Reinfection with COVID-19: why it happens and what to do

There are data on cases of re-infection with COVID-19. Why is this happening and is it worth counting on long-term immunity?

D.M. N.F. Gamalei of the Ministry of Health

Antibodies are different

– From the coronavirus, like from other viruses, the body produces three classes of antibodies, – says the head of the department of immunology and laboratory of regulation of immunity and immunological tolerance of the Federal Research Center of Epidemiology and Microbiology. N.F. Gamaleys of the Ministry of Health of Russia Vladimir Nesterenko. – Antibodies IgA and IgM appear when a person is in the acute phase of the disease and is contagious. They are needed to fight the virus. IgG antibodies are responsible for immune memory, which remain in the body for a long time, from six months to several years. Given that SARS-CoV-2 is a seasonal virus, IgG antibodies remain in humans for six months, so re-infection is possible.

Studies show that only antibodies capable of affecting the “corona”, or rather, the “thorn” of the virus, protect against it. Scientists named them antiRB antibodies. They are produced after illness or vaccination. Their presence can be determined using a test system developed at the Institute. Gamalei.

Patient memo

  1. If there are signs of SARS, for your own peace of mind and to protect others, especially family members, it is worth taking a PCR test – a swab from the throat and nose. It allows you to determine the presence of a coronavirus at the moment.

  2. If the test confirms this, then it is important to stay at home, and secondly, to check if other family members have become infected. To do this, they also need to be tested.

  3. It is necessary to limit contacts and impose restrictions on communication with people living in the apartment, because there is a chance that relatives might not have become infected.

  4. If the PCR test in one of them turns out to be negative, it is advisable to repeat the study after 5 days. The fact that there is no virus at the moment does not guarantee that it will not appear tomorrow.

Knowledge is power

It is advisable to be tested for anti-RBD antibodies 21-30 days after the first symptoms of the disease. Their presence will mean that immunity has developed. Even if you get sick again, you will be in a mild form.

Did you get the coronavirus in the spring? Now it is also advisable to do a test for the presence of anti-RBD antibodies, since their level decreases several months after the disease. If the result turns out to be negative, it will be necessary to take increased protection measures and wait for the start of a mass vaccination campaign.

When vaccine trials are overTo understand whether you need the procedure, it is advisable to retake the antibody test, even if you have had a coronavirus. It is highly likely that immunity has already decreased and the vaccination is indicated.

Spread straws

Even if there are antibodies, this does not mean that you can forget about the mask and other protective equipment. There is a chance of catching the virus in public places. If this happens, SARS-CoV-2 will remain in the body for some time. You yourself probably will not get sick, but you will pass the coronavirus to another person.

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