Redness and itching of the glans penis

Redness and itching of the glans penis

Redness and itching of the glans penis is a symptom that men of all ages often encounter. This sign can indicate both minor problems associated, for example, with insufficient hygiene, and serious diseases of the genitourinary system.

The head of the penis is covered with skin – thin and delicate, not the same as on the rest of the body. There are multiple nerve endings in the head, which, even with minor damage and irritation of the skin, send a signal to the brain. This causes a man to experience severe discomfort in the genital area.

Causes of itching and redness of the glans penis

There are several groups of causes that can lead to hyperemia and itching of the glans penis:

  1. Sexual and non-sexual infections, inflammatory processes:

    • Balanoposthitis and balanitis. With balanitis, only the head of the penis becomes inflamed, and with balanoposthitis, both the head and the foreskin are affected. In addition to itching and redness, a man will experience acute pain. Perhaps inflammation and an increase in the size of the lymph nodes located in the inguinal region, the body temperature rises. If the inflammatory process is left unattended, then subsequently the places of redness will be covered with erosion, suppuration may begin. Long-term inflammation leads to necrosis of the scalp. The disease can be caused by improper hygiene, when smegma collects under the foreskin. It becomes a breeding ground for bacteria. In addition, the causes may lie in sexual infections, in the anatomical features of the structure of the genital organs of a man, as well as in general diseases of the body, including diabetes, allergies, beriberi, etc.

    • Gonorrhea and trichomoniasis. Infection with gonococci occurs during unprotected intercourse with an infected partner. When the disease enters an acute phase, a man begins to experience a feeling of discomfort, he is worried about burning and itching in the area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe head of the penis and along the urethra. Unpleasant sensations intensify during urination. When infected with Trichomonas, itching and burning will occur mainly when trying to empty the bladder. In addition, mucus may be secreted from the urethra. If even a slight discomfort is found in the genital area, it is necessary to contact a urologist, since often a man is a carrier of Trichomonas and does not know about it. The prolonged existence of the pathogen in the body can lead to a decrease in immunity, the development of infertility, chronic prostatitis, etc.

    • Chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, urogenital herpes. All of these diseases are also sexually transmitted. In addition to the sensation of itching, burning and hyperemia of the glans penis, a man may develop rashes on and near the genitals (mainly with a herpes infection), sometimes the body temperature rises, and symptoms of general malaise appear.

    • Urethritis. This disease is characterized by an inflammatory process in the urethra. Urethritis occurs either due to the activation of opportunistic microflora, or against the background of genital infections. During the acute stage of the disease, the head of the penis swells and itches, it becomes filled with blood. In addition, a man experiences pain with localization in the head of the penis, and rashes may appear in the inguinal zone.

    • candidiasis in men. Redness of the glans penis, its pronounced itching and burning may indicate candidiasis. At the same time, an unpleasant smell of sour bread or yeast emanates from the head, a whitish coating is found on its surface. Pain may occur during urination and during intercourse. Candidiasis can be caused by severe stress, diseases of the body (anemia, diabetes mellitus, prolonged use of antibiotics, overweight) or infection with a fungal colony.

  2. Damage of a different nature:

    • Mechanical irritation and trauma during intercourse. Too frequent intercourse can lead to redness, swelling and itching around the glans penis. Sometimes there are painful sensations that are aggravated by touch and when trying to empty the bladder. If these symptoms occur, then you should refrain from sexual activity for a short period of time. Excessive friction during intercourse against the background of insufficient lubrication in a woman also causes redness, itching and pain of the glans penis.

    • Frostbite or burn. A burn of the head can occur as a result of contact with chemicals, or due to exposure to high temperatures. Most often, such situations result in industrial injuries or accidents. The degree of hyperemia, burning, itching and pain will depend on the severity of the injury. Treatment should be qualified and carried out either in trauma centers or in surgical hospitals.

    • Congenital developmental anomalies. Phimosis of physiological origin affects almost all boys under the age of three. This condition is not regarded as pathological. However, against the background of the transferred balanoposthitis, it is possible to replace the normal foreskin with scar tissue. As a result, the foreskin loses its ability to stretch. It is not possible to perform intimate hygiene qualitatively, and the man begins to experience itching, irritation and hyperemia of the glans penis. An attempt to expose the head will be accompanied by pain of varying degrees of intensity.

    • Hygiene violations. If the conditions of intimate hygiene are not observed, an unpleasant odor emanates from the perineum and penis. At the same time, the man himself experiences itching in the corresponding area. If you do not regularly wash the external genital organs, then under the foreskin, preputial lubrication or smegma will begin to accumulate. Microorganisms multiply in it, which leads to symptoms such as inflammation, itching and redness of the head of the penis. Wearing too tight underwear can contribute to burning and itching due to excessive friction. Most often, uncomfortable underwear rubs the skin of the groin, but it can also touch the glans penis. This problem is especially relevant for men who have been circumcised.

    • Allergic reactions. Allergy, in which redness and itching of the glans penis occurs, most often occurs in response to the use of inappropriate intimate hygiene products. This can be new soap or shower gel, or laundry detergent used to wash underwear. Also, itching and hyperemia of the scalp can occur as a result of an allergic reaction to condoms or lubricants used during intercourse. Another possible allergen is the dyes that make up the fabrics of underwear. Medications can cause irritation and itching.

Treatment of itching and redness of the glans penis

Therapy for itching and redness of the glans penis depends on the cause that caused this symptom:

  • Balanitis and balanoposthitis require qualified treatment. An individual therapeutic course is selected by the doctor after performing the diagnosis. An important condition is the observance of hygiene measures. To wash the head, soap solutions are used, as well as antiseptics. Ointments such as terbinafine and levomekol help well. At advanced stages of the disease, an antibacterial course is prescribed, both local and general. You may need surgery. More about ointments for balanoposthitis ➤;

  • Gonorrhea, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, urogenital herpes, trichomoniasis are sexual infections and require specific treatment after determining the type of pathogen. Antibacterial drugs are used, in addition, it is necessary to correct the immune status of a man, symptomatic therapy aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease. Self-treatment is unacceptable, as there is a risk of the disease becoming chronic, the emergence of drug resistance, the development of complications;

  • Urethritis therapy is also carried out after identifying the type of pathogen. Bacterial urethritis requires antibiotics, viral urethritis is treated with antiviral agents. With urethritis of an allergic nature, antihistamines are prescribed. Nonspecific chronic urethritis must be treated with immunostimulating drugs, which are selected by the doctor;

  • To eliminate candidiasis, treatment of both partners will be required. It will also be necessary to follow a diet avoiding spicy, pickled and spicy foods. The use of immunostimulants is not excluded. You can speed up the healing process with the help of local therapy;

  • If you get an injury to the glans penis, you need to contact a doctor and perform treatment in accordance with the nature of the damage. If itching and burning occur after intercourse due to insufficient lubrication in a woman, then it is possible to use special gels to reduce friction during intimacy;

  • If itching occurs due to insufficient hygiene, then a more thorough and regular washing of the glans penis is necessary;

  • When irritation is caused by an allergic reaction, it is important to identify the allergen and rule it out. Do not use for intimate hygiene products containing dyes, fragrances and fragrances. It may be necessary to revise the diet, the exclusion of allergenic medicines. Underwear should be made from natural fabrics and should not be too tight or tight.

[Video] Redness of the glans penis. What to do?

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