Reiki Meditation for Whole Body Healing

Hello, dear site visitors! Reiki is a healing practice that involves healing a person from various diseases by touching with the palms of his hands.

Despite the lack of a license, it is still considered a folk method of treatment, especially popular in the Land of the Rising Sun, since it originated there.

And today we will take a closer look at what is the most effective Reiki meditation for healing. In order not just to find harmony with the outside world, to understand the meaning of life and one’s purpose. But also to alleviate suffering on the physical level, which cause illnesses, and from which absolutely no one is immune.


This type of alternative medicine was founded by a man named Mikao Usui. He also developed principles that are extremely important to adhere to. Otherwise, it will not be possible to master the skill of healing the soul and body from various ailments.

Usui came to them through meditation. That is, he did not dream about them, he did not invent them. And realized in the process of daily practice.

Reiki Meditation for Whole Body Healing

So the basic principles

  1. No worries. It is impossible to achieve spiritual harmony, constantly worrying about something and worrying. Sometimes it is excessive sensitivity and vulnerability that are the cause of any disease. Especially the nervous system. So it is important to learn not only to calmly approach the solution of life or work tasks, but also to assess the situation, connecting, in addition to emotions, also rationality.
  2. Do no harm. When you’re in a bad mood, don’t dump it on other people. They are not at all to blame for the fact that something did not work out for you. In outbursts of anger, control your actions and words. And try to notice the beauty around you. This is the only way to become a happy person, knowing how to get joy and pleasure from the little things.
  3. Learn respect and recognition. Especially towards people older than you. This current of alternative medicine came from Japan, where the elderly are valued. Therefore, no matter what situation you find yourself in, respect for age and experience must be shown.
  4. Earn honestly. Deception, even if it brought tangible income and allowed to solve some difficult problems, tasks, always consists of negative energy. Which has absolutely nothing to do with rails. Yes, you could get rich at the moment, but no one knows when the Universe will take back what you got illegally. And by the way, at what percentage? So strive to earn honest labor. Even if you do not worry about the fact that someone was deceived. Your subconscious mind stores this information for a long time. Connecting conscience, guilt and the need to bear responsibility for the offense. This is also why certain diseases arise, the root cause of which we cannot understand.
  5. Be kind. And not only to people, but also to all living things that surround us. Take care of nature, each other and our smaller brothers. Do good — believe me, the world will thank you.


  • In no case do not use alcohol, nicotine and other chemical, stimulating substances before practice. Your mind should be clear, clear and calm. Otherwise, no harmonization of consciousness can be achieved. Even coffee should be consumed no earlier than an hour and a half before meditation.
  • The space in which you are going to conduct a self-healing session should be quiet, bright and comfortable. And also fumigated with incense to your taste, in order to cleanse from the negative.
  • Be sure to visit the toilet beforehand. Otherwise, you will not be able to immerse yourself in the process of meditation, you will be distracted by a completely natural desire to empty your body of excess fluid.
  • Clothing should be comfortable, not restricting movement. Remove all jewelry, belts and other accessories. You must free yourself from everything that is an attribute of the manifestation of femininity or masculinity, status and financial position.



This is dry bathing. It must be done before the main, healing exercise. In principle, the Kenyoku rite can be skipped, but with its help you can cleanse yourself of the negative energy that you received from other people. Tune in to practice and put not only thoughts, but also feelings in order.

  • Place your left hand on your right collarbone and slowly lower it down to your left pelvic bone. It’s like rinsing off shower gel foam. Then repeat, only with the right hand to the right thigh.
  • Now the same movements, only from the shoulder to the fingers along the inside of the arm. And on the opposite side.

Reiki Meditation for Whole Body Healing


This is a meditation with which you will raise the energy level in the body, as well as set the mind to the work ahead.

  • Place your hands together at the level of your heart chakra. It is located in the chest area and is called Anahata. You will learn more about it from this article. So, putting your palms together, take about 10 deep, relaxed exhalations and inhalations.
  • Only inhalation should be done with the help of the nose, touching the upper palate with the tongue. And exhale through your mouth, lowering your tongue to the lower jaw.
  • Concentrate your attention on the tips of your middle fingers, trying to feel the warmth pulsing in them. Thoughts that arise in the head — do not drive away. Just watch them appear and disappear.


So it’s time to do a whole body healing. There are several basic, effective, but at the same time accessible exercises for a beginner.

  • Diamond slats

Imagine that there is a diamond in your crown chakra, Sahasrara. The energy that passes through each energy center absorbs the beneficial properties of this diamond. And it spreads throughout the body, reviving every cell that gets in its way, heals and nourishes.

  • crystalline

All over the surface of the body, we have exit points for traumas that have happened in our lives. And both physical and emotional, psychological.

They are deposits of a crystalline nature. So, you need to put both hands on places that periodically hurt, are overly tense, and so on. And imagine that you are cleaning the crystals that are there.

Duration approximately 15 minutes.

  • genetic

It is also possible to influence diseases that have been inherited or have arisen in the course of DNA changes. Put your palms together and say «DNA Reiki» to yourself for 5 minutes. Trying to imagine how these macromolecules literally glow, changing their structure.

When you’re done, inhale slowly, exhale, and open your eyes when you’re ready to return to reality.


And finally, it is important to emphasize that reiki is a really effective way to heal. But remember that it should be concomitant, complementary to the main medical treatment.

In no case do not try to heal only with the help of spiritual practices. Only in a complex way, following the recommendations of doctors and taking the treatment prescribed by them, you can achieve the desired results.

Also, check out the article, which contains information on how to open the sexual chakra. This will allow you to regain the opportunity to enjoy life.

Take care of yourself, loved ones and be happy!

The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina

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