If the Indesit refrigerator does not work, you can quickly deal with the breakdown, since it will not be difficult to find spare parts for it: Indesit refrigerators are produced in the Russian city of Lipetsk. That is why the technique is so popular – the price-quality ratio suits many users.
What are the most common faults
In Indesit two-chamber refrigerators, the upper refrigerating chamber may fail to work – there are several reasons.
Start relay not working
The relay is used to turn on and off the compressor in the refrigerator. As a result of prolonged operation, the part could stick, or its contacts burned out. Therefore, a thorough diagnosis and replacement of the relay is carried out.
Fan problems
There are several signs that indicate problems with the fan:
- The self-diagnosis system may display error code F04 on the display.
- You may also notice that the fan does not spin in the refrigerator with the No Frost system, the blades are overgrown with snow. Then the refrigerator is defrosted and restarted.
- If, after defrosting, the blades do not rotate, then the wiring of the fan motor is checked – the resistance is measured with a multimeter. If a problem is found, the fan must be replaced.
Defrost heater broken
In this case, the display may show the code F07, which will help you find out the cause of the breakdown. The problem can also be noticed by external signs:
- snow and ice build up on the walls of the compartments;
- the fan does not rotate;
- the temperature in the chambers is below the set value.
In this case, the heating element’s wiring is called, the fuses are checked, perhaps one of them has blown. A new heater is being installed.
Malfunction of the motor-compressor
If the motor starts to run noisily or does not turn on at all, it is necessary to call the wizard for diagnostics. The compressor could burn out due to voltage fluctuations in the network, as well as during long-term operation, when all parts wear out. Depreciation can be determined by the following features:
- the compressor starts for a few seconds and stalls;
- oily streaks are visible near the body;
- there is no cold in the cells.
In case of failure, a new compressor is installed. The main thing is to choose the right part in accordance with the model of your refrigerator.
No light in the department
Having lighting problems? Check the light bulb, but first unplug the refrigerator. If the light bulb is covered with a cover, unscrew the fasteners and remove it. Then unscrew the damaged one and install a new light bulb.
Refrigerator “Indesit” works, but does not freeze
What to do if the refrigerator is constantly working, but there is no cooling? Understand the causes of the problem. You should check:
- Is the chamber door closed properly? If you can see a gap through which warm air passes, then the motor will run without stopping, compensating for temperature. It is necessary to take measures, replace the seal, tighten the door fasteners.
- Is there sufficient ventilation around the refrigerator? When the room is hot, the case is close to the wall or the battery, the equipment starts to overheat, and the compressor runs without interruption. Move the body away from the pieces of furniture so that there is a distance of 7-10 cm between them.
More serious problems are also possible:
- Broken thermostat or temperature sensor. Now the module cannot receive messages about the temperature in the chamber, so the motor is running all the time.
- Control board defective. In this case, the module does not process the data correctly, therefore, the refrigerator compartment may not cool well, and the freezer may work. A flashing or replacement of the board is required.
user comments
- Evaporator tube blockage. As a result of depressurization, a blood clot forms in the tube, so it is better to call a master who will eliminate the blockage.
- A refrigerant leak leads to a decrease in freon gas in the system, so you observe poor cooling in the chamber. It is necessary to find the cause of the leak and refuel the system with freon.
- Depreciation of the motor – while it is noisy. Compressor parts wear out, it does not have enough power to create the necessary pressure to reduce the temperature.
Freezer not working
If a “thaw” occurs in the freezer, first of all check the temperature controller: are the values set there correct. Adjust the temperature.
To make it easier to determine the cause of the breakdown, pay attention to the operation of the Indesit refrigerator:
- The compressor runs for 10 minutes and then turns off. Such a sign appears in two-compressor technology and indicates a breakdown of one motor responsible for the freezer compartment.
- The engine starts as usual, but, turning off for a rest, does not turn on again for a long time. It’s a broken thermostat or air sensor. The board does not receive temperature data, so the motor does not turn on for a long time.
- Freon gas leaked as a result of damage. It is required to find the place of damage, fix the leak and fill the system with refrigerant.
To avoid such breakdowns, defrost the Indesit refrigerator in time, wash the compartments and give them time to dry well. The correct installation of the body with a slight deviation back is important. Follow the rules of operation, then the equipment will serve you for many years.
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