Reducing sexual desire

Sexual desire – Libido (libido), which in Latin means lust, desire, passion – is determined by the desire for sexual intimacy in order to obtain pleasure or discharge and procreation.

The power of sexual desire cannot be contained within a certain framework – each of the partners differs in its degree of sexual desire. However, even in the Holy Scriptures, orgasm was described as the highest pleasure on earth. Sexual and reproductive health is an integral part of overall health. Only a person who, along with the absence of diseases, is in complete harmony with himself in the physical, mental and social senses can be considered completely healthy.

Modern couples are increasingly faced with the problem of a discrepancy in sexual desire, which experts in long-term relationships attribute to age or habit. Sometimes the cause of a drop in libido should be looked for in everyday hardships or a relationship problem. Do not forget about the discrepancy between the sexual needs of both sexes.

In general, a decrease in sexual desire should not be immediately considered a manifestation of the disorder. The cause of low libido is most often psychological and interpersonal aspects, which over time can develop into an insoluble conflict, but in most cases they can be treated.

A bit of history

The term “libido” (lĭbīdo) was first mentioned in a work entitled “On the City of God” by the Christian theologian and philosopher, St. Augustine of the Catholic and Orthodox Churches. In the translation of the Kyiv Theological Academy, this word means “shameful lust of the flesh.”

The psychoanalysis developed by the Austrian psychologist, psychoanalyst and neurologist Sigmund Freud is based on the term “libido”.

In the teachings of the famous psychiatrist, this term is equated with the deity of love in ancient Greek mythology, Eros, is interpreted as sexual desire (sexual instinct), and also defines the energy of attraction to everything that encompasses the concept of “love” (to oneself, parents, children, humanity).

According to Freud’s theory, libido is the basis of all human behavior that seeks pleasure. The psychologist uses this term to explain the causes of mental disorders and neuroses, as well as to describe the stages of a person’s psychosexual development.

According to the analytical (deep) psychology of the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung, libido is mental energy in general and is interpreted as the intensity of the mental process, in which sexuality is only one of many forms of its manifestations. Jung’s theory, in contrast to Freud’s, identifies libido with the Eastern concept of Qi (Prana) energy and, inspiring nature, describes a person’s need for a specific form of awareness of the dynamism of mental events.

Symptoms of decreased sex drive

Symptoms of a decrease in sexual desire can have three degrees of manifestation:

  1. Hypolibidemia is a decrease in sexual desire.
  2. Alibidemia is the loss or absence of sexual desire.
  3. The state of sexual aversion is a complete aversion to sex.

The first case (hypolibidemia) is characterized by a complete absence (loss) of sexual desire against the background of organic disorders or illness occurring in a person. The second degree of manifestation (alibidemia) may be associated with any psychological disorders, endocrine diseases or severe intoxication. The state of sexual aversion implies discomfort and a feeling of fear (panic) before the upcoming sexual intercourse. This degree of decrease in libido is the most common and needs to be consulted by a psychologist.

Since all of these causes are accompanied by a hormonal imbalance, men may experience symptoms such as:

  1. Changing the timbre of the voice (too high timbre).
  2. Lack of hairiness.
  3. The presence of fat deposits on the thighs and buttocks.

Causes of decreased sex drive

Sexual attraction is characterized by individuality. The intensity of sexual desire depends on a number of external and internal factors. It is influenced not only by genetic characteristics and the structure of the brain, but also by age, upbringing, personal qualities, the activity of the endocrine glands, and even the place of residence.

In particular, it is well known that dark-haired and short men, unlike tall blondes, are more temperamental, and overweight women are sexually inferior to thin ones. Using the example of Italians and Armenians, we can talk about the more vivid sexuality of the inhabitants of the southern countries, in contrast to the Germans and Estonians living in a colder climate.

There are a number of factors that lead to a decrease in sexual desire. They are based on physiological, psychological, social and age reasons. Sexual activity is directly dependent on physical well-being, mood, emotional background and environment. It is also affected by the seasonal factor, social status and even professional affiliation of partners.

A decrease in sexual desire can be observed against the background of a number of common diseases of the body. It is caused by neurotic disorders, endocrine diseases, taking certain medications, as well as congenital pathologies and prolonged sexual abstinence. A decrease in libido can lead to disruption of a regular sexual life, the development of congestion in the pelvic organs, depression, and serious psychological problems.

Physiological causes

Chronic and acute diseases of the digestive tract, cardiovascular system, weakened immunity, as well as diseases of the reproductive and urinary systems against the background of disturbed hormonal balance often cause a temporary or permanent decrease in sexual desire.

Attraction is regulated by the sex hormones testosterone (male) and estrogen (female), which are produced in the body of both sexes. In a strong half of humanity, testosterone prevails, which is produced in the testes and adrenal glands. Therefore, male libido is less dependent on the health and mood of the partner. The estrogen produced in the body of the fair sex is much weaker in terms of sexual desire, and the sexual activity of women varies within the monthly cycle.

The normal level of testosterone in the blood serum depends on the functioning of the endocrine system. The production of female and male sex hormones in the ovaries is controlled by the hypothalamic-pituitary system. The central and peripheral nervous systems are responsible for erection and ejaculation. Failure of any of them entails a decrease in libido.

Taking hormonal contraceptives has a negative effect on testosterone, contributing to a drop in sexual activity. Also, the use of tranquilizers, antipsychotics, diuretics and drugs for diabetes and hypertension can lead to a decrease in libido in both sexes. This side effect may persist for some time after they stop taking them.

A sedentary lifestyle that causes stagnation of blood in the genitals, or trauma to the intimate area, resulting, in particular, from shaking when driving a car or motorcycle often, or unsuccessfully performed physical exercises, can lead to a decrease in sexual activity.

In addition, the level of sexual desire is determined by genes, in particular, the structure of DNA. Scientists have found that, depending on the variant of the D4 gene, the degree of sexual desire may also vary. In particular, 60% of people have a variant of the D4 gene, which leads to reduced sexual desire.

Psychological reasons

The psychological state of partners has a significant impact on the strength of sexual desire. Inhibition of testosterone production can occur due to family conflict, stress, panic attacks in one of the partners, and even against the background of the struggle for social status. The female libido is most sensitive to such facts.

The psychological aspect of decreased libido is difficult not only to detect, but also to eliminate the causes. In particular, the fear of sexual activity can be caused by depression on the background of an unsuccessful previous sexual experience or problems in relationships with a partner. The most vulnerable in this regard is male reproductive health.

Very often, such factors as sexual boredom and monotony influence the decrease in the attraction of partners to each other. At the same time, a happy life and well-being have a positive effect on sexual activity.

Another important aspect that reduces libido can be behavioral habits, in particular, excessive drinking, smoking, drug use, as well as chronic sleep deprivation.

We should also not forget that both prolonged sexual abstinence and excessive activity in sexual life contribute to a decrease in sexual activity.

Age factor

Age is one of the most serious causes affecting the decrease in libido. It requires constant manipulation to maintain the appropriate hormonal levels.

The age factor can be attributed to the difference in the dynamics of sexual desire in representatives of different sexes. So, the peak of sexual activity of men falls on the age of 16 to 25 years, and in women it occurs much later – in the period from 30 to 40 years. In addition, unlike the representatives of the stronger sex, in women, the age limits of the period of greatest sexual activity often shift.

Decreased sex drive in men

Sexual activity plays an important role in the life of any man. With the loss of male power, the representatives of the stronger sex lose their reason for existence and feel panic at the mere thought of being ridiculed by their partner.

A decrease in libido under the influence of certain factors in our time is noted in every fifth man.

A decrease in the sexual activity of a man is expressed in a disorder of sexual function, leading to a mild sexual desire. At the same time, the age of men, according to the latest data of experts, is not of decisive importance.

Experts name a number of the most important reasons for this phenomenon:

  1. Psychological disorder and nervous strain.
  2. All kinds of injuries and diseases.
  3. Violation of the hormonal background.
  4. Bad habits.
  5. Uncontrolled use of certain drugs.

A psychological disorder is expressed in a long stay of a man in depression or in a state of nervous overstrain, which negatively affects his sexual desires. Difficulties at work, conflicts in the family, as well as chronic fatigue and constant lack of sleep can provoke such a condition. Often a man underestimates the impact of his condition on sexual activity, believing that he is still on top sexually.

Injuries and some diseases, in particular, obesity, diabetes, heart problems, can further aggravate the process of sexual dysfunction. And a decrease in the level of testosterone, which is responsible for the saturation of sexual desire, leads to a violation of the hormonal background, contributing to the loss of interest in sex.

Addiction to bad habits – alcohol, drugs, smoking – causes addiction and gradually disrupts the functions of the whole organism, including the reproductive system. Also, a decrease in sexual activity can be facilitated by prolonged sexual abstinence and uncontrolled intake of hormonal drugs, antidepressants and anabolic steroids.

If we talk about the age factor, then it is rather provoking, since in the fifth decade, most of the stronger sex manage to acquire a number of chronic diseases that reduce libido. But there are those who do not need the help of an andrologist and a sex therapist for the rest of their lives.

These reasons can eventually lead to a state of sexual aversion – a decrease in interest in sexual life, up to a complete disgust for it. Symptoms of this condition are expressed in constant trembling, heavy sweating, heart palpitations, nausea, dizziness and diarrhea against a background of severe fright or stress.

The following factors can provoke a state of aversion:

  1. Improper sex education in childhood.
  2. Psychological trauma of the sexual plan.
  3. Forced to have sex.
  4. Lack of sexual satisfaction from a partner.
  5. Conflicts due to sexual orientation.

The following symptoms may indicate a decrease in sexual desire in men:

  1. Erectile dysfunction, expressed in the avoidance of sexual relations under any pretext.
  2. Having problems with ejaculation.
  3. Increasing the timbre of the voice to the notes inherent in women.
  4. Loss of hair in places characteristic of men.
  5. Enlargement of the mammary glands.
  6. Attacks on a partner with accusations of unattractiveness and lack of understanding, caused by a decrease in libido.
  7. An unexpected change in sexual orientation caused by a low concentration of male hormones.

Decreased sex drive in women

Sexual desire in women manifests itself much later than in men. There is even an opinion that a “taste for sex” comes to a woman with the birth of a child, so one should not expect sexual activity from a young girl.

However, there are a number of reasons that contribute to a decrease in libido in the fair sex.

Psychological disorders

The refinement of the female psyche leads to the fact that sexual desire is able to “kill” one frivolous remark of a man, for example, regarding his partner’s overweight or small breast size. For female libido, an environment suitable for intimacy, attentiveness and accuracy of the partner, as well as his lack of sexual egoism are important.

Excessive female responsibility for children and family, or stereotypes about sex laid down from childhood can contribute to a decrease in sexual desire. The psychological barrier that leads to a decrease in libido can also be one-time severe or chronic stress, constant fatigue, sexual inexperience and fear of becoming pregnant.

Another important stumbling block in the path of sexual relations can be a conflict with a partner, both on domestic grounds and in personal or social spheres (for example, a difference in political or religious views).

Hormonal disruptions

The physiological factor also plays an important role. So, uncontrolled intake of certain medications can “extinguish” a woman’s sexual desire. These include both hormonal contraceptives and antihypertensive drugs, as well as tranquilizers and antipsychotics. Very often, a drop in libido provokes the use of antidepressants.

The reason for the decrease in sexual desire in the beautiful half of humanity can be damage to the endocrine glands, for example, in cases of an overabundance or lack of thyroid hormones that affect the genital area. In addition, a decrease in sexual activity in women can be observed against the background of an increase in a hormone such as prolactin during pregnancy and lactation. Nature has decreed that he literally neutralizes the effect of testosterone, so that a woman completely devotes herself to the baby. In all other cases, an increase in the level of prolactin in both sexes is the result of serious diseases.

Age and menopause

An important factor is age wilting. Over the years, the functioning of the ovaries slows down, the level of estrogens (female sex hormones) in the blood gradually decreases, and menopause occurs in women. It is manifested, among other things, by vaginal dryness, in connection with which intimacy becomes unpleasant and even painful for a woman. With the advent of menopause in some women, sexual desire completely disappears and they do not experience any discomfort from this.


Some diseases, both general somatic and gynecological, can reduce the sexual desire of women. So, diabetes mellitus, pathologies of the cardiovascular and urinary systems and inflammation of the female organs negatively affect the female libido.

The most insidious in this regard are neurological diseases, accompanied by impaired cerebral circulation, which causes damage to the centers responsible for sexual desire. Neurological symptoms are one of the most difficult to determine.

Infectious diseases of the reproductive system cause inflammation of the external genital organs. In particular, with colpitis (inflammation of the vagina), sexual intercourse becomes impossible due to severe pain. There is no need to talk about attraction in such cases.

Another case when intimate relationships become impossible is a painful spasm of the muscles of the vagina – vaginismus. Its causes are more psychological in nature and can be caused by a strong fright during sexual intercourse in the past or gross sexual abuse. In such cases, women may experience only disgust for sexual intimacy.

A drop in sexual desire in women can be the result of work-related injuries or constant beatings in the family. Under such circumstances, a decrease in libido occurs due to a violation (hematoma) of the brain structures that control the intimate sphere.

Bad habits

Female alcoholism, drug addiction and tobacco abuse can have a psychological and neurophysiological negative impact on sexual desire, since these factors reduce the activity of the centers of the brain that regulate the processes of arousal and sexual attraction.

At the same time, it is necessary to distinguish whether the decrease in libido is associated with any of the listed factors or is it a banal refusal to have sex right now and with a particular partner.

Prevention and treatment of reduced sexual desire

A decrease in sexual desire is a reason for a mandatory visit to a specialist. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable. In addition, false modesty, which prevents seeking help, should be overcome.

Often, many men are in no hurry to see doctors because they are afraid of publicity and ridicule from family members, colleagues and friends. Such complexes can only aggravate the condition and lead to the fact that the disease becomes neglected, and its treatment will require more money and time.

Of course, it is much easier to prevent any health problems than to solve them later. Therefore, we should not forget that libido is influenced by lifestyle, moderate physical activity, the rejection of bad habits and the psychological climate.

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