Rejuvenating face cosmetics: antioxidants, dietary supplements, acids, face protection

Do you dream of never getting old, but confusing thermage with tattooing? Are the names of beauty ingredients confusing? Do the cream annotations sound like dissertations? It’s time to understand the basic concepts and techniques.


A substance that neutralizes free radicals – aggressive particles that damage cells. Today antioxidants (vitamin E, extracts from grapevine, SOD, etc.) are included in anti-aging creams.

The body itself is able to produce these substances, but in an insufficient amount for modern ecology. Brightly colored vegetables and fruits contain many antioxidants.

Rejuvenating face cosmetics

Dietary supplements are the quintessence of nutrients that are lacking in our diet. Rejuvenating dietary supplements are based on vitamins E, C, extracts from soybeans, tomatoes, grapes, green vegetables, algae and other useful plants. They normalize blood circulation of the skin, protect, stimulate its metabolic processes, prevent loss of elasticity.

Omega-3-6-9 acids occupy a very important place among dietary supplements. They prevent atherosclerosis, have a positive effect on nerve endings and take care of skin hydration and comfort. They begin to take dietary supplements after 30 years, in courses.

The higher the number and density of collagen and elastin fibers, the younger your skin looks.


The basis of the skin – the proteins collagen and elastin – lie in its middle layer, the dermis. Under the microscope, they resemble an intricate weaving of textile threads, which, like a stocking, embraces our body.

The higher the number and density of these fibers, the younger the skin. Therefore, today many beauty products and techniques help to improve their production and protection.

Hyaluronic acid retains water well, therefore it is used in cosmetics as a moisturizer.

Гhyaluronic acid

Binds water in the intercellular spaces, thereby increasing the resistance of tissues to compression. The main substance of the skin, in which fibers, vessels, cells, and nerves are located – in general, all its components. It retains water very well, therefore it is used in cosmetics as a moisturizer.

But hyaluronic acid received true recognition in contour plastics. Injections of preparations based on it increase the volume of the lips, smooth out wrinkles, shape the face and increase self-hydration of the skin. True, the effect does not last long: the substance is gradually consumed by the body.

After 35 years, nutritionists recommend forgetting about red meat, white bread and cakes.


Today, all nutritionists insist on revising the diet after 35 years. It’s not so much a grocery set (although it is better to refuse red meat, white bread and cakes), but rather an exclusion of canned food, freeze-dried food, soda and fast food. Stabilizers, dyes and other chemical compoundsincluded in them, seriously damage skin cells.

Maria Galland Nourishing Serum with Omega Acid Complex.

Жfatty acids

In addition to dietary supplements, omega acids are increasingly being included in anti-aging agents. Cause? These substances form the basis of the hydrolipidic film that covers, nourishes and protects the skin. If their production is reduced, it becomes dry and vulnerable.

Protective agent for the face UV Plus, Clarins.


The skin of a modern city dweller is exposed to colossal aggression both from the outside and from the inside. Ultraviolet light, exhaust gases, computer radiation, synthetic food – this is an incomplete list of factors that damage our faces.

There is only one way out – to defend. The first helper in this fight is a good protective day cream. It has been proven to reduce skin damage by up to 90%. Optimistic!

Injections help to correct facial features, smooth out wrinkles, get rid of acne.


The introduction of active substances into the skin helps to correct facial features, smooth wrinkles, saturate cells with useful components, increase metabolism, get rid of acne and dilated blood vessels.

It all depends on the composition and properties of the injected drug (or a cocktail for mesotherapy), as well as on the face area, the depth of the injection and, of course, the professionalism and experience of the cosmetologist.

Cosmeceutical gel for instant lifting of the eyelids SEEV


Cosmetic brands created by medical laboratories together with dermatology gurus are today in special honor. The funds differ in that they contain the highest concentrations of active ingredients, many of which, until recently, could only be included in medicinal preparations.

Therefore, even a banal peeling in cosmeceuticals gives an amazing result. It is not surprising that all programs are selected and executed here only under the supervision of a specialist.

Laser, ultrasonic, infrared, light and many other beams are used for beauty.


Physicists call them wave flows and divide them by length. We call it rays in the old fashioned way and let these natural phenomena help us to become more beautiful.

Laser, ultrasonic, infrared, light and various other beams can stimulate, brighten, exfoliate, drain, renew, and provide the skin with many other benefits.

Moreover, the action of these physical streams is sometimes mutually exclusive. So, in the struggle of radiant opposites, an ideal appearance is born.

Recently, gentle plastic massage has been replaced by intensive sculptural massage.


Despite the growing number of new techniques, facial massage remains the most demanded procedure. And the appearance of each new technique causes a stir in the ranks of both fans and professionals.

Recently, gentle plastic massage has been replaced by intensive sculptural massage. Performing it, the beautician trains and strengthens the facial muscles, like a good fitness instructor.

Every year the skin needs more and more time to recover overnight.


Daytime beauty is created at night, when there is a renewal, detoxification, restoration of skin damage.

True, each age has its own characteristics: the cells of 18-year-olds need 5-6 hours for a complete “reset”, 30-year-olds – 7-8, and 40-year-olds need almost 10! Can’t spend so much time in bed? Then ease the work of cells with an active night cream and serum.

The more radical effect you want to achieve, the deeper layers of the skin you will have to “plunge” into.


Removing part of the upper layer of the skin is a multilevel process. For example, scrubs superficially remove dirt and horny scales. Chemical (acidic or enzymatic) peels act deeper, smoothing the skin, smoothing out wrinkles, and improving the complexion.

Laser beams remove almost the entire stratum corneum, simulating a burn, and stimulate rejuvenation. Choose the desired result and… shed your skin!


The active form of vitamin A has the ability to regulate the functioning of the cells of the surface layer. Thanks to retinol, they begin to synchronously divide and produce the necessary substances.

In addition, retinol normalizes melanin production, reducing the risk of age spots. But this substance is very unstable.

The word “thermage” has become synonymous with non-surgical rejuvenation.


The procedure, the name of which has become synonymous with non-surgical rejuvenation. With thermage, radio frequency pulses warm up the deep layers of the dermis, causing the destruction of the fibers.

In response, the skin begins to rapidly produce new collagen, returning to its youthful state.

Moisturizing face mask Hydra Feel, Yves Saint Laurent


In all super-advanced anti-age products, moisturizing ingredients take the main place. Otherwise, it is impossible: without the proper level of moisture, the skin will not be able to work normally. And even more so to fight age.

Therefore, cosmetologists strongly recommend pampering your face with a hydrating mask at least twice a week, drinking 2 liters of water daily, dosed use of an air conditioner and install a home air humidifier.

Fibroblasts are able to quickly “patch” any damage to the skin.


Growth cells of the skin – fibroblasts – are able to produce any of its components.

If they function normally, we do not care about ultraviolet light, nicotine, or passing time. Fibroblasts will quickly “patch” all damage.

It’s a shame that over the years these cells begin to react worse and sluggishly synthesize the necessary substances. But nothing, now many beauty techniques and tools know how to stir them up.

The motto of modern surgery is naturalness.


Plastic surgery has become much more advanced. A skillfully done lifting practically does not change either expression or facial features. The stitches have become microscopic, and rehabilitation takes just a couple of days.

Moreover, technologies have reached such a level that you can not tell anyone about the intervention, and all changes can be attributed to a successful vacation, a new cream or crazy love. Naturalness is the main surgical credo of our time.

Try to remove makeup with gentle strokes, in stages, and using gentle means.

Щadorable means

The postulate of gentle make-up removal is still relevant: aggressive cleansing weakens the skin’s self-defense. Therefore, try to remove makeup with gentle movements, in several steps and using gentle means. Dermatologists say that if these rules are followed, aging can be delayed by at least five years.

The structure of the epidermis is like a layer cake.


The surface layer of the skin is similar in structure to a puff pastry. Born in the depths, its cells gradually rise upward, turn into keratinized and exfoliate. This helps to protect the body from foreign substances that are pushed out by the cells of the epidermis reaching the surface.

Alas, this mechanism works indiscriminately, which complicates the work of creams. In order for their components to penetrate deep into the skin, scientists have to use complex technologies.

In recent years, poisons have been widely used in cosmetology.


“The one who hinders us will now help us” – this common film phrase perfectly characterizes the arrival in cosmetology of the most terrible of poisons – botulism toxin.

Injections of drugs based on it (botox and dysport) immobilize certain facial muscles, controlling facial expressions and associated wrinkles.

Some poisons were also adopted by mesotherapists. Homeopathic cocktails based on them help to revive our body, erasing the past years.

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