Refusal from cosmetics and home care: how beauty habits have changed due to the pandemic

The expert told the readers of about the trend for mindful care, changes in the beauty industry and the most popular procedures during the lockdown.

In our daily rush, we often do not have enough time to pay attention to personal care. During the period of self-isolation, such an opportunity arose, and people around the world began to more consciously approach their beauty habits. But will these changes remain in our life for a long time or in six months everyone will forget about measured and conscious self-care? We will understand this issue together with Valerio Matano, founder and president of the international company in the field of aesthetic and plastic medicine Promoitalia.

Founder and President of the international company in the field of aesthetic and plastic medicine Promoitalia

Usually, people noticed aesthetic problems only when they arose, and there was no separate ritual for their prevention in their daily routine. The period of isolation gave us such an opportunity: there was time to pay attention to ourselves. An hour or two, which used to take on the road to work, many decided to use to care for their bodies: sports, healthy eating and beauty procedures have become everyday components of our life. And having lost the opportunity to visit salons, we learned how to perform the grooming procedures on our own.

Home rituals that have become most popular in quarantine

  • Face masks are the most commonly used home remedy, but they were not the only ones in the top of the popular skincare products.

  • Due to frequent hand washing and the use of antiseptics, many are faced with the problem of dry skin. Therefore, hand skin care products have become especially popular.

  • The inability to go to a beautician for cleansing explains the popularity of enzyme peels for the skin of the face, chest and body.

Taking care of yourself has become a significant ritual that is gaining more and more value, even from a psychological point of view. Looking good often means feeling good. After leaving self-isolation, the habit of taking care of yourself and your health remained, which means that the demand for beauty services will be stable.

Cosmetological procedures that have become most in demand after self-isolation

Immediately after the end of isolation, there was an unprecedented surge in demand for beauty services: women wanted to feel alive again, to take care of themselves and their own beauty. Specialists had to receive visitors even at 11 pm. 

Immediately after the lockdown was lifted, they were especially popular facial treatments… After wearing medical masks every day, many noticed a deterioration in the condition of their skin and, as soon as possible, began to fight this problem. In addition, clients who had resorted to course procedures before quarantine came to clinics to continue the course they had begun earlier.

Self-care procedures at home cannot be equivalent to professional ones, because in the second, stronger active substances are used. Their correct use is possible only with the help of experts; for the clients themselves, the independent use of such tools may be unsafe. At the same time, of course, some home care products can urgently help in times when it is not possible to turn to professional procedures (as in a period of isolation). Also, home remedies are an excellent tool for prolonging the effect after professional procedures..

Pros and cons of avoiding decorative cosmetics

During the period of self-isolation, many girls were given the opportunity not to use decorative cosmetics, which had a beneficial effect on their skin. However, it is important to note that today many decorative products contain components that not only do not harm the skin, but also have a positive effect on it… In the composition of the foundations, we notice the SPF necessary for protection from the sun, in the composition of the lip gloss there are often moisturizing components. Manufacturers of decorative cosmetics see the demand of the modern audience for conscious care, and in response they release products whose use assumes the absence of negative effects.

At the same time, it is important not to forget about preparation of the skin for the application of decorative cosmetics, for which, in part, there are care products for nourishing, moisturizing and protecting.

Moreover, often the process of creating makeup and buying cosmetics itself is a kind of meditation session that helps to deal with stress in times of crisis. There is even such a thing as “lipstick index”, which was derived due to the fact that in times of crises its sales are growing.

For several years now, there has been a gradual decrease in the amount of decorative cosmetics used in favor of a more natural make-up, however, the quarantine did not affect this process.

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