Refrigerator Nord (Nord) does not work, causes of failure

Refrigerator “Nord” has a modern “package”, the design of equipment does not differ from other well-known brands. But in terms of technology, Nord manufacturers settled on a proven classic. The drip defrost system may not be as convenient as the No Frost system, but it is just as reliable. If suddenly your refrigerator stops working, or the refrigerator or freezer does not work, you need to sound the alarm.

Our article will help you find a breakdown.

Refrigeration equipment is constantly running and does not turn off

There may be several reasons for the breakdown. The normal operation of the refrigerator is to periodically turn off the motor for 12-20 minutes. But if the equipment does not “rest” at all, the compressor works non-stop – it’s a breakdown.

In the Nord refrigeration equipment, the seal wears out quite quickly. Users also complain about extraneous noises, knocks, sounds of flowing water. It is possible that this is not a breakdown at all, but an easily fixable problem:

  • A door that is not tightly closed, or a foreign object that prevents it from closing. There is a temperature difference when warm air enters. The system tries to normalize the climate in the chamber, so the motor runs without stopping.
  • With mechanical control, the “Super Freeze” mode is set. If it is not disabled, the work will not stop.

Check if there is enough space for proper ventilation and cooling of the refrigerator systems. You should not put the equipment close to the wall; installation near a gas stove or heating appliances is also not recommended.

If after checking it turned out that everything is in order, then the matter is in the breakdown:

  1. Worn or deformed seal on the door. You need to replace the gum – you can do such repairs yourself. Watch related videos:
  2. Temperature sensor malfunction also leads to the same problem. If the refrigerator has two thermostats, then you will notice that the refrigerator section does not freeze, but the freezer works. Since the sensor measures the temperature in the compartment, if it breaks, the module will not receive a signal, and the compressor will work without stopping.
  3. Problems with the electronic module. If the module does not properly process incoming signals, it needs to be replaced or repaired. Unfortunately, the new module is an expensive purchase. In some cases, it is easier to replace the equipment. Especially if it has already served for many years.
  4. Freon gas leak. Loss of tightness of the tube or chamber housing results in gas leakage. Only a specialist can fix the problem. It blocks the leak and then charges the system with refrigerant.
  5. Compressor breakdown. When the motor is running low, it doesn’t have enough power to pressurize the tube. The temperature in the chambers exceeds the norm. Trying to compensate for the malfunction, the motor runs without stopping.

Motor problems are difficult to fix on your own. First, the diagnosis of the part is carried out, then the replacement. Depending on the model of the refrigerator, the master will repair it at your home.

Additional causes of failure

It happens that the refrigerator freezes food or does not freeze at all. Let’s take a look at each individual case.

Refrigerator is very cold

Immediately check if the thermostat is installed correctly. Maybe it’s set to max. There may be such reasons:

  • Blockage in the drainage system. If you notice a layer of ice or snow on the walls of the compartment, or fruits and vegetables in the lower drawers are completely frozen, the cause is a blockage. The drain hole is used to remove drops of condensate. When moisture accumulates on the walls, drops flow into the hole and are removed from the system. If this does not happen, the water freezes, forming a snow coat.
  • Clogged capillary system. A blood clot has formed in the capillaries through which the refrigerant passes. It is necessary to clean the capillaries and, if necessary, fill in more freon gas.
  • The device that controls the temperature in the chamber is out of order. The electronic board does not receive data, therefore it does not give a command to turn off the motor-compressor.
  • “Stuck” switching valve compartments in a refrigerator with one compressor. Depending on the position in which the valve is jammed, it can freeze the refrigerator or freezer compartment.

Not cold at all

If the technique works, but does not freeze, the problems are exactly the same as in the previous case. Usually the user does not immediately notice that the freezer is not working. When a puddle of water is already on the floor, the search for a breakdown begins. It is possible that the freezer door does not close well due to a thick layer of ice and snow. Then you need to defrost the refrigerator – it will take at least a day to remove a thick layer of snow.

When there is no cold in the refrigerator compartment, you need to check the operation of the fan. Ice could freeze on its blades, so it cannot rotate and force cold air. Will have to take a defrost.

Each breakdown is dangerous in its own way. Sometimes the user himself can determine the problem and deal with it at home. But this is not always possible. Therefore, if the Nord refrigerator does not work, do not delay contacting the service center. At an early stage, repairs will be faster and cheaper.

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