
Relaxation games are a way to relieve psycho-emotional stress in young children. Young children are often in a state of high psycho-emotional arousal. The reason for this may be adaptive stress, a crisis of three years, fatigue. I bring to your attention relaxation games that will help relieve psycho-emotional stress in a child, create positive emotions in him, calm him down and improve his sleep.

There are different relaxation games:

  • games that help to achieve a state of relaxation by alternating strong tension and rapid relaxation of the main muscles of the body;
  • games that help to achieve a state of relaxation by alternating rhythmic breathing and breathing with a delay;
  • games with trailers — relaxation is achieved by squeezing and unclenching the hands with a regular linen trailer;
  • sleep games, lullabies.

Games based on neuromuscular relaxation

«Catch a Butterfly»

Purpose: neuromuscular relaxation through alternating strong tension and rapid relaxation.

Fulfillment: the leader shows a flying butterfly, tries to catch it — performs grasping movements above his head with one hand, then with the other, with both hands at the same time.

Children repeat the shown movements. Then they slowly open their fists, look to see if they caught a butterfly or not. Then open palms are connected, imagining that they are holding it.

«Ice cream»

Purpose: removal of psycho-emotional stress.

Children are invited to play ice cream. You are ice cream, you have just been taken out of the refrigerator, it is hard as a rock, your body is icy. But the sun warmed up, the ice cream began to melt. Your body, arms, legs have become soft.

«Cold — hot»

Purpose: to relieve psycho-emotional stress.

Fulfillment: You are playing in a sunny meadow. Suddenly a cold wind blew, you felt cold, you froze, wrap your arms around yourself, press your head to the arms — you are warming yourself. Warm up, relax. But then the cold wind blew again ….

«Magpie Crow»

Purpose: to relieve emotional stress.

Fulfillment: Children sit in pairs on chairs, pronouncing nursery rhymes, take turns massaging each other’s fingers of their right hands, starting with the thumb and ending with the little finger, and at the end of the nursery rhyme they stroke each other’s palms.

Magpie — the crow cooked porridge,

Magpie — the crow fed the children,

I gave it, and I gave it

And gave to this, and gave to this

And the smallest one

From a big bowl

yes big spoon

She fed everyone.

Relaxation games by alternating rhythmic breathing and delayed breathing


Purpose: to relieve psycho-emotional stress through breathing techniques, creating a positive emotional background. Monotonous hand movements inhibit negative emotions.

Conduct: today we will be with you for hours. Stand straight, legs apart slightly, lower the handles down. Mom started the clock, and they began to tick: tick-tock. Waving arms forward and backward.

«Let’s Warm the Butterfly»

Purpose: to achieve relaxation achieve relaxation through breathing techniques.

The host shows an imaginary butterfly on his palm, says that she is frozen and cannot take off. Offers to warm her with his breath. Children breathe into their palms (breathing exercise: open your mouth and pronounce a long “A” sound). The butterfly has warmed up and must be blown off the palm of your hand. Children take a deep breath through the nose and exhale through the mouth (as you exhale, stretch your lips with a tight one, make a long sound “U”).

trailer games

«Bunny and dog»

Purpose: relieve tension, develop the communicative function of speech, develop imagination.

A poem is read and an action is performed.

One, two, three, four, five —

Bunny went out for a walk (Fingers of the left hand show «bunny»).

Suddenly the hunter runs out and releases the dog.

Angry dog ​​barks (the right hand opens and closes the clothespin, depicting how the dog barks).

Bunny runs away (left hand is removed behind the back).

«A fox»

Purpose: relieve tension, develop fine motor skills of the hands, develop the communicative function of speech.

Rhythmically open and close the «mouth» of the clothespins, accompanying the actions with the pronunciation of the poetic text.

Cunning cheat, red head,

Mouth opens, scares bunnies.


Purpose: relieve tension, develop fine motor skills of hands, develop the communicative function of speech.

Trailer actions are accompanied by text.

The bird moved its beak (the hand with the trailer turns from side to side),

The bird found grains (the other hand shows a palm with imaginary grains),

The bird ate the seeds (pinching hand with clothespin),

The bird sang a song (the clothespin is rhythmically opened and the “mouth” is closed — sings. The psychologist and the children sing: la-la-la).


Purpose: relieve tension, develop fine motor skills of hands, develop the communicative function of speech.

Perform movements to the beat of the poem:

Finger, finger moved:

And bend and unbend.

You are not too lazy to move

An hour, and two, and a whole day.

Games — «lullabies», lullabies

Johannes Brahms. Lullaby

download audio

​​​​​​​Such games protect from excessive impressions and emotions accumulated during the day, soothe, exhort. And they even treat, because it’s not for nothing that the words of some lullabies resemble the conspiracies of healers, “casting out diseases and sorrows.” The calm melody of the lullaby helps to slow down the pulse, dilate blood vessels, streamline brain rhythms. It is necessary to accompany the «lullaby» or lullaby by stroking the arms, legs, back, hair. All these actions are necessary in order to develop in children a conditioned reflex to fall asleep. If the teacher does this correctly, then the children literally relax in front of their eyes, quickly go to sleep. Subsequently, they fall asleep as soon as the teacher begins to hum or pronounce. Children, accustomed to surrender to the flow of imaginative representations, will begin to sleep in a deep, sound sleep. The baby will have a long restful sleep — there will be health. That is why so much attention has been paid to the ritual of going to bed from time immemorial. To use «sleep» and lullabies as a way of relaxation, it is not necessary to be able to sing, you can speak sincerely and affectionately.

Baby lullabies on Youtube.

«It’s time for the kids to sleep»

Purpose: preparation for sleep, relieve tension from the main muscle groups of the baby’s body.

The teacher reads a lullaby, stroking each child.

It’s time for our fingers to sleep

It’s time for our hands to sleep

It’s time for our eyes to sleep

It’s time for our feet to sleep

And it’s time for the tummy to sleep

It’s time for the back to sleep too

It’s time for the kids to sleep.

«Sleep» for palms «

Purpose: to prepare for sleep, relieve negative emotions and tension from the hands.

Children lie in their beds, the teacher pronounces the words, accompanying them with movement.

Our palms are tired, they want to rest a little (show palms, shake them relaxed several times).

They collected toys (show how invisible toys were assembled).

Made buns with mom (to mold from an invisible dough).

Cooked porridge with grandma (stir invisible porridge).

Tearing daisies in the garden (break several times).

Threw bread crumbs

Sparrows on the path (collect fingers in a handful, sorting through them, throwing invisible crumbs).

Tired of our palms

Let’s get some rest (put your palms on top of each other, relax your hands).


Lullabies by V. Ryabkova

download video

Purpose: to prepare for sleep, relieve stress.

Children in cribs, the teacher sets the children to sleep.

Time to sleep!

The bull fell asleep

He lay down in a box on a barrel.

Sleepy bear went to bed

The elephant wants to sleep too

The trunk lowers the elephant,

He sees a sweet, wondrous dream.

Our kids are sleeping too

Quietly noses sniffle.

soft pillows

Ears warm.

The eyes are closing

The stories begin.

Other games and exercises to teach your child to relax

  • Fighting
  • Mouth to lock
  • Balloon
  • Waterfall of the world
  • My pearl
  • Get a star
  • Magic Journey
  • Relaxation and breathing exercises for group activities with children
  • Muscle relaxation exercises

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