Refrigerator knocks plugs when turned on, reasons

Does the freezer pop out when you turn it on? As soon as the engine started to work, did you suddenly notice that the display and the lights on the refrigerator went out, and the room became unusually quiet?

The machine does not knock out just like that, there is a malfunction that needs to be fixed. This could happen immediately after turning on the equipment in the network or after a certain time. What caused the problem, we will consider in the article.

Why does the plug knock out when you turn on the refrigerator

The RCD fuse is installed specifically to save equipment that consumes a lot of electricity. Expensive household appliances must be properly installed, and their electronics must be protected from power surges. Therefore, if the RCD machine knocks out when starting the refrigerator, there is a problem.

The reason is not necessarily the breakdown of the refrigerator components. See if you are in a similar situation:

  1. You have connected new refrigeration equipment. The network overload is to blame: old wiring, unprepared Soviet-made switchboards are not ready to withstand the voltage of modern appliances. Therefore, it is necessary to replace the wiring or install new network protection systems.
  2. Several devices are connected to the network. Remember what power machine you installed? Exceeding the installed power in the network leads to protection shutdown. Therefore, turn off one of the devices.

    You should be alerted by the situation when the plugs were knocked out when the motor-compressor was turned on, although this had not happened before.

  3. Broken plugs or power cord are serious. Shorted contacts threaten a possible fire, so it is recommended to contact an electrician. You also need to check the outlet for serviceability.

Voltage surge protection for the refrigerator – protection of equipment from breakage. However, if it turns off, replacing the machine will not help. We need to look for the reason for this behavior.

What malfunctions lead to power outages

If you checked the wiring and the power cord, but did not find a breakdown, the reason may be a serious malfunction of the Nord, Atlant or another brand of refrigerator components.

Malfunction of the motor-compressor

From a voltage drop in the network, the motor winding can close. It is possible to determine that the cause is a compressor malfunction if, immediately after starting the engine, plugs are knocked out. Checking the winding with a multimeter will help verify the problem. To do this, the multimeter probes are applied to the contacts and winding of the compressor. The resistance may vary depending on the brand of the manufacturer.

If the winding resistance is 0, then you need to replace the motor. This is a fairly serious repair, so it is better to call the master.

Start relay failure

The start-up relay is used to supply voltage to the refrigerator motor windings. When the equipment is connected to the power supply, the machine will immediately knock out, and you will hear a characteristic click. Unfortunately, the relay cannot be repaired, so a new part is installed.

Malfunction of the evaporator heating element

The No Frost defrost system is equipped with a heater that may have failed. As soon as the heater turns on, the voltage drop protection immediately turns off. After the electricity is supplied, the refrigerator will work, but as soon as the heating element turns on, the electricity will turn off again. Item needs to be replaced.

What other breakdowns lead to a power outage:

  • The contacts of the keys on the panel burned out. As a result of combustion or contact closure, the RCD knocks out. You may notice that the keys on the panel have started to melt.
  • The same happens when the electronic board is faulty.

Surge Protection for Refrigerator

Protection against surges in the network for household appliances is used in the form of an RCD machine or grounding sockets.

You need to be careful when choosing, because the machine may be of poor quality. If you come across a fake, which is assembled from third-rate plastic, save on details, then it will not work for a long time. After two operations, the machine deteriorates, so that even when a low-power device is turned on, it starts to turn off. Then you need to install a new machine.

If you notice that when you connect the refrigeration equipment, the shield is knocked out or the light in the room is blinking, do not try to connect the equipment again. This can be dangerous, because it threatens not only with an electric shock, but also with fire. Therefore, noticing a problem, call a repairman or electrician.

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