This is not a fashion, but a trend: we have begun to pay more attention to our own, native, forest, and domestic. Western marketers write about the miraculous goji berries, but we go to the forest – here is a real pantry, healing, effective, rejuvenating. Woman’s Day found out what’s what.
Recently, relentless diagnoses and ominous medical statistics have forced us to rethink the contents of our plates, pots and refrigerators. Our minds and bellies were overwhelmed with passion for fresh-food, detox and bio-nutrition. We’re wondering: what’s the best detox? Some special chip was actively and productively “implanted” into our brain, and most of us began to read labels on products. Organic-control, bio-food, eco-market – we are trying to find a “tasty” panacea, all at once and in unison we are interested in where to buy organic products.
But do not expect favors from imports, we can take all the most curative for beauty and health from our nature. And even supermarkets and beauticians do not need to go broke. It turns out that it is enough to look under your feet. Berries of different colors and calibers grow not only in summer cottages. There are plenty of them in the forest: sea buckthorn, lingonberry, blueberry, wild cherry – rejuvenating berries. Experts confidently declare: our harsh South Urals will be fed by the Ural forests, fields, meadows and slopes.
The palm tree in terms of usefulness belongs to blueberries. They say it improves eyesight. But this is a myth! True, this berry is not at all called rejuvenating for nothing. Blueberries megaconcentrated with powerful antioxidants, and the main one is antacyanin. This is for appearance – beauty and healing benefits. At the gateway to our body, it works as a cancer roadblock. And blueberries are full of pectins, which gently remove all rubbish and dirt from us – toxins. The best detox. Blueberry smoothies are the best detox. But there are limitations for blueberries. It is better not to collect it in the Argayash area and where the EURT – the East Ural radioactive trail – passed in due time. But within the Yurma mountain range, blueberries are the best. And on Iremel and Taganay her sister grows – blueberry.
Another delicious natural “pill” – cherry! She easily copes with more than one dozen ailments. In the matter of prevention, there is no substitute for it at all. Cherries – both wild and garden – are called “heart” berries. For a long time, experts have proven its benefits for the heart, blood vessels and hematopoiesis. The pulp of fresh cherries contains coumarins and oxycoumarins, which prevent heart attacks, ischemia and increase hemoglobin, strengthen capillaries thanks to anthocyanins and “know how” to prevent even frequent heart attacks.
In the business of beauty, cherry is the number one “cosmetics”. Cherries can whiten skin – and this is not a myth, despite its powerful ability to color everything and everyone. Cherries are good, and from small wrinkles – rejuvenating berries. The author of the material personally prepares a rejuvenating mixture: he grinds three large berries plus 2 tsp. cream and a few drops of lemon. The duration of the mask is 15–20 minutes, and after that the face shines with youth and freshness.
Sea buckthorn – a real pharmacy. The berry contains almost all vitamins of group B. But the main component is nicotinic acid. In addition to participating in the oxidative reactions of cells, it promotes the absorption of vitamin C, enhancing any therapeutic effect. And folic acid in sea buckthorn is the best way to improve memory and prevent dementia. Literally like lentils and brut champagne. In the Urals, there is an opinion: every summer should eat a three-liter jar of sea buckthorn, because it improves the quality of hemoglobin in the blood and establishes an active metabolism. Oksana Mekhonoshina, a fitness instructor from the Chelyabinsk club CleverSportPlace, says that sea buckthorn is excellent as an effective scrub mask – cleansing due to its bones and nourishing due to oils. According to Oksana, such facial treatment with sour cream is the best, because it does not contain preservatives.
And yes! The usefulness of overseas goji berries – from the evil one and another marketing myth. Whether it’s the case Lingonberry! It is much cooler and healthier than the Tibetan barberry. And, by the way, she has no contraindications. The healing power of lingonberry is effective. This is the only berry that can lie all winter long without conservation. Lingonberries will never turn sour, mold and rot. Not a berry, but a pharmaceutical “matrix” of natural benzoic acid – a natural preservative.
Chelyabinsk beauties share a recipe for “lingonberry beauty”. For example, insurance manager Rada Mezentseva grinds the berries, freezes them in the mold and wipes her face and neck with lingonberry ice every morning. The evergreen lingonberry leaf at Rada goes to tea, which always gives tone and general health improvement during periods of influenza and SARS epidemics.