Reinforcement with gold threads: video reviews
It is impossible to stop time, but it is quite possible to slightly deceive it by slowing down the natural aging processes of the skin. Reinforcement with gold threads can help in this – a relatively new and effective cosmetic procedure.
Reinforcement with gold threads
What is face reinforcement with gold
This is a surgical operation, during which the finest golden threads are implanted under the skin, which stimulate blood circulation, promote cell regeneration and tone the face. The range of application of threads that do not cause rejection by the body precisely because of the material from which they are made is quite wide. They can be used not only for the face, but also for the whole body. The procedure is recommended to be carried out after 30 years, when the elasticity of the skin begins to decrease. At the same time, the doctors themselves note that, to a greater extent, gold reinforcement has a preventive function, since it is impossible to smooth out large and deep wrinkles with its help, as well as completely transform the face, as is done with plastic surgery. Therefore, at an older age, other cosmetic procedures, including plastic surgeries, are advisable, because at 45 years of age and beyond, golden threads will not help tone the face.
The threads themselves also consist of natural gold, so the procedure is difficult to classify as available
The operation is performed either under general or local anesthesia, the doctor decides on the appropriateness of choosing one of them. The threads themselves are inserted at a relatively shallow depth and create a kind of skeleton in the area that will be supported. This technique allows you to avoid the risk of contact of the material with the facial nerves, therefore there are practically no negative consequences from the operation and after a few hours the patient leaves the clinic. There are contraindications to the use of reinforcement, as well as certain restrictions after its implementation. In particular, at first it is impossible to use the services of hardware cosmetology, and later difficulties may arise with carrying out plastic surgeries, if the need arises.
Side effects are rare in patients whose skin is prone to rosacea. But even in this case, hematomas go away quickly enough.
The result from the use of gold threads is not instantaneous and does not occur earlier than a couple of months after the procedure. It reaches its peak in six months, but the effect of the threads on the skin remains for several years. Reviews about reinforcement are quite contradictory, ranging from extremely positive and ending with the fact that the procedure itself, as well as the process of adapting the face to the implanted threads, are not very pleasant, as well as the price of this pleasure.
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