Redis selesta: description

Redis selesta: description

This variety adapts well to various external conditions. The harvest can be obtained constantly and in large quantities. The culture does not require painstaking care and has no analogues.

Description of the radish “Selesta”

The fruits of the Dutch hybrid are large enough, painted in a bright scarlet color. They have a smooth surface and a smooth, rounded shape. The inside of the root vegetable is juicy and crunchy. Its pulp contains a small amount of essential oils, which impart a mild, pungent aftertaste. The consistency is dense and homogeneous. Radish does not lose its pleasant taste even after prolonged storage.

Root crops of Celeste radish of deep red color and round shape

You can grow Celeste radish both in the open field and in a greenhouse. In greenhouse conditions, you can get a bountiful harvest throughout the year. For early fruits, it is better to choose open ground. Radish adapts easily to environmental conditions and is resistant to most pathogenic bacteria that cause disease. The advantages of this variety are:

  • short growing season does not exceed 40 days;
  • does not require long-term illumination – a short daylight hours are enough;
  • suitable for long-term storage and transportation.

Radish is highly resistant and yields in almost all weather conditions. It is enough to protect it only from prolonged drought and abundant waterlogging.

Growing radish varieties “Celeste”

The soil for sowing should be chosen light and loose. Sandstone is best suited. In heavy soil with a high salt content, the culture does not grow well. Before planting, the soil must be dug up and loosened, and then mineral fertilizers must be added. It should be well aerated. You should not plant radishes in the beds where they previously grew:

  • swede;
  • turnip;
  • cabbage;
  • beet.

Before sowing, the seeds of the Celeste radish must be immersed in a pale pink manganese solution for 15 minutes. After that, they are dried and left in damp gauze for 1-2 days. The seeds are planted in furrows and buried by 3 cm. It is better to arrange them in a checkerboard pattern at a short distance from each other. If the soil is fertile enough, the plant will not need feeding. The first shoots will appear in a few days. You can get up to 4 kg of crop per square meter. Fruit diameter is 4-5 cm, weight – up to 30 g.

The Dutch hybrid can be planted throughout the year. He is unpretentious and does not need feeding. The crop ripens early and in large quantities.

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