Why can even the most stable couples have problems at a certain age? Is the saying “gray hair in a beard, demon in a rib” really true? What to do if there is neither desire nor intimacy with a partner, but anxiety overcomes day after day?
First of all, you need to understand that, despite all the theories about gender equality, the psychological strength and stability of relationships are much more dependent on women. After all, it is precisely female sensitivity, emotional flair and the ability to smooth out sharp corners that help maintain the freshness of relationships, track alarming “beacons” in time, or mitigate the severity of the onset of the crisis.
However, at a certain age, women themselves experience a natural period of increased anxiety – a gradually rising fear of aging, or at least fears about their health, beauty and attractiveness, anxiety that a partner will start looking towards younger women … All this can deprive a woman of self-confidence and, alas, is perfectly readable by men – the boat of stable relationships begins to sway …
In addition, we should not forget about the intimate side of the issue. It would seem that in adulthood, intimacy due to the accumulated experience, knowledge of one’s body and the desires of a partner should bring maximum pleasure … But in practice, women often face a lack of desire, experience disappointment in intimate relationships, sometimes even discomfort and pain caused by dryness of the mucous membrane of the intimate zone . Of course, this cannot but affect the quality of intimate relationships and, accordingly, the satisfaction of both partners.
This whole complex of sensations is often associated with the inevitable hormonal changes known as menopause or menopause. Female sex hormones (in particular, estrogen and progesterone) are directly responsible not only for the functioning of the reproductive system, but also for the emotional background, for maintaining youth and attractiveness, for sexual desire and pleasure from intimacy.
Accordingly, natural changes in hormonal balance can provoke changes in women’s appearance and mood, affect self-confidence and, of course, affect relationships, the degree of attraction of spouses to each other. Therefore, it is important to talk openly with a partner, discuss all emerging problems and new sensations, seek support from a psychologist if it is difficult to adapt to changes, and of course, carefully monitor your health, do not stop paying attention to your appearance. Useful physical activity, proper nutrition, body care – all this will help a woman maintain a positive attitude and self-confidence.
During premenopause and menopause, it’s time to think about additional support for the body. There are special bio-complexes based on the natural power of medicinal herbs and plants, which are designed to help women gently go through the crisis period of change. Their action is based on special natural substances – phytoestrogens.
Phytoestrogens are the closest in structure to the estrogens of the female body and help maintain the natural balance of sex hormones, thereby maintaining youth, sexual attractiveness, excellent health, energy, and cheerful mood for longer. Phytoestrogens help reduce the negative symptoms of menopause. In addition, they do not have contraindications and side effects that may accompany the action of hormone therapy.
Some complexes, for example
Of course, any man wants to see his woman energetic, radiant, rejoicing in life! But only women know that menopause can undermine this energy, self-confidence, deprive the body of the strength and desire to maintain any relationship. Action
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