Relanium – indications, contraindications, dosage and side effects

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Relanium is a well-known and popular prescription drug that works to help you sleep, relieve anxiety and calm you down. This preparation is one of the drugs with a very high potency, therefore certain precautions should be taken when using it. What is the composition of Relanium and what is its mechanism of action? When is it worth reaching for Relanium, and when it is absolutely impossible to use it? How to dose this drug and what to depend on the dose? How much does Relanium cost and can I ask for a replacement at the pharmacy?

Relanium – drug characteristics

Relanium is a popular drug among patients who struggle with nervous ailments. It contains diazepam, which makes it a psychotropic agent that is used primarily in neurological and psychiatric treatment.

How Relanium works depends mainly on the dose you take, and how you take it. Oral administration of the drug calms the patient, relaxes and has an anti-anxiety effect. On the other hand, intravenous administration of Relanium works against epilepsy. Relanium is also an agent used to treat insomnia. It is also used in drug addiction treatment to relieve symptoms associated with alcohol withdrawal.

Relanium is available as tablets, an oral suspension, and a solution for injection. The active substance, regardless of the form of the drug, is diazepam. One Relanium tablet contains 2 mg or 5 mg of diazepam. The package contains 20 tablets. The tablets are pink, round, biconvex tablets with a smooth surface.

The entity responsible for the production and distribution of Relanium is GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals SA – Poland. GSK is a British pharmaceutical concern. The GSK concern was established in December 2000 as a result of the merger of Glaxo Wellcome and SmithKline Beecham. In the ranking of the 50 largest pharmaceutical companies for 2012, GSK was placed sixth. In Poland, GSK is a leading pharmaceutical company. The company provides patients with over 300 drugs, vaccines and health care products. Medicines produced by GSK are used to treat respiratory diseases and HIV infection. In 2017 alone, the GSk concern supplied 3,6 million doses of vaccines. The company is the largest investor in the pharmaceutical industry in Poland. Among others, it was bought by Poznańskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polfa SA.

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Relanium – composition and action

Relanium is a prescription medicine used in psychiatry and neurology. Its active ingredient is diazepam, a long-acting benzodiazepine derivative. This compound was synthesized in 1959 by Leon Henryk Sternbach, and introduced to medicine in 1963 by the pharmaceutical concern Hoffman-La Roche under the trade name Valium.

The mechanism of action of diazepam it binds to the benzodiazepine receptor, which influences a specific reaction in the cell. Diazepam acts indirectly and inhibits the activity of nerve cells.

Diazepam has strong anticonvulsant, sedative, anxiolytic, hypnotic and muscle-relaxing effects. The drug inhibits spinal reflexes.

Orally administered diazepam is completely and rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, especially when administered with food. The maximum serum concentration is reached 30-90 minutes after oral administration, 5 minutes after intravenous administration and about 30 minutes after rectal administration. After intramuscular administration, the absorption of the drug is significantly delayed and its effect is smaller.

This substance is converted in the liver to its active metabolites: oxazepam, temazepam and desmethyldiazepam. The formation of metabolites causes a prolonged (up to 2–5 days) action of the drug. The drug is mainly excreted in the urine as metabolites. Diazepam and its metabolites cross the blood-brain barrier, the placenta and into human milk.

The other auxiliary ingredients of Relanium are:

  1. lactose jednowodna;
  2. potato starch;
  3. talk;
  4. magnesium stearate;
  5. colloidal anhydrous silica;
  6. Cochineal Red (E124) (Relanium 2 mg only);
  7. Quinoline Yellow (E104) (Relanium 5 mg only).

Relanium excipients in solution for injection are:

  1. propylene glycol;
  2. benzyl alcohol (15 mg);
  3. benzoesan soda;
  4. glacial acetic acid;
  5. acetic acid 10%;
  6. water for injections;
  7. 96% ethanol.

Relanium Suspension excipients are:

  1. carmellose sodium;
  2. aluminum magnesium silicate;
  3. macrogol cetostearyl ester;
  4. benzoic acid E211;
  5. methyl parahydroxybenzoate E218;
  6. parahydroksybenzoesan propylu E216;
  7. tartaric acid;
  8. raspberry flavor;
  9. cochineal red E124;
  10. sucrose;
  11. Purified Water;
  12. 96% ethanol.

If you want to know more about the effects and dosage of diazepam read on: Diazepam – action, use, dosage, contraindications, side effects

Relanium – indications for use

Relanium is indicated for various ailments. This drug has an anxiolytic, hypnotic, sedative, anticonvulsant and muscle-relaxing effect.

The indications for the use of Relanium are:

  1. treating anxiety;
  2. treatment of insomnia related to anxiety states – in the case of severe disorders that make it impossible to lead a normal lifestyle or cause extreme discomfort for the patient;
  3. control of muscle contractions, including those associated with increased muscle tone of central origin;
  4. pharmacological preparation of the patient before minor surgical procedures;
  5. treating symptoms of sudden alcohol withdrawal.

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Relanium – contraindications

Relanium, despite its effectiveness in the treatment of anxiety or insomnia, cannot be used by every patient struggling with this type of ailments.

Contraindications to the use of Relanium are:

  1. allergy (hypersensitivity) to the active substance, other benzodiazepines or any of the other excipients of the drug;
  2. excessive muscle weakness (muscle fatigue);
  3. severe respiratory failure;
  4. sleep apnea syndrome;
  5. severe liver failure.

When using the oral suspension and solution for injection, contraindications also include:

  1. chronic psychosis;
  2. obsessiveness;
  3. phobias.

In addition, Relanium suspension must not be used in acute poisoning with alcohol, sleeping pills, opioids, neuroleptics or lithium salts. It is not recommended to take the suspension by patients with impaired consciousness, as well as by patients during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Relanium solution should not be administered to newborns and premature babies. However, the oral suspension is not used in children under 1 year of age.

What else is worth knowing about psychotropics? Read the interview: Psychotropics for breakfast

Relanium – precautions

Before and during the use of Relanium, follow the precautions included in the package leaflet.

Precautions to keep in mind include:

  1. Relanium should not be used simultaneously with alcohol, sleeping pills or sedatives, as they may increase the effect of the preparation;
  2. if the patient is addicted to alcohol or drugs, the use of the drug should be avoided;
  3. if you have a history of alcohol or drug abuse, Relanium should be used with extreme caution;
  4. if Relanium is used for several weeks, a so-called drug tolerance (reducing the effectiveness of the drug);
  5. long-term use of the preparation, especially in high doses, may cause physical and mental dependence. The risk of dependence increases with dose and duration of therapy;
  6. dependence on Relanium with abrupt discontinuation of the drug, withdrawal symptoms may occur: headache, muscle pain, extreme anxiety, tension, restlessness, confusion, irritability. In more severe cases, the following may occur: loss of sense of reality, personality disorders, numbness and tingling in the limbs, hallucinations, seizures, sensitivity to light, sound or touch.
  7. the use of the drug may cause anterograde amnesia, i.e. an inability to learn and remember new information;
  8. in children and the elderly there is a greater risk of psychological and paradoxical adverse reactions;
  9. in children under the age of 6 months, Relanium should be used with extreme caution and only when it is impossible to use replacement drugs;
  10. Relanium reduces muscle tension. This increases the risk of falls and, consequently, fractures and bruises in the elderly;
  11. the medicine should not be used after the expiry date which is stated on the carton. The expiry date refers to the last day of that month;
  12. this medicine should not be disposed of via wastewater or household waste. It’s best to ask your pharmacist how to dispose of medicines you no longer use.

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Relanium – dosage

Always use Relanium exactly as described in the package leaflet or as directed by your doctor or pharmacist.

The method of using the drug is also extremely important. Relanium tablets are for oral use. Therapeutic therapy using this drug should be as short as possible. Therefore, treatment of insomnia should not exceed 4 weeks. In the case of anxiety, this period may be extended to 8-12 weeks. The duration of Relanium treatment should never be extended without the doctor reviewing the patient’s condition.

Dosage of Relanium for adults depends on the ailments being combated:

  1. anxiety – the usual dose is 2 mg three times a day; the maximum dose used in the treatment of anxiety is 30 mg daily in divided doses;
  2. anxiety-related insomnia – 5 mg to 15 mg daily at bedtime. Your doctor will prescribe the lowest dose that controls your symptoms;
  3. muscle cramps – 2 mg to 15 mg daily in divided doses;
  4. control of spasticity of central origin in selected cases – 2 mg to 60 mg daily in divided doses;
  5. like a premedication agent prior to general anesthesia — 5 mg do 20 mg. 

Dosage of Relanium in children:

  1. anxiety and insomnia – Relanium is not recommended for the treatment of anxiety and insomnia in children;
  2. conditions associated with muscle contraction – for children 6 to 12 years old, the starting dose is 5 mg twice a day. Children aged 12 to 18 years, the starting dose is 10 mg twice a day and the maximum dose is 40 mg a day;
  3. preparation (premedication) for general anesthesia – for children 6 to 18 years of age, the dose ranges from 2 mg to 10 mg.

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Relanium is an addiction

Addiction to Relanium this is basically the most serious side effect of this drug. Dependence on this drug is manifested by the need to take Relanium more and more often in higher and higher doses. These symptoms are diagnosed after the appearance of the so-called withdrawal syndrome. Approx. 5-7 days after discontinuation of the drug, symptoms such as severe sweating, trembling hands, difficulty concentrating, nausea and nervousness, agitation and insomnia begin to occur

In cases where the patient cannot cope with the addiction on his own, seek the help of a doctor who will facilitate recovery from the addiction caused by taking the drug.

What is worth knowing about addiction? Check: Addiction – types of addiction, treatment, prognosis [EXPLAINED]

Relanium – side effects

Relanium, like any other drug, may cause side effects in patients. It is important to report any suspected adverse reactions after authorization of the medicinal product so that the benefit / risk balance of the medicinal product can be monitored.

The frequency classification of adverse body reactions is distinguished as follows: very common (≥1 / 10), common (≥1 / 100 to <1/10), uncommon (≥1 / 1 to <000/1), rare (≥100 / 1 to <10 / 000), very rare (<1 / 1), not known (cannot be estimated from the available data).

The most common side effects that may occur with Relanium are fatigue, sleepiness and muscle weakness.

However, side effects that may occur at an unknown frequency are:

  1. paradoxical reactions such as: anxiety, agitation, irritability, aggressive behavior, anger, rage, delusions;
  2. nightmares, hallucinations, psychosis;
  3. behavior change, including behavior inadequate to the situation;
  4. abnormal thinking, confusion about time, place, situation or yourself (confusion);
  5. indifference (emotional flatness);
  6. weakening of vigilance;
  7. depression;
  8. decrease or increase in sex drive (libido);
  9. inactivity (difficulty maintaining balance) – can cause falls and dangerous bruises and fractures, especially in the elderly;
  10. speech impairment, slurred speech;
  11. headache, dizziness;
  12. tremors;
  13. Inability to learn and remember new information (so-called anterograde amnesia); in order to prevent it, the patient should be provided with an uninterrupted 7-8 hours of sleep;
  14. double vision, blurred vision
  15. heart failure, cardiac arrest, irregular heartbeat;
  16. lowering blood pressure, slowing down the heartbeat;
  17. slow and shallow breathing, apnea;
  18. nausea, constipation, gastrointestinal disturbances (e.g. flatulence);
  19. dry mouth or excessive salivation;
  20. jaundice, increase in liver enzymes (transaminases and alkaline phosphatase) in the blood;
  21. skin reactions;
  22. urinary incontinence or inability to urinate;
  23. disturbance of the morphotic composition of the blood (blood dyscrasia).

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Relanium, pregnancy and breastfeeding

The use of any medications or dietary supplements during pregnancy requires consultation with the attending physician. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, think you may be pregnant or are planning to have a baby, ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking Relanium.

The active substance in Relanium and its metabolites pass both the placenta into the cerebrospinal fluid of the fetus and into the mother’s milk. Diazepam has a strong effect on the nervous system, therefore also It is not recommended to take Relanium during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

It should also be noted that taking Relanium in the last trimester of pregnancy, and also just before delivery, may cause some changes in the newborn baby. It is indicated that in children of women taking Relanium during the final stage of pregnancy, decreased body temperature, decreased muscle tone, difficulty in sucking, respiratory disorders and irregular heartbeat were observed. There is also a risk of physical dependence in the newborn, which is associated with the appearance of withdrawal symptoms.

However, in justified cases, the attending physician may consider it absolutely necessary and consent to taking the drug.

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Relanium – interactions with other drugs

Before starting treatment with Relanium, please inform your doctor or pharmacist about all the medicines you are taking or have taken recently. You should also inform what medications the patient plans to take in the near future.

Diazepam, the active ingredient of Relanium, should not be combined with:

  1. drugs with a depressant effect on the central nervous system, i.e. with antipsychotics, anxiolytics, sedatives, antidepressants, hypnotics, narcotic analgesics, general anesthetics, antiepileptics, antihistamines with sedative action. With their simultaneous use, the sedative effect and the effects on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems may be increased;
  2. cimetidine, omeprazole, ketoconazole, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine. Their simultaneous use may inhibit the enzyme systems responsible for the metabolism of diazepam. Such action may lead to a prolongation and increase in the sedative potency of the drug;
  3. phenytoinbecause diazepam affects its elimination;
  4. cyzaprydemas it may increase the absorption of diazepam and temporarily increase the sedative effect.

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Relanium – interactions with food

Relanium should also not be taken at the same time while drinking alcohol. Drinking alcohol while taking Relanium can have dangerous and harmful consequences. This combination may cause excessive drowsiness, dizziness, impaired concentration and movement disorders, as well as serious respiratory and circulatory side effects.

Interestingly, while taking Relanium, you should also limit the consumption of grapefruit and grapefruit juice, and especially not take a tablet with it. Grapefruit and grapefruit juice increase the concentration of the drug in the body, which increases the risk of side effects.

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Relanium – price

The price of Relanium may vary depending on the city where the drug will be purchased or the pharmacy chosen by the patient. The price of the product also depends on the amount of the active substance contained in the tablet or the form of the drug.

  1. Relanium tablets – there are 20 tablets in the package, each containing 2 mg of diazepam. Price approx. PLN 10-11;
  2. Relanium tablets – there are 20 tablets in the package, each containing 5 mg of diazepam. Price around PLN 15-16.

Two other forms of Relanium are also available on the market. However, they are produced by other pharmaceutical concerns.

Relanium in injection solution is a drug manufactured by Polfa Warszawa. The drug is available in two packages:

  1. 5 ampoules of 2 ml with a dose of 5 mg / ml diazepam. The price is around PLN 26-27
  2. 50 ampoules of 2 ml with a dose of diazepam 5 mg / ml. Price approx. 145-150 PLN.

Relanium oral suspension is a drug manufactured by Polpharma. A bottle of 100 g of suspension with a dose of diazepam 0,4 mg / ml, which in total corresponds to 31,25 mg of diazepam, costs about PLN 8. This drug is subject to reimbursement and its price may be about 3-4 zlotys.

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Relanium – replacements

Products that have the same international name and exist in the same form do not have to be substitutes, because the use of a given drug is determined by the content of the active substance, i.e. the dose of the drug.

It should be remembered that even when the dose of the active substance is similar, the patient may not always use the substitute, because he may be allergic to any of the other excipients of the drug.

Therefore, before using a replacement for Relanium, read the package leaflet or consult your doctor or pharmacist.

The preparations containing the same active substance as Relanium and showing similar properties include:

  1. Neorelium in solution for injection – the manufacturer of the drug is Polfa Tarchomin. The package contains 50 ampoules with a capacity of 2 ml with a dose of diazepam 5 mg / ml;
  2. Neorelium in coated tablets – the manufacturer of the drug is Polfa Tarchomin. The package contains 20 tablets with a dose of 5 mg of diazepam in each tablet. The package costs about PLN 10;
  3. Relsed in the form of a rectal micro enema – the manufacturer of the drug is Polfa Warszawa. Two packs of this drug are available. Each of them contains 5 beakers with a capacity of 2,5 ml. They differ in the amount of active substance. A package with a dose of 2 mg / ml costs about PLN 20, and after reimbursement – about PLN 11. On the other hand, a package with a dose of 4 mg / ml costs about PLN 25, and after reimbursement – about PLN 3-4. The reimbursement is for the treatment of epilepsy.

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