The reduction of the labia minora in medical terminology is called labioplasty. It occupies a special place among the aesthetic plastic surgeries of the intimate sphere of women’s health. Changes in the normal structure of this part of the reproductive system are sometimes the result of labor, and sometimes they are classic age-related changes.
In the latter case, the patients suffer from deformities of the vulva, which are often pronounced. Also, the primary source of problems are congenital anatomical defects with which girls can live without significant physical discomfort. But at the beginning of sexual activity, they are faced with moral dissatisfaction, because of which a physical handicap turns into the root of psychological problems.
It occasionally happens that a completely healthy representative of the weaker sex is faced with a sharp growth of the labia, having no idea what served as a catalyst. Changes in size, structure, and even density can be a direct consequence of hormonal dysfunction in the body.
If a young lady has rapidly increased the level of the male hormone testosterone in the blood, then this results in precisely this kind of side effects.
To correct what happened, it is not enough just to use surgical intervention. The operation will only allow you to get rid of the external manifestation of the problem, so it is important to approach the issue comprehensively. Together with labioplasty, patients almost always have to undergo a surgical correction of the clitoral hood.
The result will please with balanced anatomical proportions of the external genitalia, which will save the victim from dissatisfaction with the aesthetic component. Numerous reviews of those ladies who have already used the service confirm that the discomfort during intercourse disappears. The psychological inferiority complex also disappears.
Objective and subjective indications
Many representatives of the weaker sex are captivated by stereotypes that labioplasty can reduce sexual temperament. In fact, nothing like this happens, since the operation affects the correction of the external part of the body. A good master of his craft will perform the manipulation as quickly, safely and accurately as possible, eliminating any risks of postoperative complications.
In order to receive high-quality service, many women specifically turn to private clinics on the rights of anonymity. The price in them varies depending on the professionalism of doctors, the equipment and medicines used, additional services. To select the optimal solution, it is better to rely on the qualifications of the medical staff of the institution, as well as the reputation of the clinic you like.
Gynecologists note that labioplasty has long ceased to be a “for the rich” procedure, and now it is a medical manipulation designed to destroy the walls of frigidity in women of all ages. Due to the disproportion of the labia, girls often do not feel pleasure from intimacy, or are embarrassed to show their body due to a physical defect.
Also, the physiological change in the vulva in various parameters often blocks many other aspects of the full life of a modern lady:
- active sports;
- wearing certain underwear or clothing in general;
- long stay in a sitting position, which is necessary for many office workers.
All of the above are objective reasons for surgical intervention. Other factors become subjective grounds, up to dissatisfaction with one’s own body.
Despite the growing popularity of the technique of reducing the size of the labia, there are a number of contraindications to it. Some of them are relative. This means that under certain circumstances, it will still be possible to carry out the operation. So, pregnancy, lactation and minority fell into such a vague category. But after a certain period of time, labioplasty is still allowed. In the same group were:
- viral diseases;
- infection of the genitourinary system;
- inflammatory process in the operated area;
- oncological neoplasm of a malignant or benign nature;
- menstruation and weekly range after it.
But mental illness is an absolute contraindication. Almost the same applies to venereal diseases.
Initially, to implement the plan, doctors had to use quite traumatic technologies. Today they have been replaced by laser therapy, which will reduce the time spent on intimate correction, as well as increase the chances of quick healing without a long recovery.
Preparatory stage
The first step towards correcting the aesthetic component of the reproductive system is an initial examination and consultation with a practicing surgeon. A real pro will first have a conversation with the patient to find out her psychological readiness, and then talk about the system for removing excess soft tissues.
If necessary, doctors are even ready to provide photos of how everything looks before and after, in order to clearly confirm the effectiveness of the technique. After that, the ward goes to the gynecological chair so that the doctor can visually assess the amount of future work and draw up a plan for the upcoming operation. Together with the victim, a schematic line of excision is discussed.
Also, the doctor necessarily warns that the desired result depends not only on his skills. It is extremely important to follow medical instructions during the recovery phase. The expert will advise to adhere to the following rules after a successful truncation:
- quit smoking;
- postpone the course of treatment with drugs containing active substances like Aspirin;
- do not take vitamin E supplements;
- do not drink green tea;
- stop taking foods with omega-3 fatty acids for a while.
But since this list is not always completely within the competence of the patient herself, she will first have to consult with the specialized doctors who prescribed her Aspirin or vitamins. Only after their approval is it allowed to temporarily suspend a previously approved treatment program for another disease.
Without fail, before the appointed date, you need to pass several tests, the set of which includes:
- general blood analysis;
- general urine analysis;
- determination of blood group and Rh factor;
- tests for hepatitis, HIV, RV;
- blood clotting testing.
Additionally, you will have to limit yourself in sexual contact a few days before the due date.
Features of the procedure
From a physiological point of view, the labia minora are thin folds of skin, which consist of a mucous membrane and epithelium. To make the ideal shape and size, surgeons use special tools to remove excess tissue. The edges are then sewn together so that after complete healing a more aesthetic appearance is obtained.
Such a mini-operation does not require general anesthesia, as it lasts a relatively short time. For its implementation, an anesthetic ointment and local anesthesia are sufficient. But here it is important to conduct an allergic test for anesthesia drugs in advance. Such scrupulousness will negate the risks of possible anaphylactic shock due to an allergy to the active substance of the pain medication.
In total, the labioplasty will last about forty minutes. Moreover, when using a radio knife or a high-power laser, it will be possible to reduce time costs. An additional advantage of using an innovative technique is the preservation of nerve endings along with blood vessels. The result speaks for itself – maintaining the sensitivity of the small lips at the original level and getting rid of possible frigidity.
Also, modern technologies make it possible to avoid significant swelling in the first days after surgery. And to prevent hematomas, doctors use absorbable threads. Ligation of the thin vessels of the labia minora guarantees minimal swelling in the vaginal area.
Proper rehabilitation
In order for everything to go according to plan, it is important to approach responsibly all medical recommendations at the recovery stage. Over the next few weeks, you will have to forget about intimacy. It is also worth postponing a visit to the gym, limiting active physical activity up to the refusal to carry weights.
For a speedy recovery, the patient should take antibiotics and other medications that the attending physician will advise. It is strictly forbidden to change the list from the recipe at your own discretion.
You can’t even shift the time of taking, the dosage and the order of the drugs, since the chaos with rehabilitation often ends in the development of serious complications up to hospitalization due to an extensive inflammatory process.
An obligatory item of the program is douching with the use of antiseptic agents, which the gynecologist will select individually for his ward. For the speedy tightening of the open wound space, healing ointments will be effective.
We will have to come to terms with the fact that the next three weeks will pass without:
- Baths;
- saunas and other types of steam rooms;
- swimming pools;
- solariums.
All of the above refers to the group of risky objects where it is easy to catch infections. Penetrating into a still fresh wound, they almost immediately provoke an extensive inflammatory process, delaying treatment.
In a normal situation, the fusion of the mucous membrane of the labia minora occurs quite quickly. Sutures with absorbable threads also contribute to this, which do not leave behind any surgical traces such as scars or scars.
Consequences and possible complications
Doctors warn that in order to reduce the risks of possible side effects of varying severity, it is worth seeking qualified help exclusively from trusted doctors. You should not save on preliminary tests, which often suggest possible latent contraindications, warning of impending danger.
A correctly performed operation will by no means block a woman’s erogenous sensitivity and sexual arousal. Careful excision has a positive effect, which is expressed in an increase in the excitability of the girl. This improvement is explained by the fact that when the size of the lips is reduced, the excess skin surrounding the clitoris is truncated. It is exposed, which makes its open area larger, positively affecting the threshold of excitability.
In most cases, everything ends successfully, and the rehabilitation period is only a couple of weeks with a conscious approach to business. But when ignoring the precepts of doctors, or when contacting a dubious surgeon, some ladies run into trouble.
Most often, we are talking about a temporary or even complete lack of sensitivity, which is a direct consequence of the lack of professionalism of a doctor who does not know the anatomical nuances of the labia minora. Occasionally, even cases are recorded when the patient, on the contrary, becomes hypersensitive in this area. Such a development of the scenario worsens the quality of her intimate life, and also limits her in her daily activities.
A serious threat to women’s health is the gaping of the vagina. Problems are added by an increased likelihood of developing infectious lesions of the external genital organs.
Also, a consequence of professional negligence are scars, spoiling all the aesthetics that the victim so sought. She can be tormented by retraction in the perineum, and during labor, tears are possible. To avoid all of the above, it is enough just to seek help from real aces in gynecological plastic surgery.