Reducing the amount of salt you eat can help prevent stomach cancer

According to the World Cancer Research Fund, restricting salty foods such as cold cuts and bread could reduce the risk of stomach cancer by up to 14 percent.

Too much salt in the daily diet leads to high blood pressure, which can cause heart disease and stroke, but can also cause stomach cancer. The recommended daily dose of salt is 6 g, and scientists say people consume about 8,6 g. The UK’s World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) says one in seven stomach cancers could be prevented if people modified their daily diet.

In Great Britain, about 6 are diagnosed. new cases of stomach cancer each year. The WCRF estimates that about 800 cases, or 14 percent, could be avoided if everyone followed the recommended amount of 6 g of salt per day.

Stomach cancer is difficult to treat as most cases are only diagnosed when the disease is very advanced, said Kate Mendoza, director of health information at WCRF. to eat more fruits and vegetables.

Salt is already contained in most products, therefore additional salting in food is dangerous. WCRF is committed to ensuring that food in stores is labeled with accurate salt information. The BBC reports that the British government has already taken steps in this direction. (PAP)

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