Refresh and take care of your health with fruits for the summer
Nature has always been very wise. For this reason, in each season, different fruits are produced, according to everything that the weather takes away from us and we need to reinforce.
If in winter the defenses are lowered and colds become the greatest threats, nature offers us the oranges or tangerines, fruits that help us recover of these diseases, thanks to the vitamin C they contain.
In summer, as a general rule, the high temperatures that are reached in Spain cause a considerable increased body sweating. With it, the body’s water reserves decrease, the sensation of thirst increases and the body is at risk of suffering from heat stroke or, in the most serious cases, a multi-organic failure resulting in death.
So what do you need to avoid get to those situations? Very easy, to provide the body with more water than usual. For this, there is nothing better than summer fruits: watermelon, melon and many more!
The exotic component, a guarantee of healthy fruit for the summer
- Melon and watermelon. In addition to quenching thirst, the former promotes red blood cell formation and the proper functioning of the nervous system. For its part, watermelon contains fiber, you are antioxidant and reduces muscle aches.
- Apricot. It comes from China and contains Vitamin A, making it ideal for nourishing the skin.
- Nectarine. There is division in the scientific community over origin of this fruit. Until recently, it was considered to be the result of having crossed plums with peaches. However, recent studies bring the nectarine closer to a kind of peach than the fruit that has come out of a graft. Apart from these issues, its high water content and its cleansing and antioxidant power make nectarines one of the best fruits for summer.
- Peach. Its scientific name is prunus persicaSo it is not surprising that the peach comes from Iran, ancient Persia. As the centuries have passed, other places on the planet have become producers, such as the Canary Islands, Argentina, Mexico or Paraguay. Among its virtues, they highlight that it is one of the great allies to lower cholesterol, in addition to being digestive and protects against degenerative diseases.
Fruits to combat the heat that you do not expect
- Figs. It comes from the Middle East, so it could also be part of the fruits of the previous section. Much appreciated by the arab people, its consumption became popular in Spain during the 800 years of Muslim invasion. By having natural sugar, figs increase energy levels, which helps to improve your mood.
- Pears. The appropriate ones are known as summer pears, those filled with water. Among its virtues, there are 2 much appreciated when it’s hot: improves digestion and has astringent power.
- Plums. They are so everyday that you would never say that they are not typical of Spain, right? After centuries since its introduction, we can affirm that they are as local as olive oil, but, at first, they were native to the Caucasus and present-day Iran. Of all the health benefits they provide, their laxative effects stand out.
- Grapefruit. Grapefruit is seldom, if ever, thought of as a fruit against the heat. However, it appears in multitude of specialist lists. For sure, the benefits for healthy skin and its diuretic and antioxidant properties make it one of the star fruits against the heat.
- Sour apples. Surely you’ve heard it many times already. There is a saying in English that says that if you take an apple a day, you will not have to go to the doctor. Well, also, if you take them in summer (the acid type), your skin will not suffer the ravages of the sun. Of course, for this, you will have to put on sunscreen.
As you can see, the best fruits to face the rise in temperatures in summer can be found in any store. In addition to eating fruits, what other gastronomic tricks do you put in place to cool your body?