or clothes. Get really comfortable – do not treat a nap at home as a nap on a train – you have the conditions, use it. Let the ground be even and the pillow should be decent. If you are concerned that you will find it difficult to fall asleep at first (and napping is “not worth” temporarily), use a small pillow or blindfold to cover your eyelids.

To support your sleep and improve its quality, order Pij i Śpij Zdrowo – herbal drink Klimuszko available at a promotional price on Medonet Market. For bathing, it is worth using Calming – salt with Optima Natura lavender oil, which supports relaxation.

Find out more: A nap effectively regenerates a sleepy body


What is this shortcut? Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response – in direct translation, spontaneous response of sensory meridians. Self-contained, because it can be said that it appears with a minimal share of your consciousness and emotions. ASMR is a series of feelings caused by the presented stimuli characterized by a pleasant tingling sensation in parts of the body that occupy the main elements of the nervous system (head, neck, spine – back). The impetus for this reaction comes from various triggers, both visual and audible. The phenomenon was first defined by scientist Jennifer Allen in 2010.

Since describing ASMR is a fresh matter in the world of science, we still do not have unequivocal, collective studies showing the effects of its appearance. However, feedback from participants in procedures with its use shows that ASMR leads to a state of deep body and mind relaxation – reduces the feeling of tension, introduces peace, relieves anxiety and stress. Thus, it is a technique that facilitates the preparation of the body for sleep.

Also read: One sheep, the other sheep – trouble falling asleep

Better A to Z sleep in Mindy

If the above list has convinced you that it is worth trying any of the techniques in the fight for faster falling asleep and healthier sleep, we invite you to listen to the new products in the Polish Mindy application. Recently, we have significantly expanded the Sleep and Relax section, where you will find various forms of relaxation. Evening meditations, yoga, autogenic trainings, specially prepared recordings with music. Give it a try! If you do not have the application yet, thanks to the “Peaceful Head” campaign prepared by Mindy and Medonet you get access to the best promotional offer for access to the full library of recordings – a wide selection awaits you.

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