Redness of the nose: how to get rid of it? Video
A person’s nose can turn red for various reasons. For example, it can be associated with thyroid disease, poor bowel function, excessive nervousness. In any case, this cosmetic defect gives a person aesthetic discomfort.
Redness of the nose: how to get rid of it?
Before you begin to combat redness of the skin on the nose, you should identify and eliminate the cause. The nose may turn red in someone whose blood vessels are very fragile and brittle. In this case, you should refrain from walking in too hot or cold weather. The thing is that sudden changes in temperature can cause vasospasm.
At risk are also those people whose skin has acne. If rosacea is left untreated, a person will develop a disease such as rhinophyma. With this disease, the nose turns red and grows in size, and also becomes bumpy. In this case, you should consult a dermatologist for the treatment of rhinophyma.
The nose can turn red with frequent alcohol consumption.
The thing is that in a drunken state, the following changes in the body occur in a person:
- pressure rises
- vasodilatation
- blood circulation is impaired
- arteriole swelling occurs
Redness can be caused by the psycho-emotional state of a person. Suppose he is worried, as a result of this, the blood rushes to the head, not only his cheeks turn red, but also his nose.
In this case, you will be helped by:
- self-training
- psychological exercises
In addition to the above reasons, redness of the nose can be associated with cardiovascular disease. Therefore, do not try to diagnose yourself, as this is fraught with serious consequences. Get medical attention.
How to get rid of a red nose
To reduce nose redness, you should first limit your intake of hot, spicy, and smoked foods.
It is also worth giving up:
- alcohol
- coffee
- strong black tea
- milk chocolate
- milk
That is, you need to exclude those foods that can provoke vasodilation.
When sunbathing in the sun, you must cover your face with a hat or cap. Be sure to use a high UV protection cream. Eliminate products containing alcohol and salicylic acid from complex care. Stop using a scrub.
It is necessary to refrain from visiting the solarium, baths and saunas
Use chamomile decoctions several times a week. To prepare the product, pour 2 tablespoons of flowers with a glass of boiling water, put the container in a water bath for 15 minutes. After that, strain the broth, cool. Use it to rub your face 2-3 times a week.
Every morning, you can ice your nose with this herbal decoction.
You can also use an infusion of hoofed flies. 5 tablespoons of leaves, pour 250 ml of boiling water. Leave the mixture to infuse for a few minutes. Strain, cool the product slightly, moisten a cotton swab and wipe the skin with it.
It is not worth wiping your face after the compress, the infusion must be absorbed
Use aloe. Squeeze the juice out of the plant, then rub the red nose with it. You need to repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week.
You can also make a potato mask. Boil the root vegetable in its uniform, cool, chop. Wrap the resulting mass in gauze, apply the mask to your nose for a few minutes. Then treat the problem area of the skin with lemon juice, lubricate with a nourishing cream.
When treating your skin, use the following mask. Mix 80 ml of chamomile broth with the same amount of freshly squeezed apple juice, add a small amount of glycerin. Apply the resulting product to the nose for 5 minutes. After this time, remove the remnants of the mask with a cotton pad.
Make an apple remedy. Grate fresh fruit, add lime blossom infusion and a little lemon juice. Apply the mixture to the skin for 10 minutes.
Make a fresh cucumber mask. Grind it in a blender or grate it. Apply the resulting gruel to the skin of the nose, leave for 10-15 minutes. You can also use cucumber juice. Wipe your face with it every day until the skin condition improves.
You can also add 1 tablespoon of freshly squeezed aloe juice or a decoction of parsley to the mask
In the fight against redness, use rosehip infusion. Dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:20. Soak a cotton pad in it and apply it to your nose, after 2 minutes repeat the procedure again. And so 10 times. The more often you use this compress, the faster you will achieve the result you want.
You can use other infusions, for example, prepared from:
- Burdock
- red clover
- horse sorrel
In addition to folk remedies, use traditional medicine. Laser therapy, cryotherapy and other equally effective procedures will help you get rid of redness of the skin on the nose.
In any case, you should consult a dermatologist, undergo examination and treatment. Perhaps, by eliminating the cause, you will permanently get rid of the redness in the nose area.
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