Redness on the skin: how to get rid of it? Video
Redness on the face can occur for various reasons, but most often people with thin, sensitive skin that require special care are prone to their appearance. You can get rid of unpleasant stains with home remedies or special cosmetics.
Redness on the skin: causes
A slight blush on the cheeks, resulting from excitement or being in the frosty air, is considered a completely harmless phenomenon and sometimes even adorns its owner. But sometimes red spots become a real curse.
They can arise for several reasons:
- stress
- temperature influences
- allergy
- inflammation
- skin infection
- irritation after shaving
- insect bites, etc.
Successful elimination of redness is possible only if the nature of their origin is known. You can spend a lot of money on whitening cosmetics, and in the end find out that the culprit was a fungus that settled on the epidermis
Light redness that occurs, for example, after washing your face, does not need special treatment. They often go away on their own within minutes. Sometimes it is enough just to change the type of cosmetics used. Perhaps the skin reacts in this way to a lack of moisture, and a special moisturizer will easily solve the problem that has arisen.
Home remedies for red spots work well with cottage cheese. A curd mask applied to the face for 20 minutes will relieve slight inflammation, cool the skin, supply it with moisture and nutrients. Rinse off the mask with warm water. The effect can be strengthened by applying olive oil to the skin cleansed before going to bed. If you do not like the feeling of a greasy film on the skin, replace the oil with a gel containing aloe vera extract, which, due to its antibacterial properties, will treat possible existing inflammations on the face.
Ordinary cucumbers can be a real salvation from redness. A mask of thin cucumber slices can relieve you of minor redness in just 10-15 minutes
Medical and decorative cosmetics
Your beautician may suggest a special bleaching ointment to help relieve redness. But it should be remembered that only a specialist is able to judge the justification of the use of such means, therefore, it is not only not recommended to prescribe them for oneself, but to some extent it is dangerous. In the presence of severe redness that lasts for a long period, it is better to immediately consult a dermatologist. Only he will be able to identify a possible disease and prescribe a suitable treatment.
You can try to mask unexpected red spots with decorative cosmetics.
At the same time, there is no need to cover them with a thick layer of foundation. It is enough just to make a couple of strokes with concealer – a special cosmetic pencil with the addition of green pigment. Green in the color wheel stands opposite to red, that is, it absorbs it, making it completely invisible.