Registration of an inscription on a cake. Video

The taste in the cake is certainly important, but often what is written on the sweet gift becomes more important. Congratulations on the anniversary, declaration of love, wishes – all this is written on the cakes by the craftswomen, using special, and sometimes improvised means.

Registration of an inscription on a cake

Homemade cakes are usually covered with icing, butter cream, or sour cream. On any of these surfaces, the printed letters and words hold catastrophically badly, and it is not easy to choose the color. There is a solution: you can use glazed candies (homemade caramel) or cake mastic.

It’s best not to waste time and make a mastic based on fresh marshmallows. You will need: – white soft marshmallow, – citric acid, – sugar, – dyes.

Place the marshmallow in a microwave-safe bowl and pour half a glass of warm water and citric acid into it (customize). The water should completely hide the marshmallow. Microwave the bowl for 1 minute. The heated marshmallow will quickly absorb water and soften. The volume will increase by about one and a half times.

Mash the marshmallows with a fork until smooth and add food coloring. Stir and add a little caster sugar and knead the mastic with your hands until it is not very sticky. To speed up the process, add a little powdered sugar to the mass.

By the way, it is very convenient to make flowers and other decorations for cakes from such mastic.

Roll up the flagella from the finished mixture and place them in the form of numbers or letters on the cake. Such an inscription will definitely not float or dry out if the cake is placed in the refrigerator for one hour.

Chocolate letters

On white butter cakes, chocolate letters made from chocolate spread or made with cocoa look great. You will need: – butter, – sugar, – cocoa powder.

Hold the oil at room temperature for a couple of hours and mash thoroughly with a fork until smooth. Pour sugar into the mass (as a rule, 100 tablespoons of sand are required for 2 grams of butter) and knead again so that the sugar crystals are not visible. Pour in cocoa little by little, the butter will acquire a characteristic viscosity from it (a whole pack of simple cocoa powder takes 100 grams of butter). For convenience, you can sprinkle cocoa on a board and roll a chocolate butter sausage on it, adding cocoa. The letters can be cut, or you can blind. To keep the oil from floating, use a cold knife and moisten your hands with water.

If you can write with a pastry syringe, add sour cream to the butter, no more than 0,3 cups per 100 grams. The mass will be thick, but plastic. Pour it into a syringe and squeeze it onto the stencil. Place together with the stencil in the freezer for 30 minutes, then use a knife to remove the letters from the paper or film and transfer to the cake.

The syringe can be made from improvised means, for example, from a bag of thick paper

With the help of a syringe, it is convenient to apply drawings from thick caramel. You can melt toffee “Golden Key” in a saucepan by adding a tablespoon of butter to them, or you can cook caramel from sugar. Just melt a glass of granulated sugar in a saucepan, pour 2 tbsp into the mass. spoons of water and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of oil. Bring to a boil and pour into a syringe. Cool a little so that the caramel stops flowing, and write wishes to family and friends. One subtlety: such an inscription will not lie on a creamy sour cream base.

Read on for an interesting article on how to properly grind buckwheat flour.

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