Many women find it difficult to talk about their intimate problems. Even contacting a specialist costs a lot of mental strength. However, many of the problems are easily resolvable. Enough for many of the fair sex, the external genitalia have abnormal dimensions – the defect can be congenital or acquired. Even if the anomaly does not bring physical discomfort, it negatively affects intimate life – a woman begins to complex about her body, closes in herself, moves away from her partner.
In such a situation, it is important not to retreat into yourself, but to seek help from plastic surgery. The operation to reduce the labia majora is a minimally invasive method that does not require long preparation and has a minimal risk of any complications. Despite the simplicity of intimate plastic surgery, it is important that the specialist fully advise the patient on the direct indications for surgery and the existing contraindications.
Labioplasty is a procedure that can only be performed within the walls of a specialized medical institution by a qualified surgeon. Attempts to fix the problem at home can have a very disastrous result.
Intimate plastic surgery: pros and cons
The opinion of gynecologists regarding the operation to reduce the labia majora is ambiguous. Doctors believe that the operation is necessary only when there are direct medical indications – that is, the size and shape of the external genitalia bring physical discomfort to the woman. As for the psychological aspects, most gynecologists believe that it is wrong to turn to surgery because of complexes about their appearance.
Let’s try to highlight the main advantages of intimate plastic surgery. Enlarged labia can bring physical pain to a woman – they rub when walking, interfere with a normal sex life, require wearing only a certain type of underwear. After plastic surgery, a woman becomes more confident in herself, more relaxed.
As for the cons, do not forget that the reduction of the labia is still an operation, albeit a simple one. Therefore, there is a risk of postoperative complications – adhesions, bleeding, scarring. In addition, such a procedure is among the expensive ones, therefore, it can cause significant damage to the budget.
To do or not to do plastic surgery of the labia – the woman must decide. If there are no direct indications for the procedure, but the patient is sure that thanks to her the quality of her life will improve, it is worth signing up for a consultation with a plastic surgeon.
The gynecologist may recommend to the patient the plasty of the external genital organs in the presence of the following indications – the labia majora are greatly enlarged; the labia are asymmetrical, sagging, or there is a pathological change in shape.
Before the operation, a woman must undergo a medical examination, pass the necessary tests.
Preparing for the procedure
When deciding to have an operation to reduce the labia majora, a woman should initially visit a gynecologist and consult with him on this issue. In the absence of direct gynecological contraindications, the specialist issues referrals for tests:
- biochemical blood test for HIV, AIDS, hepatitis;
- general blood analysis;
- general urine analysis;
- gynecological smear for the presence of pathogenic microflora.
In addition, the patient must definitely visit a therapist who will issue a conclusion that there are no general contraindications to the operation.
5 days before labioplasty, it is recommended that a woman should, if possible, refuse to take medications that adversely affect blood clotting. Sexual intercourse should be avoided at least 24 hours before surgery.
Resection of the labia majora
The natural function of the labia majora is to protect the internal genital organs from mechanical damage and infection. When the labia sags and stretches, which is most often observed in women who have given birth, the risk of infection increases significantly. To return the natural physiological form, resection of the labia majora is recommended – excess skin is surgically excised.
Intimate plastic is necessarily performed in a hospital. The patient must arrive at the medical facility at least 2 hours before the start of the procedure. Before plastic surgery, it is important to perform intimate hygiene and remove hair in the groin area. Before entering the operating room, the woman changes into a sterile medical gown, the lower part of the body remains naked.
The day of the operation is determined by a specialist – most often it is the 23-26th day of the menstrual cycle. Resection of the labia majora can be performed under general or local anesthesia. During the operation, the surgeon excised excess tissue and applied cosmetic sutures. Immediately after this, the patient is transferred to the ward.
Further observation in a medical institution is not necessary – after 3-6 hours after surgery, the patient can go home.
In the first 2-3 days after resection, the woman is recommended bed rest. Then she can return to her usual way of life, but for 3-4 weeks it is worth giving up physical activity and observing sexual rest. In the first 7 days after each act of urination and defecation, it is important to wash yourself with a disinfectant solution.
Contraindications for intimate plastic surgery
Direct contraindications to the operation to reduce the labia majora is the presence of sexually transmitted diseases and infections of the genital organs. There are also age restrictions – intimate plastic surgery is performed only for adult patients.
In addition, there are general medical contraindications for the operation – these are severe blood diseases that cause violations of its coagulability; pathologies of the cardiovascular system; liver or kidney failure.