Relax, it’s just a neurosis

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Neurosis is a mental disorder that results from unresolved external conflicts. According to estimates, 8 million Poles struggle with them. And although neurotic disorders are called the disease of the soul, the body suffers from them as well. Underestimated and untreated, they can take years. Is it enough to pull yourself together to overcome the neurosis?

Krystyna will retire in a few years, but she sincerely admits that if she could, she would have quit her job today. Not because he doesn’t like his job or people in the company. In fact, she is friends with a few co-workers, she is respected, she fulfills her duties perfectly, and her bosses praise her. He claims that he feels confident because he knows that he is a good specialist. Still, for as long as she can remember, she bends over the toilet bowl every morning and vomits. Because he has to go to work again.


Neurosis is an anxiety disorder that occurs most often in people aged 25-45. Certain situations cause incomprehensible fear in patients (but do not cause hallucinations). In order to diagnose neurosis, all symptoms, both mental and physical, should be monitored. It should be remembered that neurotic disorders are a serious problem that needs to be treated. The popularly accepted term “neurosis”, once also a medical term, is now very abused. You can get the impression that half of the population is neurotic, but that does not mean that they suffer from neurosis.

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The symptoms of neurosis like pieces of a puzzle

Dominika Bronz, a psychologist, admits that she is dealing with neurotic patients more and more often. – Usually they come to me directed by other doctors: internists, cardiologists, neurologists, gastrologists. When it turns out that the ailments complained of by patients are not confirmed in reality, because their body is healthy, you need to take care of the soul – he says. However, it is not that simple, because the patient has to connect several facts that initially seem to be completely different. Because what connects paroxysmal migraine headaches so strong that they lead to loss of consciousness, with a new job, and a strong pressure in the chest, reminiscent of a heart attack, with experiences from childhood? It turns out a lot.

Symptoms of neurosis:

  1. general anxiety,
  2. memory impairment,
  3. nightmares,
  4. anxiety,
  5. problems with sleeping,
  6. general fatigue,
  7. hyperactivity,
  8. dissociative disorders.

The above-mentioned symptoms are very often accompanied by physical symptoms in the form of:

  1. headaches
  2. hypertension,
  3. skin problems,
  4. impotence,
  5. sleep problems
  6. sweating
  7. nervous tics,
  8. dry mouth
  9. nausea.

You can consult a psychologist online for symptoms of neurosis as part of an e-visit. You can arrange a teleconsultation at a time of your choice and do it in the comfort of your home. As a preventive and supportive measure for neurosis, regularly drink the ECO Tea for nervousness, which you can buy at a favorable price on Medonet Market. You can also try catnip or valerian root for a relaxing and relaxing effect.

Neurosis – the causes of the disease

It is suspected that neurosis appears most often in people who have internal conflicts with each other. When are we exposed to neurosis?

  1. after strong experiences,
  2. after mental trauma,
  3. when the body reacts defensively to stress, leading to mental problems,
  4. when we stress a lot,
  5. when we are exhausted.

If you notice any disturbing symptoms, you can make an appointment for a quick on-line appointment with a psychiatrist.

Classification of neurosis according to the international classification of diseases (ICD-10)

Currently, the concept of ‘neurosis’ has been replaced with other terms, today we can define it as:

  1. reaction to severe stress and emotional problems
  2. neurotic disorders related to stress and in the somatic form,
  3. behavioral syndromes related to physiological disorders,

The data show that up to 15% of patients, and as many as 40% of people receiving treatment in mental health clinics and visiting their family doctors, have neurotic disorders.

In order to reduce ailments related to the occurrence of neurosis, it is worth drinking herbal infusions on a regular basis, eg Calming – a natural herbal mixture of Lorem Vit, available at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

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Types of anxiety disorders

What types can we distinguish?

Phobias: occurs when certain events / people / objects evoke unjustified fear in us.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Patient develops intrusive thoughts and behaviors. Sometimes in this case it is referred to as the so-called “Obsessive compulsive disorder”.

Hipochondria: manifests itself in exaggerated care and fear for one’s health. Patients often make themselves believe diseases that do not exist.

See what you need to know about hypochondria

All types of neuroses have one thing in common: the sick person does everything to avoid factors that could trigger the attack. Neurosis is not delusional, patients very often are fully aware that their fears or fears are completely unfounded. As an example, we can cite arachnophobia (fear of spiders), a person with this condition knows that a spider is not a threat to him, and still is not able to get rid of fear and anxiety.

If you have neurosis symptoms, try Neurosis, a herbal blend that has a calming effect.

Neurosis is not cancer

There are several types of neuroses depending on the causes of their formation. Accordingly, we are talking about, for example, a vegetative neurosis, the appearance of which may be preceded by long-term stress, affecting the dysregulation of the nervous system.

– Neurotic patients really feel breathlessness, severe pain, throat tightness, dry mouth, sweat, faint, vomit, suffer from insomnia, dizziness, numbness in the limbs. Many have problems with the digestive system. Some of my patients were taken from work by the emergency room suspected of having a heart attack, others were convinced that they had cancer because their head ached so badly. Most of them were completely convinced that their bodies were not functioning properly. They looked for the causes of pain in various specialists. When it turned out that these symptoms did not flow from the body, but from the soul, they reacted in two ways – says Dominika Bronz and cites examples of patients who breathed with relief when they heard: “It’s not cancer, but neurosis.” However, there were also those who felt deceived, disregarded, and did not accept the diagnosis. – Usually such an attitude results from the fear of changes. It is easier to take medications for hypertension or sleep than to change your lifestyle, reevaluate many things and start working on yourself – explains the psychologist and adds that without it it is impossible to deal with vegetative neurosis. The most effective way to treat it is psychotherapy.

Neurosis and order in the head

When a patient complaining of physical ailments comes to Dominika Bronz, she does not immediately make a diagnosis. – At the beginning, any organic changes should be excluded, therefore the psychologist works with doctors and rehabilitators. It may turn out that a patient who has problems with the digestive system has contracted ulcers as a result of too frequent contractions of the gastric mucosa. Untreated neurotic disorders can lead to organ dysfunction, usually the weakest ones – explains the psychologist and emphasizes that psychotherapy is sometimes supported with pharmacological treatment. – Sometimes you need to calm the patient quickly or simply suppress the pain. However, neurotic disorders should not be treated only with pharmacology, because then we only suppress the symptoms and not work on the causes of the disorders. As a result, the patient does not recover, but only starts to function better – he explains.

And how to restore order to a nervous person in his mind and soul? By referring him to group or individual psychotherapy. The former is conducive to building trust in another person, reducing anxiety, and learning new emotional relationships. The patient compares his experiences with those of other people, imitates certain attitudes, acquires a new perspective, learns about other symptoms of the disease, but above all acquires knowledge about himself. In the case of individual therapy, the thread of understanding with the therapist, trust and honesty is very important. – Sometimes it is easier to confide in a stranger than someone close to you. However, the most important thing is that the patient admits certain things to himself, looks for the causes of stress or anxiety, realizes the situations in which the symptoms occur and what they are related to, and then learns the techniques of dealing with neurotic disorders. The first stage of therapy usually lasts 3 months and includes several meetings. After this time, we decide together what to do next – says Dominika Bronz and emphasizes: – Recovering from neurotic disorders requires a lot of work on ourselves, but very often it ends with success.

The mainstay of treatment of anxiety disorders is psychotherapy, psychoeduction, relaxation methods, family therapies and, in some cases, pharmacotherapy. In most cases, anxiety disorders resolve with age and with appropriate treatment.

If you want to support the work of the nervous system and inhibit the development of free radicals, you can reach for a dietary supplement with turmeric that supports the work of the nervous and immune systems.

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