Reflexology – history of creation, action, indications, contraindications. Popular holistic therapy

Reflexology – otherwise known as zone therapy – is a popular method of holistic therapy. Some consider it a pseudoscience, the alleged action of which is based on the placebo effect, while others consider it very effective and even life-saving. The concept of its operation is based on pressing points on the body called reflexes, located on the hands, feet, face and ears.

What is reflexology?

Reflexology, also known as zone therapy or reflexotherapy, is a holistic form of body work that involves applying pressure to specific areas of the body. In practice, however, most attention is paid to feet, which, according to reflexology specialists, are related to other systems and organs. Reflexes are points located on the feet and hands.

Reflexology is also considered a therapy of stress and tension due to the fact that it promotes homeostasis and improves blood circulation. Stimulating reflexes causes the secretion of endorphins by brain cells, which regulate the heart, reduce pain and help control muscle tone. All this translates into an improvement in the mood of the patient participating in the procedure.

The purpose of reflexology techniques is to press down on reflexes, which are points all over the body. However, the most important of them are those present on the face, feet, ears, hands and – according to reflexologists, each of these points corresponds to various internal organs. Every person is considered to be composed of energy zones, arranged from the feet to the top of the head – there are 10 of them in total.

How did reflexology come about?

Treatments in the field of biological regeneration were known to ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. They were used by, among others athletes participating in the Olympics. One of the treatments was rubbing olives and moisturizers. King Cleopatra was known for her love of bathing in goat’s milk. In antiquity, alejptaj and hygieno iatroj, who can be described today as the first physiotherapists, were responsible for the improvement of physical fitness and regeneration of athletes’ bodies.

Reflexology comes from traditional Chinese medicine and has been known for several thousand years. Its renaissance took place in the 80s, when prof. Bui Quoc Chau, an acupuncture specialist, began to use reflexology while working with patients. He investigated the relationship between the face and body and found that there are 500 points on the face connected with the cerebral cortex and the nervous system. As a result, he developed facial reflexology.

Scientific achievements of prof. Chau was an inspiration for both the contemporary and later reflexology specialists. One of them was Nhuan Le Quang, who developed a simplified Dien Ham method. It is also worth mentioning Dunka Lone Sorensen, the author of facial reflex therapy and the map of 564 neurological points, prof. Chau and “Temprana Therapy”, which helps children with brain damage and neurological conditions.

Another “reformer” of reflexology was Dr. William Fitzgerald. It was he who created a map of the foot, on which he placed information about the location of individual receptors. With this information, reflexologists have compiled a list of dysfunctions that can be treated with foot massage. Currently, reflexology is used both in hospitals and retirement homes as a supplement to applied medicine.

Reflexotherapy and traditional medicine

Reflexotherapy and traditional medicine can complement each other. The fact that the human face has nerve endings is also known to conventional medical practitioners. Also in the latter area, treatments are offered to drill down skin receptors. What connects reflexotherapy and conventional medicine is the same goal, and that is improving the patient’s well-being.

What is facial reflexology?

The treatment combines both healing and beautifying values. Facial reflexology is a form of massage that involves pressing the sensitive points of the face. Thanks to the treatment, the organs of the body are unblocked, even those distant from the face, and thus the patient’s well-being improves. Facial reflexology introduces a state of relaxation and can support the therapeutic methods of traditional medicine.

There are zones on the face that connect to various organs of the body – this happens through the central nerve channel. When these zones do not function properly, wrinkles, discoloration and deposits appear in these places. The aim of facial reflexology is to remove any blockages, unwanted effects and at the same time make the patient relaxed.

What are the indications for a facial reflexology treatment?

Facial reflexology treatment is aimed at people suffering from insomnia, headaches, depression and anxiety states, problems with concentration and constantly tired both physically and mentally. It also allows you to improve blood circulation, body balance and thinking processes. It also improves the condition of the skin, including improves its color.

Who shouldn’t take part in facial reflexology treatments?

Contraindications for the facial reflexology treatment are:

  1. tumors,
  2. acute illnesses with fever,
  3. endangered pregnancy,
  4. pregnancy,
  5. state of strong physical fatigue,
  6. skin diseases,
  7. intoxication,
  8. varicose veins, osteoporosis,
  9. high pressure,
  10. the occurrence of acute infectious diseases.

How to self-massage the face?

Massage can be started from the area between the eyebrows. It is there that a furrow with an unsightly appearance is often formed. To massage it, put your index and middle fingers over the area and slowly start making circles with them. The second zone, which will definitely be useful for massage, is the skin around the eyes – also massage it with two fingers, making a circle from the massaged area to the eyebrow line.

Do not avoid the cheeks when massaging your face. You can massage them with your whole hand. Start in the lower jaw area and move your hand up your face, applying light pressure to the skin – repeat the action several times. The final stage of self-massage is the massage of the lower parts of the face. Place your index finger around your mouth and make a circle around the area between the corner of your mouth and your nose. Then move them as if you want to make your lips smile.

  1. Find out what the red cheeks mean

What is ear reflexotherapy?

It is also known as auriculotherapy. The occurrence of energy channels in the ear has already been written in a work on Chinese acupuncture, published in the 50th century. Chinese doctors initially used this knowledge only for diagnostic purposes, but later ear reflexotherapy also became a therapeutic method. Its renaissance took place in the XNUMXs thanks to a French doctor who detailed its healing effects.

The auricle consists of many fibers and nerve endings. The third branch of the trigeminal nerve innervates, the terminal branches of the vagus nerve, the large ear nerve, the occipital nerve. These connections result in the formation of a connection, among others between the cerebrovascular and limbic systems. As with acupuncture and face and foot reflexology, there is also a map of the turbinates where sensitive points are marked.

What are the indications for ear reflecotherapy?

Reflexotherapy treatments can be useful in the treatment of ailments and diseases such as:

  1. hay fever,
  2. hives
  3. allergic eczema,
  4. eczema,
  5. shingles,
  6. gastritis,
  7. gastroesophageal reflux,
  8. peptic ulcer disease,
  9. indigestion,
  10. hypertension,
  11. bedwetting
  12. kidney failure
  13. urolithiasis.

Auriculotherapy is not a treatment method that guarantees good results. It does not work for everyone and if the first two treatments are fruitless, then it is advisable to stop using it. Sometimes patients are advised to massage the auricle on their own at the appointed time. It is an uncomplicated procedure that can be performed using the fingertips.

What are the contraindications for ear reflexotherapy?

The group of patients who should definitely not take part in the procedure includes people suffering from:

  1. cancers,
  2. mental disorders,
  3. infectious diseases,
  4. hemophilia.

How to do an ear massage yourself?

The ear massage does not require full concentration, so it can be performed, for example, while reading a book or watching TV, etc. Grasp the auricle with your finger and thumb – and start pressing it from the outside to the inside, then from top to bottom. Each sensitive point of the pinna should be massaged over the entire surface. If you feel any pain during the activity, stop the massage for a while.

What is hand reflexology?

Hand reflexology is based on the stimulation of reflexes in the hands. They also contain the ends of power lines that connect to glands and internal organs. Hand reflexotherapy has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body, because:

  1. relieves headaches,
  2. improves blood circulation,
  3. removes heartburn,
  4. removes flatulence,
  5. regulates menstrual disorders,
  6. supports the work of the immune system.

However, before the masseur starts working, he conducts an interview regarding the patient’s health. Then it also checks how the person reacts to the procedure, which allows him to locate the source of the disease. Hand massage is the same as foot reflexology – in both cases the reflexes are pressed with the thumb or other fingers. Moreover, both treatments are often used simultaneously.

What are the indications for hand reflexology?

Hand reflexology may be indicated when treating conditions such as:

  1. neck pain,
  2. backaches,
  3. arthralgia,
  4. headaches,
  5. digestive problems,
  6. hand pain caused by manual labor,
  7. hand pain caused by working at the computer.

What are the contraindications to take part in reflexology hand massage?

  1. hand inflammation,
  2. allergy,
  3. yeast infection,
  4. tinea,
  5. damage to the epidermis,
  6. high body temperature,
  7. changes of unknown origin,
  8. atherosclerosis.

How to perform a hand reflexology treatment?

Reflexology hand massage often enhances the therapeutic effect of foot massage. Although the best result is achieved by using the services of specialized masseurs, everyone can practice hand reflexology at home, e.g. by pressing the wrist on the right side of the inner part of the left hand or by massaging the inner part of the forearm, approx. 5 cm below the wrist bend. .

What is foot reflexology?

According to reflexologists, the foot is a part of the body that reflects its health. In their opinion, for example, inflammatory swelling of the withers of the big toe may indicate the occurrence of neck diseases; when the reflex points on the right foot are hypersensitive, it may be due to an inflammatory swelling on the same side. Foot reflexology stimulates physiological reactions, thanks to which the regeneration process of the body begins

The first effects of therapy are sometimes felt after the first treatment. Sometimes, however, it takes a few or a dozen treatments for the body to react clearly. Reflexotherapy has a stimulating effect, so it can result in sweating, feeling cold or warm, runny nose, thirst or increased urination. However, these symptoms should not be a cause for concern, but should be considered as the body’s natural response to the therapy. However, when these ailments turn out to be too strong, it is worth limiting the intensity of treatments.

The indications for the foot reflexology treatment are:

  1. regulation of the work of internal organs,
  2. strengthening the immune system,
  3. liver support,
  4. supporting the process of kidney cleansing,
  5. treatment of skin diseases,
  6. regulation of metabolism,
  7. improvement of intestinal peristalsis,
  8. strengthening tendons,
  9. muscle strengthening.
  10. sleep rhythm regulation,
  11. relieving constipation and heartburn,
  12. improvement of blood circulation,
  13. improving memory and concentration.

People of any age group can take part in the procedure, but there are also specific contraindications, such as:

  1. pregnancy,
  2. varicose veins and leg ulcers,
  3. fractures,
  4. athlete’s foot,
  5. infectious diseases,
  6. acute hepatitis,
  7. high fever
  8. swelling of the heart
  9. emphysema,
  10. open wounds on the feet,
  11. being before or after an organ transplant.

What is the foot reflexotherapy treatment?

It usually consists of three steps. The purpose of the first is to relax the feet by massaging, stretching and twisting. Only after such a warm-up can you proceed to the second stage, which is the proper reflexotherapy, which consists in stimulating the receptors. Finally, the reflexologist massages the feet using the aromatic oil. During the massage, techniques such as:

  1. stretching,
  2. massaging,
  3. kneading,
  4. finger rotation,
  5. rotating the cube.

In many cases, the therapy is well tolerated by the body. If the patient experiences pain during the massage, it is probably a sign of a problem or disease of the organ or system in question. In this case, however, the therapist does not have to stop the massage, but spends more time on the sore spot so that the condition of the organ improves. Sometimes pain occurs some time after the procedure due to blockade of receptors.

However, a reflexologist is not the person responsible for making a medical diagnosis – this is a physician’s task. Therefore, reflexotherapy of both the feet and other parts of the body should not be treated as a substitute for conventional treatment. Reflexology is usually regarded as a complement to conventional medicine. Reflexology does not have the tools to perform clinical trials.

Foot reflexology should always be performed by a suitably qualified person. The best specialists know exactly the anatomy and pathogenesis of patients’ ailments. To be sure that you are using the services of a specialist, it is worth making sure that he has a document confirming skills issued by the Polish Institute of Reflexology. Before the treatment stage begins, the reflexologist should interview the patient to gather the necessary information about their health problems.

How does the body react to foot reflexology?

Reflexology is a form of massage, so the body reacts like it does to any other form of massage. In most cases, people do not feel negative, and are even relaxed. However, side effects such as fatigue, foot pain, colorectal disorders and disorders of the bladder sphincters have been reported. Reflexology is especially harmful among patients with foot diseases.

There are studies that show that reflexology can be especially helpful for people with MS. However, there is also a thesis that the treatment gives the same benefits as any other type of massage. The health benefits of reflexology may be due to the fact that foot massage is a relaxing treatment. Determining whether it is actually therapeutic for patients with multiple sclerosis has not been confirmed by more detailed studies.

How to perform a reflexology treatment at home?

Foot massage can also be performed independently. You should start with preparing the feet by thoroughly washing and drying them. Then, do not apply any care cosmetics, e.g. lotions, creams and oils, which could only make it difficult to perform the massage – it is best to use them only in the last stage of the massage. Nevertheless, when preparing the feet, you can sprinkle a little talcum powder on your hands.

  1. Stage I

Start with the right foot. Place your right thumb in its center and wrap your left hand around all your fingers. Then pull them tight and bend them down to point them towards the thumb. The thumb should point towards the outside of the foot. Do this in the same way on your left foot. To relax your foot, try placing it in both hands and rocking it. Another relaxation exercise is the positioning where the thumb rests on the foot and the other fingers make a rippling motion on the back of the foot.

  1. Stage II

Hold the foot with your left hand. Have your thumb make a wavy upward motion to the outside of your foot. Use your fingers to press down from the toe position and swing your foot inwards with your other hand. Massage the heart’s reflex points only on the left foot. The reflex points of the ileum should be pressed in the place above the heel – the movement should consist of sticking the thumb in the place where the reflex is located.

At home, you can also massage the pituitary gland, solar plexus and adrenal glands. The first organ secretes endorphins, the so-called Happiness hormone – the reflex responsible for stimulating its secretion is located in the plantar part of the big toe. Solar plexus massage occurs in the middle of the foot and relaxes the body. Massage of the adrenal glands regulates the secretion of stress hormones – the responsible reflex is located approx. 1 cm below the plexus point.

At home, you can use the Wooden roller foot massager, which will help you stimulate the receptors located on your feet.

How to take care of your feet?

Reflexology is also a way of foot care. However, to keep them in good health, you should also use other treatments and follow a few hygiene rules. We also take care of our feet by what shoes we wear, what socks we wear, how often we properly trim our nails and how often we wash our feet.

It is worth checking the condition of the feet every day. Regular foot observation allows you to quickly prevent possible diseases and avoid specialist treatment. During the evening bath you should pay attention to their color, skin and nails condition. It is also advisable to wash your feet once a day or more when you lead an intense lifestyle and struggle with sweating and itching.

To prevent fungi and infections from appearing on your feet, you should thoroughly dry your feet after each bath, remembering to wipe the spaces between your toes as well. When the feet are kept warm and dry, they have better protection against parasites. Feet should also be moisturized daily to keep their skin soft and supple. For this purpose, you can use various creams, e.g. dry heels cream, which allows you to get rid of dead skin cells.

For the feet, it doesn’t matter what kind of socks you wear. Natural materials are the best for the feet, as they absorb moisture and are non-oppressive. Size is also important – choose socks that are neither too loose nor too tight. Loose socks cause friction inside the shoes; in turn, too tight socks are an obstacle to the free circulation of blood and can cause swelling and swelling of the feet.

Walking barefoot as a form of reflexology?

Already the ancient Greek philosophers described how badly fitted sandals could harm your feet. In ancient Greece, walking barefoot was natural. Interestingly, the treatise on the Political System of Sparta even stated that boys should not wear shoes, and thus harden their feet.

The feet have as many as 72 nerve endings responsible for connections between different parts of the body. Walking barefoot affects the work of internal organs and is a natural foot massage. It is particularly advantageous to walk on uneven surfaces and to put pressure on the whole body – as a result, the blood circulation in the feet improves due to the fact that more oxygen and nutrients reach them.

Over 90% of people are born with healthy feet. However, walking in the wrong shoes significantly worsens the performance of the feet. The American Podiatry Association found that approximately 77% of Americans experience foot pain. City dwellers have unnaturally bent feet due to mismatched footwear. Going barefoot is the best possible therapy for such people.

The Benefits of Walking Barefoot

Walking without shoes can be considered a natural form of reflexotherapy. Such walks allow the feet to move freely. The nerve endings that create connections with the brain and the rest of the body are then stimulated – whether we feel well depends on the efficiency of this system. Walking in stiff shoes blocks the impulses from the nerves that connect with other organs.

Thanks to him, the body becomes stronger. It has been scientifically proven that children growing up without footwear have stronger bodies and are less likely to have flat feet. Walking without footwear engages the muscles in the feet and ankles, which become stronger as a result. It is especially beneficial for the big toe – it then becomes straight and strong. This translates to the whole body as it becomes a strong foundation. Walking barefoot teaches you how to maintain a correct body posture.

The advantage of this practice is also the hardening of the body. Walking on wet stones, walking barefoot on grass, wading in cold water and washing hands with cold water are particularly good for them. The body then gains better protection against infections and becomes stronger. Walking barefoot allows you to feel a stronger connection with nature and energizes the body by being in contact with the electric charge of the earth.

People who practice barefoot walking are becoming more alert and aware of the present moment. Giving up shoes means that during a walk you have to watch out for potential threats, such as insects, stones, etc. A person then begins to feel more, the foot becomes his sense, a cognitive part of the body. Walking barefoot requires you to keep an eye on the road. Each step is taken consciously and you can look at the surrounding reality anew.

Walking barefoot like reflexology or any other form of massage is also a great way to relax. Being in the bosom of nature allows you to regenerate your strength and relaxes your muscles. The negative ions of nature have a beneficial effect on the entire body. In addition, a direct touch of the ground with a bare foot makes a person more sensitive. Interestingly, barefoot enthusiasts say it is an activity that can also be extremely addictive.

How to start walking barefoot?

It’s best to start walking barefoot in spring or summer. The ground is warm then, and walking barefoot on hot days can be pleasantly refreshing. In the summer, more people wear sandals, so it is easier to “break” to give up shoes completely, because its lack does not attract the attention of passers-by. It’s best to start your barefoot adventure somewhere outside the city, where you will find natural paths.

You can start walking barefoot both in the forest, in the meadow and in the city. Everyone should choose a place that suits them. In the city, next to the natural paths, there are surfaces with different surfaces, so they can be a diversification for a walk and at the same time provide an intense massage. However, be careful and watch out for glass or other potential hazards.

During the walk, wet wipes or a towel and a bottle of water and liquid will be useful so that you can wash your feet in the event of injury or dirt. Contrary to appearances, walking barefoot is not as dangerous as it might seem. It is enough to avoid obstacles and walk carefully. It will become a habit over time.

How to start walking barefoot on snow?

Walking barefoot in the snow makes your body immune. Hardening the body teaches the body to manage heat and makes it better able to cope with the effects of viruses and bacteria. Running in the snow, walking into a river without shoes, cold showers and swimming are activities that make the body extremely strong. Thanks to them, if the virus is caught, the infection will be milder.

When walking, the feet should be the only exposed part of the body. Bring wool socks and a warm towel. It is also worth having a folding chair or stool with you so that you can sit down comfortably and put on socks. Check in advance that the area where you will be walking barefoot is free of glasses, stones and other sharp objects. Choose a place not far from the house so that you can quickly return to it and warm up if necessary.

Walking barefoot on snow should be a rather brisk walk or jog. At first, it shouldn’t be too long – preferably around 25 seconds. Subsequent walks may take a little longer, but also according to your body’s reaction. After the walk, dry your feet and put on warm socks. However, do not warm them up with a towel, but let them dry gradually – this will make them warm up evenly.

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